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Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

PGH (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 21:06

Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has any advice they can offer regarding a problem I seem to have when playing back DVD+RW`s on non-recorders. I have a phillips DVDR80 and usually record onto +RW`s and then if I decide to keep what I have recorded the idea was to transfer then onto DVD+R`s. However I am findnig that neither of my ordinary DVD Players seems very happy about playing back the +RW`s so I am not having much luck getting things transferred at the moment. They play some of them but not others. And they are the exact same make of +RW so it seems very confusing to me.

Any ideas as to whay this could be?


PH :/

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

phelings (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 21:19

Apart from RAM,+RW is the least compatible format(forgetting VR mode-RW).Although it SHOULD play happily on most players,some that are a few years old,or some budget players,will have problems.Even more upmarket machines can have problems.Toshiba machines will play +RW,but seem to lose lip synch at edit points.After the first edit,lipsynch is out for the rest of the disc.

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 21:20

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

Paull (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 22:37

A perfect example of DVD R/W. It is not all it`s made out to be. RAM would always play on a player with new technology. ie DVD-RAM. Can`t help further as it depends on Discs & burning as to playback quality on R/Ws.

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

PGH (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 23:31

I thought RAM would only play back on a Panasonic machine?

Maybe I`ll just have to try some different discs, although as I have said some of them play back fine.

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

kpjuk (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2004, 19:54


I have a Philips DVDR80, and have recorded loads of stuff. I have no problems playing these back on a Panasonic or a Compacks (£40 job from Safeway) DVD Player. I don`t do anything special once I have recorded them, so I can`t really help other than to say I don`t seem to have the same problem.


RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

Spoonthumbs (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2004, 21:36

Same with my DVD Players (Pioneer 656) and my LODOS Combi unit, and Cyberhome Portable. Keeps the menu system as if it was the Phillips Recorder.

Best of Luck - Take one to a shop for a demo on their players - may get a bargain player to help you.

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

Jackie Stait (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th October 2004, 18:13


Have you checked the manual on your dvd players to see which type of dvd`s may be played. I had a Wharfedale 750 and they didn`t work on that but since then I have bought a Dual dvd player £49.99 from Asda and they will play +R and +RW. Also if you are transferring by computer make sure that it complies with the + format.

Hope this helps you.


This item was edited on Friday, 15th October 2004, 19:27

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th October 2004, 20:25

Same with my Mico 311 recorder, +RW runs on every CH player in the house, my dads CH ADL-528 & CH\MP Man portable.

Keeps the menu system as if it was the Mico Recorder.

Only thing havent tried it in is the LG HiFi\DVD player.

There are 10 types of people in the world - Those who understand binary and those who don`t.

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

phelings (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th October 2004, 21:04

I have found that +R/+RW will not play in that famous Wharfedale,and while most recent players should play both ,Panasonic`s HS2 recorder specifically mentions that it will not play +RW,although it will play +R,and +RW seems to play on Panasonic players.
Ignore Paull`s remark at the top of this thread.Its a typically pointless remark from someone who has to mention RAM everytime.And don`t you think that its a bit rich to mention RAM(THE most incompatible format)on a thread about disc compatibility.
There may be a slim chance that the Philips recorder is a bit dodgy and may have started recording slightly corrupted discs that a few players are picky with

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