Page 1 of Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

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Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

PGH (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th December 2003, 18:38

Hi all,

I am in the market for a new DVD recorder after my Philips DVDR70 screwed up again today. Only had it a few weeks but too many freeze-ups and now it has crapped up a disc too.

I have been looking at the Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder and was hoping someone could give me some feedback regarding it.



RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th December 2003, 21:04

The Sony is not as good a buy as the ads make out.Its not really dual format.It will not record on +R,only +RW,and some of the features of that format are missing.And it does not have RGB input,so if you have Sky you are stuck with composite,which is awful.If you have Sky+ you can get away with s-video which is almost as good.
I would go for the new Pioneer range.The -RW discs can now be made as compatible as +RW,and reused,and offer Timeslip,only on RAM up to now.They also use the most compatible format DVD-R.However,the Pioneer range also lack RGB input.If RGB is needed,you must go for Philips or Panasonic.If playing rewritable discs in other players is not a requirement,go for the Panny.If you can stretch to it,go for a model with HDD-they are superb

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

chuck norris (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th December 2003, 19:43

I`ve bought the sony and it`s great.I used to have a philips and the picture quality is fantastic on playing and also on plays all my old dvd+R still is dual format even though it does not play dvd+r which is more formats than any other machine .it also
does have RGB input.i bought mine for £366 multiregion with next day delivery from

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th December 2003, 22:30

I stand corrected.I was confusing the lack of RGB on the Pioneer and Toshiba recorders.But its lack of +R makes the addition of +RW less sweet,and the price you paid is about £150 dearer than Philips and Panasonic models.

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

chuck norris (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th December 2003, 10:10

I paid more for my philips recorder last year than the £366 for the sony recorder.the original poster wanted to know about the sony because he already had a philips recorder(like me)
so price difference does not matter.I was going to buy the panasonic until i found out it only plays datawrite dvd+r,and not other if he had a philips like me and wanted to get a new recorder that plays everything the sony is the best(only) choice.and you
really don`t need +r when you have -r,and having 3 recording formats is more then the panasonic,pioneer,philips etc, all in all sony are the way to go.

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th December 2003, 22:54

Your comment that the Panasonic only plays Datawrite discs is wrong.You are confusing the cost conscious eho buy as cheaply as possible then moan that they have disc problems.I use JVC,TDK,Verbatim,and have not had a single failure.I pay around £1.25 rather than the 50p some wish to pay.You get what you pay for.
Price does matter as the Sony`s current price is still way beyond Panasonic and Philips models.I was pointing out thats its worth asking if the extra cash is worth it for limited +RW use.Depending on whether the original poster wants rewritable discs for other players(+RW only advantage)it may not be worth it

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

chuck norris (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th December 2003, 13:21

phelings- I said the panasonic PLAYS datawrite dvdPLUSR.i was not talking about what dvdMINUSR
discs it records with.And also please read the original post HE HAS A PHILIPS RECORDER and asks about the sony GX3 which i have got so have an opinion on, and he asked what the sony was like. not the philips WHICH HE HAS GOT AND WANTS TO CHANGE or did not ask about the panasonic. because he has a philips he`ll have had a collection of dvdPLUSR +RW which would be best to play on the sony.

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th December 2003, 23:01

Apologies Chuck,I misread your post,although you are still wrong.I have dozens of DVD+R discs,not one of them datawrite and my old Panny player ,aswell as my HS2 plays them all.So you are wrong to say that the Panasonic only plays Datawrite +R discs,although the player was a bit fussy with +RW,the HS2 refuses all +RW

This item was edited on Friday, 19th December 2003, 23:02

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th December 2003, 00:30

Please guys :/

The original poster wanted an opinion on the Sony, not an argument on the merits of DVD Recordable.

I have the GX-7 which is fabulous - i tend not to worry about the different formats as i don`t lend anyone any discs as they all have theor own recorders anyway. I just concetrate on what`s good for me, surely that`s the point? ;)

The forums are getting far too heated in silly debate and small arguments lately, it`s christmas for gods sake, chill out!


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RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

snafu (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 20th December 2003, 01:37

Any chance this thread can be conducted in English?

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