Info and forum posts by 'Chunky Munki'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 10th November 2003, 17:06, Last used: Friday, 18th April 2008, 22:36

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 36 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Passed my Class 2!!!!!!!!

Passed mine about 5 years back and I know it`s certainly not the easiest test to pass.


Mark Speight

Mark Speight has been found dead.......

I think we all knew this was coming. RIP

RE: Telewest/Virgin Wireless Router questions...

Yeah you want to get yourself a bundle with the wireless dongle supplied.

Just to make you aware that if you do buy from PC World etc then Virgin Media Tech support will not help you if the connection does not work, your basically on your own.

RE: Blueyonder Internet failure.....!

Blueyonder fault was an ip address issue at the server end. Pretty much a nationwide problem.

RE: What`s your favourite Youtube clip at the moment?

This ones been doing the rounds for a few weeks on the mobiles.

RE: going to new york, las vegas, boston... in september `what must i see/do?`

Sounds like a real good holiday.

I can`t comment on Boston but theres loads of must see/do`s in these citys.

New York I did the usual tourist stuff Empire State Building, Statue Of Liberty, Central Park but I highly recommend the helicopter flights that go up and down the Hudson river, was fantastic. We didn`t book in advance just turned up and waited about an hour to get on.

Vegas was madness. If your brave, unlike myself, go up the Stratosphere Tower and go on the rides at the top. I realised I liked my life to much.

The Grand Canyon is a must. Don`t travel all that way and not go and see it.

RE: best places to stay in Las Vegas and New York

I stayed at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas, excellent hotel definitely recommend it.

In New York I stayed at the Wellington Hotel which is a 2 minute walk from Times Square. It was a resonable hotel, only 3 star I think but the location was excellent.

Back Street Boys

Not even going to comment on this, video says it all really. :)

RE: Route 66 on Nokia 6630

Any particular reason why you want Route 66 and not TomTom Mobile?

RE: Broadband Connection Issue...

Master socket > Extension lead > ADSL splitter > Modem

Simple answer is yes this would work. Same setup up as me and i`ve had no problems.

RE: Underground closed possible explosion!!!!

Apparently Al-Qaeda have claimed responsiblity for the attacks on the internet.

RE: World of Warcraft is just simply wow

It`s a very nice game but I still think Everquest 2 has the edge.

Rainbow (but not how I remember it)

Have a peek at this

Scary. How the hell did they get away with that.

RE: Ever met anyone famous?

John Barnes and his big mac meal in a McDonalds ( When he was still a footballing god tsk tsk )
Liv Tyler in NYC
Samuel L Jackson - Manchester Airport

RE: your PLANS for next summer

Flydrive around California in September for me :)

Starts in LA ends in San Francisco. Costing me a packet tho.

RE: John Peel Dead

A legend.


RE: Classic 80`s cartoons

My fave from the 80`s has to be Hong Kong Phooey.

Still makes me giggle seeing the cat doing the real work.

Erm, not that I watch them still.

This item was edited on Saturday, 14th August 2004, 19:37

RE: Is GOODFELLAS the Greatest Mob Movie of all Time??? Discuss.............

I have to agree with NoveltyCondomHead on this one.

Goodfellas is one of the greatest movies ever made, as for Casino, its not a patch on fellas.

San Francisco to L.A. Flydrive

Going to book one at the weekend, anyone done one of these?

Any advice on what to see, where to go, car to hire etc would be handy.

RE: What is your all time favourite song/tune?

Pure - Lightning Seeds.

I will never bore of this bit of class

RE: Stopping telesales calls

Yeah thats the site.

Thanks for the quick response :)

Stopping telesales calls

I saw a thread on these pages a few months ago with the name of a website that you register your telephone number to then heypresto all the unwanted crap telesales calls stop.

I can`t find the thread, anyone know the website?

Elisha Cuthbert

If you thought she looked good in 24 wait till you see The Girl Next Door.

Not the best film ever but oh my god....

Stunning, simply stunning :)

Ok am done.

RE: Mark & Lard - leaving Radio 1

There`s only one radio show worth listening to.

Night time is the right time. Slap my top

For those in the know ;)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 18:23

RE: Opinions on these things from Argos?

I have the Digisender x2 from Argos.

No problems with it. Clear picture, easy to setup. Can turn the tv or sky channel with the magic eye.

It`s not the cheapest but it does the job and I`am happy with it.

RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

1. Sonia Jackson ( Eastenders )
2. Double flushers
3. White socks pulled over tracksuit pants ( scallys )
4. Liberty X`s song - Jumpin
5. Sara Cox
6. Most Haunted
7. Ignorant trolly drivers in Asda
8. Telesales
9. Road tax
10. Following through

Am done.