Page 1 of World of Warcraft is just simply wow

Gaming and Consoles Forum

World of Warcraft is just simply wow

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 14th February 2005, 18:32

Most amazing gaming experience i`ve had in years. It has the graphics, the depth, the gameplay... I the only one sucked into this MMORPG? :)


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: World of Warcraft is just simply wow

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 14th February 2005, 20:20

Looks good, but all my spare time is taken up with SW:KOTOR 2.

Now THATS a star wars game.

I Dont know Karate...but I know Ker-azy!
What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: World of Warcraft is just simply wow

Chunky Munki (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 15:04

It`s a very nice game but I still think Everquest 2 has the edge.

RE: World of Warcraft is just simply wow

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 20:59

well my little brother was up until 7.30am saturday morning playing it.....

"I`ve not seen someone taking a beating like that, since someone put a banana down my pants and set a monkey loose.."

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