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Stopping telesales calls

Chunky Munki (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:07

I saw a thread on these pages a few months ago with the name of a website that you register your telephone number to then heypresto all the unwanted crap telesales calls stop.

I can`t find the thread, anyone know the website?

RE: Stopping telesales calls

gilesme (Competent) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:24


we did it - worked really well.

after a few days, virtually no calls.

any you do get, ask them when they last updated their database - usually gets rid of them.

RE: Stopping telesales calls

Chunky Munki (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 20:26

Yeah thats the site.

Thanks for the quick response :)

RE: Stopping telesales calls

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 22:43

Register now, without delay. You wont believe the relief.
I used to get them every night, sometimes three in an hour. The first just got "Go away" the last got an invite to travel and reproduce.
Now, none at all.
The only ones it wont stop are your banks and credit card companies with their can we just make some more money from you calls.


Inside every old man is a young man wondering what the hell happened.

RE: Stopping telesales calls

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th March 2004, 00:32

While your there register your details on the MPS section too as it will stop any junk mail you get , well nearly all I recently had a letter addressed to me trying to sell me crap I didn`t want so I reported them to MPS who contacted the company and must have gave them a good going over as I had a really grovelling apology about how my details slipped through their system and promising it would not happen again. :D
Love makes the world go round
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RE: Stopping telesales calls

Saqib (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th March 2004, 16:05

i saw a good way to do this in seifeld. somebody called him up and jerry was like `listen can i take your home number i`ll call ya back` and the guy on the other end said no then jerry is like `why not?` and the caller says something and jerry says `cos you dont want people calling you at home? well now you know how i feel` and slams the phone down.

it was funny at the time :\ i guess you had to be there eh?

RE: Stopping telesales calls

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th March 2004, 16:37

The first words out of my mouth for any caller (on the phone or to my house (even more annoying!)) are:

"Sorry, im renting at the moment"

"Sorry, i already donate"

Gets rid of them faster than a can of Raid...........


RE: Stopping telesales calls

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th March 2004, 23:35

Somebody started a system a few years back in th States similar to the Telephone preference with a lovely twist.
When registered you would still receive all the junk calls but your registration entitled you to bill them something like 50 dollars a minute for answering their questions.
Never heard what happened to it though.


Inside every old man is a young man wondering what the hell happened.

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