Info and forum posts by 'tmg'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 11:40, Last used: Wednesday, 25th June 2003, 11:40

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 70 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: scart in tv combo not working

splintercell, thank you for your reply, that I will do, a re juggle of the houses TV has proved benificial to my son. He now thinks he`s UPGRADED from a combi TV/VID to seperates!! Many thanks again for the advice, always think it helps sounding like you know what your talking about being a woman, or your ripped off. Sorry if Iv`e offeneded anyone ;)

scart in tv combo not working

my son has a bush TV/Video combo that is a year old, since christmas he`s been using a PS2 and Digi box, changing scart connections depending on what he`s using, as there is only 1 scart connection. Since yesterday both digi and PS2 cant be "seen" on the AV, the screen is very dark with any colour if visible is as though its turned up too much, audio is fine. Suppose the question is if its not settings based could the scart connector be replaced or is it time to reinvest!! Thanks for your time.

RE: Home!!!!!!!!!

youre home page has been hijacked. You need to download THE LASTEST copy of HiJack This (V1.97.6)
have a great forum with a dedicated forum for this purpose.

Because of the nature of beast (spyware, adware, and such), the threats are changing daily, sometimes even hourly. In order to accurately assess your problem, it is necessary for you to run the latest version of HijackThis.

For first time users, it would be best to download HijackThis and read the guide posted at this link.

For all other users of HijackThis, you can find the latest version of HijackThis at this link.

Download then unzip the file and double click on the "HijackThis" icon.
When finished loading click on the "Scan button".
Next click on the "Save Log" button.
Save the log somewhere you will remember and open the log file with notepad.
Then copy the contents and paste them in a reply to be checked.
Please do not fix anything yet as most of what it shows is either necessary or harmless.
Someone here on the board will check it for you.

RE: Ghosts

checked uot the evp site and it scared me sensless!!!!!!no more ghost hunting for me!!

RE: Christmas Shopping, Hardest thing in the world! What do you buy the Mrs?

2 weeks some where hot, childless, cookerless and christmasless!!!!!!!!

Mrs Christmas.

This item was edited on Thursday, 6th November 2003, 10:50

RE: Soham Murder Trial

my heart bleeds for the poor parents after over a year they have to go through those devestating and horrific momories again for a court and jury, and ever hungry press and PUPLIC (lets not forget someone is buying the papers!). But at the end of this I hope that there is a conviction for murder and the family can start to rebuild their lives.

RE: Outlook Express

can you move them and then delete them then? Have you also got the latest service packs and related patches?
What about security? anti virus, anti spyware, firewall etc? If not I suggest you download spybot search and destroy to check and eliminate nasties from your system. Plus a anti virus, anti trojan and a firewall. AVG anti virus is free as is Zone Alarm free for a brill firewall. Let us know.

RE: video recorder playback question

well took it apart and it seemed that my 2year old had put a feather inside to help!!! All well and picture perfect again.

RE: Please don`t mock me...

or you could give it to a charity who would love to take it.....

video recorder playback question

question, what could be wrong with my video recorder. On most videos(new or old) the picture has a band of interferance in the bottom third of the screen. Cleaned it yesterday with no effect, and adjusting tracking has no is it on its way out? or can it be fixed? Its a Sanyo and about 5 years old which I suppose is good.
many thanks.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st October 2003, 14:27

RE: about:blank

you could go to and download the zip file called HijackThis. If you unzip and run then save the results....DO NOT FIX the results in their forum and the experts there will go through you reg and running procesess and let you know if there is a prob and what to fix! good luck let us know how you get on.

RE: Japanese language display

You could enable install on demand from the IE tools/internet options and check intall on demand.
This has always prompted me to install the required components.

HOWEVER......not sure how this would compromise your systems security if at all, but this is where you would get the components. Good luck let us know how you get on.

This item was edited on Friday, 12th September 2003, 12:54

RE: Adware/Spyware - how can I check if any running on my pc?
this site has not only the download for SpyBot but the offical forum too, they are nice peeps who have sorted out EVERY comp prob I`ve had, good luck and let us know how you get on. Also you could also download another prog the have listed called
If you choose to download and run..DO NOT FIX ANYTHING...but save and post the results and the experts will get back to you quickly.


This item was edited on Friday, 12th September 2003, 12:47

RE: Adware/Spyware - how can I check if any running on my pc?
this site has not only the download for SpyBot but the offical forum too, they are nice peeps who have sorted out EVERY comp prob I`ve had, good luck and let us know how you get on.

RE: Spybot Problem have the offical support forum have you tried posting there?
scroll down and you will find the listing for spybot, good luck and to mention the peeps there are really nice.

This item was edited on Friday, 12th September 2003, 12:40

RE: Help Please

hi kebabhead,
although this is NOT a hijacking problem you seem(I think) to have remenants of the deleted progs. Try going to and download a program they have there called
Download the zip file, unzip and run...DO NOT FIX ANYTHING.....
save the file and then post it on the forum site and the experts will have a look at your reg. and running applications and advise you what to fix.
This program is vital if you use the net, and problems such as yours can be identified and fixed.

try this link and the prog is listed on the left hand side, also the forum can be found from this page.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.

This item was edited on Friday, 12th September 2003, 12:29

RE: Browser Hijack attempt?

great link, what do you think of the site? I found it to be brilliantly diverse and friendly...what do you think? As for HiJack This , Zone Alarm and Spybot Search and Destroy.....DONT BE WITHOUT IT

Display probs after safe boot

booted today after normal shutdown to be booted into safe mode. Did a scandisk and the 2 things it fixed were incorrect times in my hotmail account. Fine I thought, but booting normally display is frazzled. Was in 16 colours and size 640 by 480 and set as display large fonts. Changed clouors back to 256 with no probs but cant change screen size( dont really need to) but cant uncheck the box use large fonts. When I do it reverts back.....any ideas this happens too often!!!Thanks in advance

RE: Port 1025 Open

Know you dont wanna change but I`m using Zone Alarm (free edition ) and my comps invisible, so says shields up!!

RE: cookies

you could try clearing out you temp file and clearing your cookie cache, you will have to log on agin but that often helps

family free day out in London

my fave place at the mo. is in Kensington Gardens and is the Princess of Wales Memorial Play entry ONLY to adults with kids (no lone adults or lone kids) staffed enclosed 2 acre site with.... a 3 teir fully rigged pirate ship, safe water play,cafe, sand(well more like a beach), teepees, tree houses, slides, swings, musical and movement garden, well the play is endless. Also it is suitable for able ans non able bodies from aged 0 to 14. I recommend this as a must if your going to london with kids. We travel from Oxford and arrive in NottingHill, then the park is a five minute walk along the road!!! Anyone else been?What did you think?

RE: Power blackouts in NY & Canada

After 9/11 I cant imagine what went through peoples minds after the blackout, what a scary world we live okay it turns out that lightning was the cause, but just to have a blackout on that scale must be scary but add to that the possability of another terrorist attack...poeple must have been scared....hope to god people feel more at ease now....but there again after the twin towers do any of us really feel safe?


with respect I told the person with the problem NOT to fix ANYTHING but to post the results at the forum discussed and then the experts would advice them on what to fix.

if you go to and look for the program they have there called HijackThis. download (its a zip file) unzip and run. DO NOT FIX ANYTHING YET. save the results and then post it on their forum the experts there will go through the results and tell you what to get rid of. This will get rid of any hijackers not just AOL you are having problems with. Hope this helps I used this at the start of my security learning curve and it got rid of all the nasties that were lingering. Good luck let us know how you get on

I was mearly giving advice on a problem I know the expets could fix without the user having to. If your still unsure i suggest you visit and see what a fantasic job the peeps do there. Many Thanks

This item was edited on Friday, 15th August 2003, 08:56


Welcome back, did you have a good holiday? did you sort your problems...let us know if you need any more help

RE: windows 95 help

cheers bur scanreg/restore wont work in Win95 and after 7days solid research and fixing the prob is more than corrupt icons there is also a memory failure on boot.....thanks for help but gonna leave it now for the owners to sort......should start charging for all these people who have comps with NO idea how to perform even the simplist tasks, let alone anything else!!!!!OPPS THATS ANOTHER THREAD. Thanks anyhow

RE: windows 95 help

found what i need to do, find and delete the shelliconcache in dos. but I not sure how?any ideas?

RE: iconboard error message when trying to access a forum

funnily enough it is...all the ikonboards(that i visit) seem to be affected but least i know it wasnt me!!!

try this link and scroll down to spyware/adware

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 13:45

RE: Aaaaaaaarghhhhh! What a *@%$ing frustrating game!

haha..I second that!!Got me off zelda for a while anyway

RE: What a spankingly hot day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lets not forget the topless guys out there!!!!!!