Page 1 of Ghosts

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ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 10:14

Anyone had any spectral encounters?

One of my old girlfriends reckoned her mum`s house had a poltergeist who regularly filled her boots up with dog biscuits, but that`s about it for me.

RE: Ghosts

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 10:22

Seen loads... in films. :)


RE: Ghosts

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 14:37

Tryed EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) a few times, but stopped it pretty sharpish. Scared me s***less.

Whether there`s a reasonably explanation for it I dont know?


The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

RE: Ghosts

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 14:41

Seen loads, so has the wife. There`s one at the care home she works at, switches on lights and tried to get into bed with the staff. Kinky spooks eh?

RE: Ghosts

Oor Wullie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 15:04

I once spent the night in a cemetery and never saw a thing. I was there on my own from 10pm till 8 am. Never felt safer in all my life.


RE: Ghosts

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 16:11

That`s the thing with cemetaries, the people they cremated there invariably died somewhere else

RE: Ghosts

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 8th November 2003, 18:42

Dog biscuits? That sounds more like the work of a neurotic pooch than a supernatural occurrence. Unless of course they didn`t have a dog... 8)

J Mark Oates

That`s the last time I eat curried eggs for breakfast

RE: Ghosts

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 9th November 2003, 00:30

Dusty, what on earth is Electronic Voice Phenomena? :)

I`m intrigued.


RE: Ghosts

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 9th November 2003, 01:45

Get a cassette go to an haunted site talk to the ghost and record it, then using certain software on your computer you can hear the voices of the dead which will be on the tape, you can just record on a blank tape in you own house just leave the machine recording in a room and go out and come back and if your lucky you will hear voices on your tape,the tapes must be new and unused.

Personaly I think the electronics picks up radio signals and puts them on the tape,the words "Harry there is a fair waiting for you at 44 the high street!! so get your arse down there" convince me of this. :) :)

Look here for more info and some recordings.


This item was edited on Sunday, 9th November 2003, 02:00

RE: Ghosts

tmg (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th November 2003, 15:40

checked uot the evp site and it scared me sensless!!!!!!no more ghost hunting for me!!

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