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windows 95 help

tmg (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 09:32

help....some friends of mine brought a comp from a car boot sale(hahaha!!!someone saw them coming!!) which worked just fine till the little ones started playing around with it. And now after the initial boot you get a screen similar to the safe mode screen but it askes if you want to start in normal or games mode. When you select either one windows starts but only as far as the desktop. All the icons are corrupt (apart from the inbox and recycle bin). The task bar cant load and only the animated click here to begin is there. When you click start the desktop start file tries to load but you recieve an error message somthing like...(sorry cant recall but it cant find it). As any other program or icon you select. I did try to find and delete the shelliconcache, but as I cant open explorer to allow the option of show hidden files I cant find it in the windows folder. Cant use find file the only way I could look at the hd was in the start/run/browse. Not much help really. Well dont know if you can help I dont know what else to do. Also do you know where i could find the installation disks for 95? Maybe they will learn a few lessons here like DONT buy second hand comps from booties!!!

RE: windows 95 help

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 13:12

let me know if you need a win95 disc.

RE: windows 95 help

tmg (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 13:19

found what i need to do, find and delete the shelliconcache in dos. but I not sure how?any ideas?

RE: windows 95 help

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 15:55


Tap F8 on boot until you get the boot menu, choose "Command Prompt Only" then type:


press Return then pick off the menu the last time it booted properly.

Once in Windows scandisk and defrag etc.

RE: windows 95 help

tmg (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 06:42

cheers bur scanreg/restore wont work in Win95 and after 7days solid research and fixing the prob is more than corrupt icons there is also a memory failure on boot.....thanks for help but gonna leave it now for the owners to sort......should start charging for all these people who have comps with NO idea how to perform even the simplist tasks, let alone anything else!!!!!OPPS THATS ANOTHER THREAD. Thanks anyhow

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