Info and forum posts by 'el_duderino'

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Joined on: Friday, 10th January 2003, 12:41, Last used: Friday, 10th January 2003, 12:41

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This user has posted a total of 85 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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Yeah, I though it was excellent.

However most people I know didn`t like it.

One thing you all must agree is that Haley Joel Osment is a bloody good actor. I think his performance in AI is just as good, if not better than The Sixth Sense.

This item was edited on Friday, 31st December 2004, 16:03

RE: MISPRICE - Futurama Season 1-4 £14.99

I`ve just ordered mine....... gotta be worth a try.

Cheers for pointing this one out.

DVD Player that plays avi and mpeg video files????? - HELP NEEDED

I`m looking to purchase a new dvd player that`s multiregion and also allows me to play avi and mpeg video files that I burn onto dvd.

Can anyone please suggest a good player that will meet the above requirements??

Not too expensive though!!!!

Thanks in advance

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Definitely The Thing!!!

How can a man who made some of the best movies of the 80`s become so sh*t!!!

His last few movies are embarassing.

RE: Amelie

It`s one of my all time favourites (and also in the top 30 of all time on

That obviously doesn`t mean everyone will like it as we all have our different tastes.

I think it`s one of the best movies ever.....

Wimbledon - AVOID!!!!

Just been to see this tonight....... one of the worst movies I`ve seen for ages (or since Van Helsing!!!)

Some of the dialogue actually made me cringe!!! and Paul Bettany is so blatantly mis-cast that it`s embarassing.

Also all of the games use CG tennis balls which makes some of the shots look ridiculous.

All in all....... sh*te.

RE: anyone seen hero at the cinema?

Seen it today and it`s awesome!!!!

So much more than a martial arts movie...... and better than crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

It`s probably one of the most beautiful movies you`ll ever see...... cinematography is outstanding.

RE: Anchorman

I actually thought it was just as funny as dodgeball, if not funnnier.

Good to have 2 good comedies out within such a short period of time.

"The germans called it San Diego... which translates as Whales Vagina"

A Tale of Two Sisters - Superb!!!!

Just seen this tonight and I highly recommend it to everyone.... especially fans of Ringu, Dark water etc.

I actually thought it was better than Ringu and it had me sh*ttng it on a few occasions and I`m very demanding when it comes to horror movies.

Get out there and see it people!!!!

RE: overrated films

Would have to be Kill Bill Vol 2.... thought it was one of the worst films I`ve ever seen.

RE: AvP - to be a 12 certificate!!!

Street Fighter makes it look like The Godfather!

:D :D :D :D :D

Can`t argue with you there izombie.

I hope it`s good mate.... i really do. It`s just that these movies tend to always be a let down.

I just wish James Cameron had directed it.


The anchor bay millenium version (Region 1) is uncut and has an audio com and special features. 2 discs I think......

RE: AvP - to be a 12 certificate!!!

I have to agree that this movie will be sh*te based on the fact that Paul Anderson isn`t fit to direct ASDA commercials and that making it a 12 will mean removing a lot of what the Predator / Aliens films are all about.

Imagine Aliens if it was edited to be a 12.... I think you`ll all agree that it would not be regarded as one of the greatest sci-fi horrors of all time.

I respect that a lot of people are defending the movie and saying wait till it comes out before criticising it... but (and I hope I`m wrong) I think it`s quite obvious that it will be up there with Anderson`s other classics such as Mortal Kombat!!!

By the way did someone actually say in this thread that Mortal Kombat was OK?!?!?!?!?! :o :o :o :o

RE: Just seen Spider-Man 2...

Been to see this movie twice over the weekend and I think it`s superb.

I liked the first movie but agree that the CGI was very bad at times. However, It was nearly flawless in this one. Doc Oc was brilliant and superb casting of Molina.

The thing what is so great about this movie is that you genuinally care about the characters because they have some depth (unlike Van Helsing).

Sam Raimi is doing a fine job with the franchise..... roll on Spidey 3.

And how good was Bruce Campbell`s cameo?!?!?! Why isn`t he in more movies????


When I saw this it was summed up at the end of the movie when I was just about to leave my seat I heard two 13(ish) year old girls behind me saying it was the best film they`ve ever seen.

I`m 25 and thought it was one of the worst films I`d seen in the last couple of years.

I can only therefore assume that all the posts that are praising the film are from 13 year old girls.

Just because films are full of action doesn`t mean the script has to be terrible and the action repetitive and ultimately boring!!

RE: Superbowl, J.T. & Janet Jackson

I`d loved to be labelled a `slimy little worm` if I got to sh*g Cameron Diaz on a regular basis.

Oh and Britney Spears............

And probably about another few hundered gorgeous women.........

What a boring life he`s got... and he`s only 22 (I think)

RE: Once Upon A Time In Mexico Region 1 DVD


This is one of the worst fims I`ve ever seen. I usually see about 10 films a month at the cinema and in the last few years it`s the only film i`ve seriously considered walking out of.

I understand that a lot of people love his films but I find the dialogue, cinamatogrophy and editing very poor and just don`t think he`s anywhere near as talented a writer/director as PT Anderson, Wes Anderson or Alexander Payne.

Also all of the special effects in his movies are really bad (see Spy Kids), as well as his inability to direct good action. I would put James Cameron, Michael Bay and John Woo all ahead of him as far as action goes.

This is just my opinion and I`m not having a go at anyone who likes his movies but I just had to air my views.

Sounds like the DVD extras are good though!!!!

RE: `Comfort Movies`

My `watch at anytime` comfort movies would be..

The Shawshank Redemption
Jerry Maguire
Almost Famous
Good Will Hunting
Boogie Nights
The Man Who Wasn`t There

RE: Big Fish

Totally agree Chewie..

Ed Wood is a superb film. Definitely his best to date.

The problem I have with Big Fish is that Ewan McGregor`s in it and....... well....... he`s crap. Trainspotting was brilliant.. but apart from that I haven`t liked a any other film he`s been in.

RE: `The Last Samurai` and `Lost in Translation`...

Sort of agree with dicanio on this one.....

I thought Lost in Translation was good but not deserving of the 5 star reviews it`s been getting. Bill Murray was excellent but I thought the scene where he slept with the singer totally spoilt his character... I liked him up until that point. I never really believed the attraction between the main characters and instantly forgot about the film after I left the cinema.

It may improve with repeat viewings but first impressions were that it was ok, but to be in a list of the top 250 films of all time is not justified.... IMO

RE: Viewtiful Joe - HOW HARD?!?!?!?!

i didn`t realise there was a difficulty setting!!!

I just clicked on adults at the beginning.

Does that mean I`m playing the hardest version???

Viewtiful Joe - HOW HARD?!?!?!?!

Has anyone else been playing this game.

Can someone please confirm that this game is very, very, very difficult!!!

I completed Prince of Persia on PS2 in a day and then traded it to get this for my cube and after playing it for about 10 hours I`m only on to mission 3 or 4(can`t remember which)....... the one where you control the rocket type thing.

Has anyone completed it???

RE: Darts - what a load of pap.......

I think it`s brilliant!!!

Watched it all on sky and now the embassy on BBC.

Men at the peak of their physical fitness!!!!!


Having a UGC Cinema nearby means that it costs me £9.99 per month..

I go about 3 times a week.

Generally see every new film that comes out.


Went to see this last night and it is totally brilliant.

Up there with Return of the King as the best film I`ve seen at the cinema in quite some time.

Definite 5 out of 5 and I request that everyone interested in quality film making go and see it a.s.a.p.

RE: I got a Gamecube!!

I`ve just bought Viewtiful Joe for my Cube and it`s AWESOME!!!

However it`s very very diffficult!!!


Absolutely superb!!!!

Best of the 3 and deserving of multiple Oscars.

Anyone who doesn`t like this should be banned from watching movies ever again!!!

Maybe a bit excessive.. but it`s the only way we`ll route out the people who know nothing about quality film-making.

RE: Alien Quadrilogy R2 at HMV for for £44.99

Can someone please post the code to get the discount at HMV.

I can`t get onto thedvdforums site

If it was in a magazine then it must be ok to post it on here.
