Info and forum posts by 'kozza'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 23:12, Last used: Monday, 21st May 2007, 13:39

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 264 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.03 messages a day, or 0.24 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: home cinema virgin.

thanks mate....i did do that but the guy seemed a bit clueless.
and after all, the real experts are on here :)

home cinema virgin.

this is going to sound really dumb but i just got my first home cinema system and just wanted to check i have all i need to set it up. i went to richer sounds and got a scart (tv to dvd), optical interconnect (dvd to av receiver), standard interconnect (for active subwoofer?) and obviously speaker cable. the system is detailed below. thanks for your help.
kozza. :)
speaker system:
av receiver:
dvd player:
tv is the toshiba 32wl66:

RE: For Sale: Lots of dvds for sale...clearout, all £4.50!!!

Sent you a message yesterday...would appreciate a response when you have time.

RE: For Sale: Lots of dvds for sale...clearout, all £4.50!!!

ok mate, guess i could stretch to 22. just a stupid attempt at humour with pan and scam :/ ..i meant pan and scan (4:3) , as some rental copies have been released this way rather than the retail widescreen version. as long as they are all the correct aspect ratio and have the same audio specifications i am happy to trade. in terms of the differences, I was referring to the extras. do they all have the same extras as the retail versions available? if you can clarify the above, i`ll drop you an email with my address details and discuss payment methods.

RE: For Sale: Lots of dvds for sale...clearout, all £4.50!!!

hello, i`ve had another look at your well as american pie 3 and master and commander, i`d like to take off your hands autofocus, cabin fever, buffalo soldiers and the 25th hour. how about £20 for all 6?
couple of master and commander the 1 disc version? how do the rental versions differ from the retail versions? as long as none of them are in pan and scam, there shouldn`t be a problem.

RE: For Sale: Lots of dvds for sale...clearout, all £4.50!!!

i`ll offer £10 for these three...american pie the wedding, master and commander, shaun of the dead.

RE: starman 2 script

i for one would love to see that film getting made one day..lets keep our fingers crossed.. :)

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

yeah, great to feel the love in this room ;)
a tv series? never heard about that...was it cancelled pretty rapidly?

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

it is nice to know i am not the only one with a soft spot with films like this.
as for all releases being equal...well as in life, nothing is fair. and why buy one copy when you can have 3... ;)

starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

just finished watching this film and felt compelled to write a wee bit...maybe the beer talking but so what. naturally, the cheese factor and that synth music all added to the atmosphere but i felt this film getting to me in a way i hadn`t felt since e.t. mr carpenter comes in for a lot of stick from the early 80s onwards in terms of his output but i feel this is a hidden and much-maligned gem. i think we all wish we could capture that childlike innocence and look at things without the cynicism that adulthood brings...a feeling made all the more powerful that we are viewing this experience apparently through an adult being. i especially like that line about humans being best when things are worst....i think every one of us would like to believe that, however improbable it may be. i think anyone who like spielberg and hasn`t seen it should give it a whirl...many similar themes such as innocence lost, improbable events touching the lifes and hearts of people who would otherwise never meet. i reckon this must have been a bit of a dating movie of the 80s...and everyonw would have left the theatre with a spring in their l.a. gears. great music, great film....and brought the odd tear to the eye. what do you guys think.....

RE: So Mutu`s banned for 7 months. How`s that work then??

love the sig dude..where do you pick that up?
and the`re right.
maybe the f.a. have a thing for charlie snorting, blood drinking, hooker loving romanians...

RE: Bubba Ho-Tep

Well whoot, your powers of persuasion are hard to resist.
DVD ordered..along with runaway bride ;)

Bubba Ho-Tep

Is this film worth a blind purchase.
I only ask as it is a little over £7 at DVD Soon.
Cheers guys,

RE: It`s 9 years to the day since......

You`ve got a lot of character..well done on all your achievments.
I know I take a lot of things for granted but should appreciate that I`m fortunate to be fully healthy. Your success is all the more remarkable for the obstacles you`ve overcome.

RE: Fav John Carpenter film

Got to say, starman presses all the right emotional buttons.
A vastly underrated film.

RE: Have I imagined this boxset?

Thanks Chris,
But that is the one I already have...I thought there was maybe a second box set of war films released by studio canal .

Have I imagined this boxset?

I am sure I saw a follow up to the british war collection boxset released by studio canal/warners in some high street store. It had that same black and red design and I think it had 4 films in it. Maybe it is an HMV exclusive or something?
Any help would be appreciated...

RE: Can anyone remember this film?

cheers guys, it certainly is that coburn film.
l also caught this flick in the early hours a good few years ago.
you`re right, great films often get pushed back to crazy times. i remember watching state of grace one night...started at about 2.30am. always feels great when you watch a top film by chance that you`ve never heard of.

RE: Can anyone remember this film?

thanks for the suggestion but i don`t think that`s it as it wasn`t a western.

Can anyone remember this film?

It was made in the early 70s i think. It was a drama about how to pick someone`s pocket. The old timer (lee marvin?) takes two young kids under his wing and teaches them this skill and they make good money. Eventually, i think the lee marvin character gets doublecrossed and shot at the end.
Any takers? And is it available on DVD?

RE: Desert Island DVD`s ...

thats a tough one, but here goes...
1) 24 season 1-3
2) Lost Boys SE
3) American Psycho
4) Swingers CE
5) The Blue Planet
6) Rocky Boxset
7) Gremlins
8) Twin Peaks Season 1
9) Top Gun
10) Godfather Boxset

This item was edited on Tuesday, 10th August 2004, 19:24

RE: What was the first DVD you bought?

trainspotting and lock, stock....both from fopp for a tenner each. quite a bargain back in the dvd dark ages of 2000. needless to say i`ve bought a couple of dvds since ;)

RE: cloudy and poor technicolour pressings

Wanted to give this thread a bump to say that some of the clouding/stickiness on my discs has completely gone. This was on my `The Good, The Bad & The Ugly` disc and a couple of others. I haven`t washed them or done anything...they now look completely mint. Maybe its time to check a few of your affected discs.

RE: So Where In Scotland Are You

From the west end of glasgow. My folks have now moved to Cupar in Fife...nice wee town. For my sins, I now live down south in Leeds.

RE: HELP NEEDED - some bad news

that is a very moving poem...i have just read it several times.
i think it achieves just the right balance between positivity and reverance.
rik, as the others guys say, best wishes for the funeral.
i am sure your dad would be proud of how brave and strong you`re being at this time.

RE: HELP NEEDED - some bad news

very sorry to hear the news.
but from what you`ve said, it seems your dad has achieved more in his sadly-curtailed life than others who live to old age. furthermore, he has indirectly made a hugely positive contribution to all our lives in his work. the award stands as testament to his accomplishments. i`m sure you`re immensley proud of him. it is never easy at funerals but i am positive you will draw strength from the example your dad gave you in life. all the best...and i`m sure everyone here will be raising a glass to bill...

RE: WHS Clearance Bargains...

thnaks to op for the heads up.
if anyone`s in leeds...several copies of basic instinct for 99p, 1 blue planet left at £10, several other attenboroughs at £10.
good luck!

edit: just checked on another forum and apparently they have copies of the david attenborough collection (7discs) for a tenner in leicester. if that`s true, got to be the bargain of the century.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th April 2004, 11:50

RE: Porn flick titles

star prick, the next ejaculation
a dick runs through it
a streetgirl named desire
a mid-summer night`s cream
how the west was hung
saturday night beaver
can`t remember anymore...

police academy boxset bargain..

just over £17 here....
Edit...sorry, about that, i thought it was in canadian dollars not us dollars. might as well go for dvd soon, which is cheaper after all.

This item was edited on Thursday, 22nd April 2004, 16:58

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

i was talking about criterions..even then, the prices are a bit nuts.