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Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

kozza (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th April 2004, 20:19

had to share this with you guys.
went into a store in leeds the other day round the side of sold R1s which i guess is illegal over here anyway. well, the prices...£44.99 for cc spartacus 2 discer, £29.99 for walkabout cc, £44.99 police academy boxset. i must say, i had a cheeky chuckle about the mugs who would pay these prices..and the guy behind the counter kept a straight face when i asked him if i could pay for them in installments...
am i right in thinking spartacus was available for £15.99 at cdwow!..god you could almost have 3 of them for his one....

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

aga2k1 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th April 2004, 20:26

Heh, I thought you were talking about Criterions. I have a local bloke that does R1s I suppose the prices aren`t that bad but compared to the internet they`re disgusting. God help the idiot saps that pay these prices, more money than sence.

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

kozza (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th April 2004, 20:48

i was talking about criterions..even then, the prices are a bit nuts.

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

aga2k1 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th April 2004, 21:06

Yeh sorry, just I meant when I saw the title you were gonna have a rant about Criterions in general (and rightly so, I want bloody Life of Brian and Brazil you gits, but you price them out of my hands >:( ) rather than scummy gits ripping off local idiots.

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th April 2004, 22:47

and rightly so, I want bloody Life of Brian

The bog standard normal edition is in Asdas for £5.97 if your interested


All skill is in vain when an angel p*sses in the flintlock of your musket.

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th April 2004, 00:04

The Criterion version (but Universal here) is due out on R2 for £14.99 soon. Here.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th April 2004, 01:06

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

peter parker (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th April 2004, 21:53

theres a market stall by me that sells r1 for £20.00 each and does you a deal (deal.....i had to laugh :D ) at 3 for £55.00

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

Corrach (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th April 2004, 22:20

I just feel that DVD`s in this country are a total ripoff, especially the two disk extra`s versions.

I tend to wait and buy ex-rental DVDs from my local rental shop, where you can get two for a tenner and a 14 day guarentee to return them. Usually they are in very good condition.

I got the MATRIX and STAR WARS phantom menace DVD for a tenner last week, so I am very please with this method of adding to my DVD collection :D

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 07:46

Not that I want to start, mine`s bigger than yours - but I saw the Police Academy Box-Set for £59.99 - Yikes!

You know Central London, a great place for Rip-Offs of all sorts!!!!

I mean, if you split it down that`s £8.57 for "Mission to Moscow" by itself - Quality! :/

This item was edited on Thursday, 15th April 2004, 08:46

RE: Possibly the biggest DVD rip-offs in the world..

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th April 2004, 06:13

There`s a shop in Soho that sells DVDs at ridiculous prices - £20+ for films you can pick up for £5.99 elsewhere (R1 and R2). It`s not a porn shop either - I`ve wandered round it a couple of times goggling at the amounts asked. I`m pretty sure they never sell a thing and the whole thing is a front for something else. Never worked out precisely what, though.

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