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starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

kozza (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 02:42

just finished watching this film and felt compelled to write a wee bit...maybe the beer talking but so what. naturally, the cheese factor and that synth music all added to the atmosphere but i felt this film getting to me in a way i hadn`t felt since e.t. mr carpenter comes in for a lot of stick from the early 80s onwards in terms of his output but i feel this is a hidden and much-maligned gem. i think we all wish we could capture that childlike innocence and look at things without the cynicism that adulthood brings...a feeling made all the more powerful that we are viewing this experience apparently through an adult being. i especially like that line about humans being best when things are worst....i think every one of us would like to believe that, however improbable it may be. i think anyone who like spielberg and hasn`t seen it should give it a whirl...many similar themes such as innocence lost, improbable events touching the lifes and hearts of people who would otherwise never meet. i reckon this must have been a bit of a dating movie of the 80s...and everyonw would have left the theatre with a spring in their l.a. gears. great music, great film....and brought the odd tear to the eye. what do you guys think.....

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

autumnranger (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 03:43

I`ve always had a softspot for Starman on many counts; how the story was handled (direction), the chemistry between the lead actors, and Carpenter grew up near where I grew up in Tennessee just to name a few. It`s one of the few films I can watch two or three times in a row. The movie is about two or three movies in one, what more can you ask for?

Now you must understand I am a soppy soul who would cry at the drop of a hat so my comments might not have much weight to them. That said, when the dvd with a commentary track became available in Australia, I ordered it without hesitation.

Which brings me to an old complaint, why aren`t all dvd releases equal? One of the main reasons I have a code free dvd is because most non-region 1 releases have better content than the ones studios hawk us. Actually I take that back, with the advent of the LOTR dvds, dvd content has gotten better. But that`s another matter.

m :)

....and you thought life was tough

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

kozza (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 09:40

it is nice to know i am not the only one with a soft spot with films like this.
as for all releases being equal...well as in life, nothing is fair. and why buy one copy when you can have 3... ;)

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 14:39

I love Starman too - it`s a great film. I first saw it when it came ot in the 80`s, so I was very young and couldn`t really appreciate it. But I`ve seen it again (twice) more recently and always thought how good it is - very underrated. There are some great moments and the whole thing is very atmospheric. Jeff Bridges is superb - you really beleive he is alien, and his innocence and wonder to everything is beautiful. I needed a tissue while watching it though - must have got something in my eye... ;)

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 16:35

I love this movie.. great to hear the love from others too :)

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RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 19:45

God, feel the love in this thread.

I love you guys.


They kidnapped Santa? That does not rock!

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

phelings (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 26th March 2005, 23:15

But the memory of the film is dashed when you watch the weekly tv series of it that followed

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

kozza (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th March 2005, 12:39

yeah, great to feel the love in this room ;)
a tv series? never heard about that...was it cancelled pretty rapidly?

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

phelings (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th March 2005, 19:44

I used to have it on tape.It was never picked up by the UK when it was made,but Wire TV(remember that) ran it alongside Blue Thunder tv series back in the days when a fully motorised satellite system was worth getting.
The Sci-Fi channel showed it in its early days.
Network tv have never shown it.It was cancelled after one season

RE: starman - the odd tear, the odd beer....

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 28th March 2005, 21:34

It`s a shame Carpenter never did a sequel, because he does say to her, your son will be a great teacher.

Which could mean anything, from a school teacher to the second coming.


And if you survive till 2005, I hope you`re exceedingly thin, For if you are stout you will have to breathe out, While the people around you breathe in.

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