Info and forum posts by 'Pistol'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 24th October 2002, 14:35, Last used: Thursday, 24th October 2002, 14:35

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Likes: DVDs, Gamecube, PS2, sleeping, laughing at cats

Dislikes: Wasps, kids in adverts

This user has posted a total of 469 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.06 messages a day, or 0.41 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Does anyone have Action Replay for the X-Box

Xbox action replay is just for game saves, Microsoft would not allow the cheat functions to be developed for the Xbox to stop people cheating on Live.

It does have some use though, as you can download a modified save for 007:Agent Under Fire, Splinter Cell, or Mechassault that boots your Xbox into Evolution X so you can effectively chip it for free!

RE: LOTR: What to buy...?

Rent the first one. If you like it, buy the extended editions of the first two - the extra footage is great if you`re a fan.

RE: PSone to PS2

You definitely need a PS2 memory card if you ever want to save data from PS2 games.

You should keep the PS1 memory cards for playing your PS1 games.

PS2 games only work with PS2 memory cards, PS1 games only work with PS1 cards. It`s that straightforward.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th November 2003, 10:55

RE: Members of the WEA. See this.

Top notch sir! Spread the word!

RE: RGB Scart for Gamecube - does it make a difference?

Yes yes yes, if you have a good telly you will really notice the difference. Get the official one mind!! Blockbusters were doing them for £13, worth trying there!

RE: GAMECUBE PRICE DROP! £79 from Friday 10th

The PC may indeed rule. But then you could say the same about the Ferrarri, or the Lamboghini...

If you`ve got the money to afford a gaming PC, and keep upgrading your components to play the new releases, yes it is always going to be superior to a console.

But you can buy a GC and some console-exclusive games for less than the price of the new graphics card you may need for half-life 2/doom 3 etc.

RE: Pikey scum.

a women who, although could be construed as having been irresponsible by having so many children, is clearly closer to her family.

WTF?!? A woman with a mouth like a sewer. Who probably gave her kids chronic asthma, and yet continues to smoke around them. A woman who is clearly a mentalist.

No offence, but I bet the closest she gets to them is when she`s clouting them round the head!

RE: I`m famous!

Actually, you were already famous. I walked past a packet of Ricicles yesterday, and there you were Captain Rik!

RE: PS2 DVD Remote

Don`t know if this helps you, but my Sony TV remote controls my PS2 through the IR receiver for the official remote control. Don`t know if it would work with the new PS2`s with the receiver built in though.

RE: Hands up, who`s watched Eastenders tonight then?

Watched the last 5 mins just to say I`d seen it. I never bother with soaps these days, they are on far too much and would take up too much of my life. My other half watches them all, including that Hollyoaks tripe, but I can`t stand to waste my time sitting watching the awful rubbish. I`d rather be wasting my time on the PC or a console ;)

I`ll let her off though, `cos she`s in her first year of teaching and needs something `relaxing` to do whilst marking books.

RE: Tiny f***ed a stump!

Captain Corelli?

RE: Deleting a second copy of Windows XP from my computer. How?

I did this for a friend, but can`t remember exactly how. It was pretty painless though, so don`t get too worried. Just Google "windows xp remove dual install" or something, I`ll post a link if I can find the tutorial I used.

RE: Marcovision remover, cheap!

Nice, I hate those darn Marco`s on my TV too ;)

Do you know if this would remove the Green Screen effect from a PS2 through an RGB scart cable? Might be a different form of macro protection though.

RE: Waking up with cuts and bruises

Maybe you got attacked by a very short vampire?

RE: Mad thought of the day

If I married a fit blonde, I wouldn`t drive into the sea and drown her. Seems daft to me.

I have to admire `eeleggtrocuted`, one of your finest to date sir. I`m waiting for the "A sane thought just popped into my head" thread from eggman!


Bah, I thought this was a thread about THE DARKNESS! Rawk tastic mate!

RE: You know...I think the WEA did a fantastic job this summer!!!

Matt, I am a bit worried about your housemate. I can understand that some members of the general public are uneducated about the Wasp threat, and we should take appropriate steps to correct the thinking of these unfortunate individuals.

In this case, I think wrapping your housemate and the wasps nest in a roll of carpet and beating it with baseball bats would do the trick.

RE: Star Wars on dvd??? maybe?

I very much doubt we`ll see the original trilogy on DVD until the `new` trilogy is finished with. And when it does come out, it will almost definitely be the SE`s of the films. I reckon that once they own the official DVDs, the purists should be able to feel morally justified owning the bootlegs as well. After all, George will have had his money from them, and he`s chosen not to make money from the `original` versions on DVD.

RE: Thin Red Line..Oh Dear.

Glad I wasn`t alone in not really enjoying this movie. I watched it all the way through, mainly just `cos I very rarely give up on a film once I`ve started watching it. Very good cinematography and all that, but yes, just too bloomin` deep for my liking.


Whenever I get a virus warning via email, the first thing I do is Google it to check if is is a hoax. I have never received a genuine one yet.

RE: Jump London...

I thought it was great, although most of the impressive stuff was at the beginning (of course they would be more familiar with their own territory).

How long do you reckon before kids with broken bones start showing up in the papers?

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

Oh wow, that space monorail thing - I really wanted that. I remember seeing it at a jumble sale once and begging my dad to buy it, but the kid from next door bought it first :(

I reckon my overall favourite toy has got to be Action Man, I had loads of the really old kit and played with it for years. It got `proper` use as well, everything was totally knackered from being out in the garden, but that just added to the authenticity! Had the jeep, tank, helicopter, even that weird plane thing, all totally knackered of course!

RE: Phone Socket On Modem??

Yeah, mine had this. It just allows you to use the telephone when you`re not connected to the internet (works when the PC`s off too).

RE: My pizza has just turned up

I imagine if you were "getting it hot from the delivery bloke", how your pizza tastes would be the last of your worries...

RE: Search the web

Eggman in serious question shocker!

I tried to search the web, but all I found were some flies` wings and legs. My fingers got all sticky and the spider wasn`t best pleased either.

RE: `GTA` on Xbox - 4 November 2003!

Hmmm... I`d agree with the graphics being functional, and all that, but I have to disagree with the save locations point. It adds an extra dimension IMO. Part of the experience of GTA is racing back to your hideout in a shot-up car with half the police force on your tail, and being able to but new garages instead of being restricted to one per area is handy. It`s great to be able to use your cash for something useful too!

I have the PS2 version, and my only real gripe is that there should have been more missions. I`d imagine the PC version (and the Xbox version) will have more longevity what with mods and all that.

RE: Funniest line or scene in "Only Fools and Horses" ?

The falling through the bar bit is possibly the funniest 30 seconds of comedy ever...

RE: Why do so few people want to be badgers?

Hmm, so Owls are derided in India, yet regarded as wise over here? Curious. Wonder how many other things like this there are.

Like us thinking Stella is a quality beer, because the adverts tell us so, whereas the French know it`s p***.

RE: Car NumberPlate Crackdown

Yup, even getting a duplicate made for your trailer/caravan etc. is a right bloody chew as my Dad found out not too long ago. Had to go home and root out all the documents etc.