Page 1 of Wife Swap (aka Pikey scum Part 1)

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Wife Swap (aka Pikey scum Part 1)

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 23:16

Did you watch Wife Swap tonight?

Did you find yourself shouting at the tv at the loud mouthed pikey?

£40k a year in benefits? Thats disgusting. They should sterilise them at birth.......

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th October 2003, 18:37

RE: Pikey scum.

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 23:43

That`s over twice what my Wife and I earn in our decent, hard-working jobs... Perhaps I should jack it all in and live off the social

RE: Pikey scum.

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 23:47

Exactly - why bother working when you can earn more sitting at home watching Trisha all day - which co-incedently was what she was doing when she was supposed to be covering the other wife at work.

Forget working, just get your missus to pop them out as quick as possible and reap the benefits from the governement.

To quote Snatch : "I f***ing hate pikeys"

RE: Pikey scum.

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 23:59

40k a year to look after 8 kids, no thanks. :) It aint enough money imho.


RE: Pikey scum.

wizzy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 08:14

It just summed up for me what`s wrong with this country - when those pikeys get paid just under £40k after tax for sitting on their fat lard-*rses all day chain-smoking.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 09:15

RE: Pikey scum.

Tom P (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 08:25

Couldn`t agree more! While I agree we need a benefit system for those who really need it, people like those on Wife Swap last night should be kicked off it, and made to work. What really makes me fume is that we are the ones paying for it, we work hard and pay our taxes etc so they can sit around all day, earning more than we do!


RE: Pikey scum.

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 10:22

Pikey scum :( :( :(

RE: Pikey scum.

fame4love (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 10:32

on a more positive note. they don`t appear to save a penny of it or have what i would determine as a decent life. When their kids have left the nest they will have nothing. What they need is education some of her comments were blatantly stupid and beyond reasoning. With child care costs so high it really isnt worth her or hubby working.
Yes it does pee me off but trade lives ? no way.

i need to lie down

RE: Pikey scum.

julianf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 10:35

I am as sick as the next man that they are earning more money than my family by not working but just to play devil`s advocate here, on the evidence provided last night - which of those two women do you think is the "better mother"?

You`ve got an airy blonde who doesn`t do any cooking, goes out to work (OK - that may be because she HAS to work) and whose own description of herself was "Not very good with children, not a natural mother" and a women who, although could be construed as having been irresponsible by having so many children, is clearly closer to her family.


RE: Pikey scum.

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 11:29

Have any of you considerd that they were taking the p***?

No way did they get over 40K in benefits.

A married couple and eight children on nearly £800 a week there is no way the DHSS pay that sort of money.



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