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What was the best toy you ever had?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 13:14

What was the best toy you ever had?

For me I would say the X wing and the Millenium Falcon, I used to start from the top of the attic stairs with them, and pretend I was in the trench of the Death Star as I ran up and down them.

Also I used to have a space ship which kind of reminded me of the ship from Battlestar Galactica, which made an electronic noise which was supposed to be like an engine. So when you was pretending it to fly when your ship when up or down, the noise would either go high or low at the same time.

The worst toy?
Castle Grey Skull, from the outside it was really cool, until you opened it, and there was nothing in it except a chair and a trap door, I was expecting it to be like the cartoon.

Toy I wish had?

There was quite a few, I wish I had that battle tank, can`t remember what it was called, but I remember in the adverts, where this kid programmed something in to it, and it took a drink in to the room to his dad.

But most of all I always wanted a Death Star, but I never saw one for sale, in the toy shops or in the catalogues.

The Atari computer, cos when I used to read the Spectrum magazine, they would advertise the games for the spectrum, but they would always use the screen shots for the Atari computer or similar. I used to think god I wish I had that computer, instead of the Spectrum.

So what was yours?


have you ever been mistaken for a woman?

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

hairyhaggler (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 13:43

I had an Evil Kenivel *spelling. motorbike that you had to wind up on a stand and it did stunts , and a remote control snowmobeil which was really cool untill i broke it.

If you play with Feathers you get your Bum Tickled.!

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

marixon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 13:48

Mine would be TCR - Total Control Racing. Not sure if anyone else remembers it, but it was a Scalextric rival which allowed you to change lanes at the flick of a switch. Oh, the lazy days of summer coming back here - remembering the smell of burning dusts (normally from the contacts) and the electric shock I got from cleaning the track with a 2p after forgetting to unplug the mains.

Just asked my girlfriend about her favourite toy, and she said that it`s Blue, long and buzzes in the right places??? Heaven only knows what she means, but I`m in for a good night tonight.

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 13:53

I remember TCR! The main problem with it was that on corners your car was automatically chucked into the outside lane, meaning that you could only overtake on straights. To be fair, Scalextric was the much better option if miniature car racing was your thing.

Did you have the Jam Car? This was a third car on the track which only went at half the speed of the main "racing" cars and gave you something to overtake every lap or so...

"there`s a thin line between clever and...stupid"

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

marixon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 13:57

Oh yeah - had the drone car, the raised sections and the inner circle thingy that gave you two tracks.
You could change the contacts round and make one car drive the wrong way round the track, but that was just me being a kid and loving to crash cars.
Ho Hum

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 14:16

That toy you are talking about... it was called Starbird by MB.. i had one as well.. oh.. and if you have a look here at my computer desk you might see an x-wing

"Just say NO!"

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 14:18

oh.. and as i was such a spolied little s*** as a kid.. i had loads of great toys.. and being such an anal dork.. i`ve kept them all ..

Bionic Man etc..

"Just say NO!"

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 14:33

The programmbale tank - sounds like Big Trak. There was also a version of the monster truck Bigfoot, but was just controlled with two levers on top.

I still have tonnes of star wars stuff! have a look here:

I had the death star - it was nothing special, so you didn`t miss much. I much preferred using a home built castle that I `converted` into jabba`s palace.

But the daddy of all the toys had to have been the Millenium Falcon. Bloody marvelous piece of kit, and co-incidently here`s me on xmas morning (well 3am!) 1981 with my spanking new falcon!:

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 14:46

God bless you hairyhaggler - I still have my Evel Knievel stunt bike. I remember you used to have insert little lead flints into the jetpods at the side to create the sparks, then wind it up and watch in stunned awe as Evel zoomed across the room on one wheel. Ahhh it brings a tear to my eye even now... and this might just jar a few happy memories for you:

This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 15:48

RE: What was the best toy you ever had?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th September 2003, 14:53

NEAL!!.... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

this is war by the way... wait till i get back from work tonight.. the scanning shall begin..

"Just say NO!"

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