Info and forum posts by 'Jepic'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 08:35, Last used: Tuesday, 23rd March 2010, 09:36

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: free £8.75 voucher from CDWOW

Just been looking on the Wow website and the `bargain bucket` dvd link. Usually there are a load of R3 Jap/HK movies here for 2.99/3.99 - but those very same titles are now showing as £5.99. Infact, that is their cheapest product in this section.

Looks lile they might be creeping those prices up so that you get less for your voucher.

RE: Prison Break

Just came across this show the other day myself, only watched three episodes so far and it is just brilliant - even the wife is hooked (and she doesn`t like this kind of thing normally).

Shame about Threshold being cancelled - it was alright (but compared to PB, can see why it was cancelled).

RE: Should copyright screens be in the special features section?

The new Daredevil release is terrible.

You get a copyright notice for about 30 seconds which you can`t skip, followed by about 6 trailers, which you have to skip one at a time, and then the main menu screen which goes on forever before you actually watch the film (terrible movie by the way, traded it next day!).

And as previous poster stated, I let it run for about 10 minutes the other end with all these copyright notices in foreign languages.

You can imagine the pirate in his bedroom with the DVD Recorder ready and waiting and then reading the `copyright` notice and thinking "oh, I`d best not copy this then".

I know it`s legal stuff but please don`t lock us out and take away our control!.

RE: Choices Direct.Any good?

Usually goos prices for Region 2 stuff and some good sale offers too.

I`ve used them several times this year and they delvier within 24 hours, 48 at most, so have only good things to say about choices direct.

RE: Filmvault

I`ve used them in the past with no troubles, and they were quite efficient.

If you have at least 70+ videos, they`ll arrange to pick them up from your home and after a few days they`ll send you a cheque. They give a flat rate of about £1.50 (or£2.00 - I can`t remeber) for each film and they don`t charge for the courier pick-up.

If you go to blackstar, the deleted videos such as Robocop go for about £15.00 a time so you can see where their profit margin comes from. On saying that, if you car-booted your old stock you`d only get £1 for each one or so anyway.

You could also go onto E-bay and see if anyone out there wants any rare classics and see what happens. It all depends if you can be bothered or not. You could use Blackstar to identify what videos in yuour colelction are wiorth something and just post those on e-bay and ditch the rest.

I wasn`t bothered and was happy with my couple of quid per video. But, would use them, again (if ever bought any more videos that its!).

RE: Family Guy - worth buying?

I`m a huge Simpsons fan but another thumbs up here for Family Guy. It`s very funny, slightly evil and has much repeat value. The discs don`t come with any extras but if you like animation and spot on comedy then go for it!.

RE: Morrisons 2 for £15 offer

Cheers for the heads up on that.

Nice spot!.

RE: Blockbuster - free DVD rentals,

I`ve got `LOCKED UP LAWYER`S LIBERATION` and I was going to say this was The Shawshank Redemption, but I thought the character was a Banker, not a Lawyer.

Any thoughts?.

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th April 2003, 10:53

RE: Anyone else watch Takeshi`s Castle?

Started watching this about three months ago and have to say it`s the funniest thing on television for ages.

My favourite is Bridge Ball where those guys fire footbalss at the heads of the contestants - truly inspired.

Anyone who thinks this is like Endurance (like I did) and those other things that Chris Tarrant shows on his TV programme needn`t worry. Takeshi`s is great fun to watch.

RE: Major Fraud, Cough! Cough!

It is not a conincidence they were all on stage at the same time.

If you read the history of the scam, both the wife and her relatives had been on before (and won £32k, etc) so first of all, they were definately casing the joint for weaknesses, etc like a bank raider would.

Next, if they had been on before, it was simply just a case of keep getting on until you got the magic sequence of all three on stage at the same time - so it could have been the wife coughing and Tecwen on stage with the major in the audience, etc.

If you think about it, the cougher probably had the pagers strapped to him and in order to get out of the studio quickly, he merely had to get into the chair and then lose - no security guard would strip search a loser and as he was in the fastest finger section, would remain there untl he won, so best to get it over with in the same `recording` session and disappear.

RE: Newbie to DVD

PAL runs at many more lines of resolution than NTSC, so keep to PAL on the TV.

Depending upon your DVD model, the cheaper ones tend to output PAL adn NTSC, depending upon the disc (R1/R2) and do this automatically. If the picture you get on the TV is black & White then you need to switch the TV to NTSC as some TV`s can`t handle the conversion, but Sony TV`s are pretty good and should do this.

If you give a little more detail on your TV/DVD spec the forum viewwers may be able to provide more specific detail.

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Strange how all `innocent` people run away to far off lands, like Barrymore et al.

I can`t afford a home abroad and a few houses doted around the UK and I earn a good wage - and I`ve never had any free trips to foreign places.

Look, if it was a conspiracy then it would involve aliens and UFO`s with Mulder & Scully on the case. If the government wanted rid of him, they`d just de-select him or conjure up something else like being caught in a gay clinch or fiddling expenses - certainly not this kind of thing.

Sad thing is, the worst that will happen is that he`ll be kicked out of the labour party (ooohh!), which would elevate his status. I`d be inclined to let him run the new Iraq government and then after five years, if he`s still alive and in power, pile in with the US and blitz them all again with GG as the ace of spades.

RE: RE:ok, how do you ask these tossers to shut up in the politest way possible?

Yep, sad state of affairs in the cinema today.

I`m another night-worker so have time on my hands in the day. Visit the local Showcase and Odeon and am always surprised to see school kids watching 12-15 rated movies and talking throughout.

Raised it with the management and all they say is that they`ll have word with them. WHAT!!. Surely these kids should be at school!. Don`t have a word, call the police and drag their sorry butts out of the cinema, leaving it quiet for us adult folk who appreciate the big screen.

But until cinemas stop chasing the pound and start provding service (are any actually worth the money you got to) to true cinema [patrons then I`ll be sticking to my import DVD`s.

RE: Tesco and Westy, the love affair is over...

It`s a brave man that packs in a job, but fair play to you.

Did the same myself last year. Working 70+ hours per week, all over the country. Yes nice car, yes nice mobile, yes, nice hotels - but so what.

Never had any time for myself or wife, I headed up a sales team and despite hitting targets boss then said `it was up to me to make up the shortfall that the other sales team had made`. Yeh, thanks for putting more pressure on. How about sacking those sales folks who can`t do the job?. Oh, can`t do that as it would take too long to train new ones!.

Resignation put in, pressure off. Wow, I felt young again!!

RE: Sheikh Abu Hamza - farewell to arms? lol

Wooooosh! Woooosh! Woooosh!.

RE: How much council tax are you being charged?

Band C House - £950 (up from £920 last year) rise of around 8% for Leicestershire.

Not bad at all as last year moved from Coventry (Band B £990) to a better house (up one band) for less council tax!.

Plus, Coventry has terrible leadership (scored as one of the worse councils in the country by government poll), whereas Leicester just won `beacon` status (ie, good council) for third year running - and yet still keep their council tax pretty low (although 8% is still more than my earnings went up by!).

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th April 2003, 11:56

RE: Where do you live & where have you been on holiday.....

Live in Hinckley (between Coventry and Leicester best describes it).

Have been to the following places :-

USA - Las Vegas (x 4 visits), San Francisco, California (x 2 visits), Michigan, New York, Florida (x 2 visits), Miami and Dallas.

Canada - Toronto, Niagara, Montreal.

Europe - Salzberg, Prague, Malta, Menorca, Majorca, Cyprus, Monaco, St. Tropez, Nice, Monte Carlo, Paris, Normandy, `Spain` and Brussels.

Other - Barbados (x 2 visits), Dominican Republic (honeymoon), Jamaica, Dublin (x 8 visits), most of Wales, Scotland and England (work).

RE: The BigGesT bESteST DeAL iN The WholE-wIDe WorLd EvEr

Nicely put JulianF.

Did the same, ordered three titles (just to be different), all at £12,50 each plus £2. postage. Ordered them yesterday (Wed) at lunchtime and in my letter box this morning (Thurs).

For the sake of £2.00 I`ve got AoTC, Queen Greatest Hits I and Office cheaper than anywhere else, have avoided arguing with shop staff, and got the films I wanted.

Sainsburys may have fudged on the specifics of this deal but we still have a great, great deal - let`s not get lost in legalities and points of principle here. After all, even Sainsbury`s can make mistakes.

RE: Filmvault

No, they offer a £1 for each one (regardless of title/rarity). I would suspect that this is where they make their money. For every 10 crap titles, they will get a few gems which they can make a stack of cash on.

As you said, Blackstar sell these rare titles for about £16.99 a go - and I would suspect FilmVault source for them.

Ebay is another good way of doing it I suppose, so may be worth investigating - again, depends on how much time you have, etc.

RE: Filmvault

When I last used them in June 2002, they were offering £1.00 for each Video I had (and only 50p if it`s an ex-rental from Blockbuster). Not just films but also music videos, keep-fit and documentaries.

You send them a list of your 70+ titles and then they call you back, confirm the amounts they will pay and then will send a courier to pick them up. About a week later you`ll get a cheque.

£1. is not a lot, you`ll probably get a bit more from a car boot if you`re ready for haggling and spending a day in a field. If you visit they have a rare/deleted videos section where some films go for about £16 or more so there`s money in it for some.

This item was edited on Monday, 28th October 2002, 10:58

RE: Please help me with Cd-wow??????????

Depends how fussy you are. I`ve had `The Others` off them which was R3. Cover was bi-lingual (Jap/Eng) and the menu`s were the same. In-film, soundtrack was english (DD and DTS) but no english subtitles (only mandarin). Correct aspect ratio, etc. No extra`s. Cost £9.

Also had Panic Room (R3) off them. Cover, subtitles and menu`s were in english (as well as mandarin again). Correct ratios, etc. Cost £8

If you`re a purist, hang on for the R1 release. If you can`t wait (and want it a bit cheaper) then go for R3. Suppose this is the same argument as people not liking the french covers on some Canadian R1 releases.

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Used to use `tyme` all the time as they released movies ahead of time and were cheap, however, their service/reliability, for me at least, started to drop and CD-WOW are cheaper (although have less choice).

They do eventually read e-mails and answer the phone but this could be ages. Best bet is to use their own `forum` If you go to their website, top right hand corner is a link to the Movietyme Forum. You`ll need to register with the forum, but then you have access to it and can post a `MISSING DVD` message. They usually answer these queries much quicker. One word of advice, you need to be polite in your posts to them as saying things like "p****d off" will get you no-where and go ignored.

Like everyone else, Movietyme do suffer from missing/stolen post so you may need to complete a `lost post` form, but once you post you should get some action. Failing that, call your card company and tell them you have a supplier issue and e-mail Movietyme the same - that way you`re not out of pocket.

I know that all this goes against the grain for customer service (ignoring mails, registering on forums, etc), but then we all have a choice who we use. Movietyme are excellent when things go right (and I still use them occasionally for rare titles) but not so, IMHO, when things go wrong.