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Newbie to DVD

hansi (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th April 2003, 05:44

I`ve just bought a new DVD and getting to grips with the new terminology. Not sure about the set up. On the TV system I have the choice of PAL, NTSC or MULTI. I know it`s not NTSC, but I`m not sure whch to use. I have a Sony WS TV. Also, waht is PBC and should it be on or off? Thanks.

RE: Newbie to DVD

Shaun P (Competent) posted this on Friday, 25th April 2003, 06:50

Multi is probably your best bet - that should cover whatever your video and/or DVD throw out. No doubt others on here with more experience will be able to expand.

Not heard of PBC - do you mean PDC? That`s Program Delivery Control, sent out by braodcasters with the TV signal so your video knows when to start and stop recording. It`s handy if things overrun because of news bulletins, extra time in sports events etc. It`s not foolproof, and it doesn`t work with Cable TV (well, with NTL, anyway). It can also be a pain if (say) you want to tape two consecutive programs - the video gets the `end of program` message from the first prog and stops recording... I don`t bother using it.

Hope this helps!


RE: Newbie to DVD

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 25th April 2003, 07:20

Again, no doubt others will add but it is indeed pbc.
It`s something to do with a way of accessing chapters etc. directly I think. Basically I dont touch it and use the DVD menus.


RE: Newbie to DVD

Jepic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 25th April 2003, 07:38

PAL runs at many more lines of resolution than NTSC, so keep to PAL on the TV.

Depending upon your DVD model, the cheaper ones tend to output PAL adn NTSC, depending upon the disc (R1/R2) and do this automatically. If the picture you get on the TV is black & White then you need to switch the TV to NTSC as some TV`s can`t handle the conversion, but Sony TV`s are pretty good and should do this.

If you give a little more detail on your TV/DVD spec the forum viewwers may be able to provide more specific detail.

RE: Newbie to DVD

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 11th May 2003, 12:34

PAL runs at many more lines of resolution than NTSC, so keep to PAL on the TV.

Not if its PAL60

My brain hurts

RE: Newbie to DVD

philbw (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th May 2003, 12:49

PBC is a Video CD term - it`s a way of controlling menu`s on VCD`s - if your DVD Player has it you can play VCD`s...

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