Page 1 of 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

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6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th October 2002, 23:17

i ordered my copy of monsters inc r1 which was debted out of my account on 04/10/02 and have not recieved it.i have sent numerous emails and left many phone messages on the british number but nobody has bothered to email or contact me regards to my missing film.
can anybody suggest how i can go about either getting in touch with them or getting my money back as i am extremly p@"$ed off with them.
this is the last time i am using them,i would rather wait that extra week for everybody else to get the films than go though this crap again.
please help.

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Jepic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 08:53

Used to use `tyme` all the time as they released movies ahead of time and were cheap, however, their service/reliability, for me at least, started to drop and CD-WOW are cheaper (although have less choice).

They do eventually read e-mails and answer the phone but this could be ages. Best bet is to use their own `forum` If you go to their website, top right hand corner is a link to the Movietyme Forum. You`ll need to register with the forum, but then you have access to it and can post a `MISSING DVD` message. They usually answer these queries much quicker. One word of advice, you need to be polite in your posts to them as saying things like "p****d off" will get you no-where and go ignored.

Like everyone else, Movietyme do suffer from missing/stolen post so you may need to complete a `lost post` form, but once you post you should get some action. Failing that, call your card company and tell them you have a supplier issue and e-mail Movietyme the same - that way you`re not out of pocket.

I know that all this goes against the grain for customer service (ignoring mails, registering on forums, etc), but then we all have a choice who we use. Movietyme are excellent when things go right (and I still use them occasionally for rare titles) but not so, IMHO, when things go wrong.

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Nick Dickens (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 17:25

Basically, I hope this can be of help to anyones problems when chasing up, DVDs etc, Ring them up again and again, at least twice a week Monday and Friday are best. Try to be real polite (its a pain they took your money, you wait and wait, they don`t respond to e-mails ( are as bad as Microsoft when it comes to e-mails )they don`t reply (Just dont bother typing, ring em up instead) don`t publish their number but you can get it from
Same with all DVD retailers, they are busy, but it doesn`t help to nudge them in the right direction ( and Movietyme are good and they do seem to listen). I couldn`t tell you how much grief getting some dumb yank to understand me about an order (the funds are in my account on Friday, the day after tomorrow, try my card then). 1 week later the card they say has been declined (I`m thinking theres £200 in my kitty and i`m ordering something costing $20 why can`t you people do it right!)

Basically ring, ring, send `em an e-mail (wait until the reply period they say they`ll get back to you expires), they e-mail `em again, then leave it a week - this is when you ring up, as by this time it will usually be a month since you ordered the DVD (giving a week/10 days for the DVD to turn up before e-mailing them). If they can`t sort anything out askk for a refund and say you`ll take your trade elsewhere (and do give them a name say or someone else (they will try to keep you as a customer).

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Barnum42 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 20:57

Assuming you paid with a credit card:

Send one emailing telling them that if they do not reply to the email you will arrange for a chargeback on your card. This may get their attention

If they do not reply, contact your credit card company, tell them you have been charged for goods not received and the vendor will not respond to your attempts to contact them. The credit card company will then send you a form to fill out. They can then charge the money back to your card.

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Oakland_Raider (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 23:09

Same old Movietyme i see.Like previous posts have stated, when things are good, everyone`s happy, but when things go missing, wrong amount billed ect.. then am afraid your in for a long ride.Their customer service is CRAP!, plain and simple. All companies have theier ups and downs, nobodys perfect, i accept that.i had countless problems with them last summer, after having countless months of great service.I have just started to use them again for the odd title, give them the benefit of the doubt, and 1st film arrived ok, but my Scorpion King has been shipping since 28th Sept, and still no disc, and still no reply to my emails.I`ll give them till Weekend to reply, then after that, am afraid its gloves off and i will be talking to my credit card company.Am sure a few phone calls from Barclaycard will get things moving.They can not keep ignoring and disregarding its customers like they do.At the end of the day, i should`nt have to go to a DVD forum site to get some customer service.If they spent more time sorting out queries and less time `playing` around the forums, a lot more people would be praising them instead of slagging them off!

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

cynic (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th October 2002, 14:58

As mentioned above go to their forum on and request a lost mail form (what the actual reason for non appearance may never be known but you have to fill in a Lost Mail form). They seem to take notice of what gets posted on this forum and respond to requests but not to emails or phone calls for somne strange reason.
Stick to those DVD suppliers who haven`t caused you any problems, mainly the well established ones with a reasonable staffing level as otherwise you`ll get these problems every so often, sometimes its worth a couple of pounds extra for peace of mind. I`ve ordered many DVDs off the net and so far Movietyme is the only one I`ve had any problem with but I`ve only made a few orders with futureent, DVDMOD and other smaller dealers.

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Oakland_Raider (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th October 2002, 13:17

Contacted MT about my missing Scorpion King, and had 2 replies within 24 hours of each other!! According to MT, they are having trouble obtaining a true Reg 1 disc, loads of Canadian versions (which have naff cover`s, full of French writing), but not many of their suppliers are stocking the US version.The US version was in stock when i ordered it, but now there saying they are having trouble obtaining a copy. Very strange, but at least i had a reply within 24 hours.Can`t fault them on that this time.
Just noticed that they are shipping Spiderman NOW!!

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Oakland_Raider (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th October 2002, 13:17

Contacted MT about my missing Scorpion King, and had 2 replies within 24 hours of each other!! According to MT, they are having trouble obtaining a true Reg 1 disc, loads of Canadian versions (which have naff cover`s, full of French writing), but not many of their suppliers are stocking the US version.The US version was in stock when i ordered it, but now there saying they are having trouble obtaining a copy. Very strange, but at least i had a reply within 24 hours.Can`t fault them on that this time.
Just noticed that they are shipping Spiderman NOW!!

RE: 6 week problem with movityme,can anybody help???

Cecil B. (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th October 2002, 15:39

Have a go at them personally, in full view of everyone, on their forum - (always worked with me - any problems have been sorted fast)

This item was edited on Saturday, 12th October 2002, 15:40

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