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George Gallaway has been setup....

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 19:43

"I will vouch for him" said Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information (currently on administrative leave).

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 20:15

Well if he will vouch for him, it must be true because the Iraqi information minister never lies.

"We are pushing the Americans back BOOOOM and have nearly cleared them from the airport BOOOM."

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

aja007 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 20:24

Let`s hope this traitor gets what he deserves!!!!

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 21:51

Whos that George or Mohammed?

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 21:59


RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Steven Wemyss (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd April 2003, 22:59

As someone pointed out the Oil For Food programme which he was meant to be taking a cut from was actually run by the UN from New York it was kinda obvious that this was a pretty ropey accusation and indeed completely unfounded!

Now where`s my cut of that dosh Mr Galloway?

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

kywy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 00:00

Galloway makes me ashamed to be Scottish, it just proves the old saying :

"Have a chimp stand for Labour in Scotland and it will get elected ".

There are times when I dispair of my countrymen. ;-(


RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 00:38

Did you see the film of him kissing ass in Iraq?
He said-

"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability"

he also said-

"Tony Blair and George Bush were wolves for the crime of military action against Iraq."

Congratulating mass murders?
He makes me want to puke!
They should revoke his citizenship & sent the bastard back to Iraq
Kywy, you said "Galloway makes me ashamed to be Scottish"
Well don't, cos as far as I've concerned that piece of s*** should have no right to a British passport
The traitor loves the murderers of Saddam Hussein`s regime, so let him go join them
Even if this story is not true, the man was a scumbag before this came out.
If anyone wants to start a whipround to buy a one-way ticket to get rid of `the member for Baghdad Central` , I'll put in a few quid.
I wouldn`t p*** on him if he was on fire

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 01:48

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 09:38

Yea, because although we live in a country with "freedom of speech", there is just a line that has to be drawn.

RE: George Gallaway has been setup....

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2003, 10:18

That info minister:

"Mr Galloway is not our friend! The infidel is no where near Baghdad! We did not give him 300,000 smackers!"

Absolute B*stard

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