Info and forum posts by 'DeucesWild'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 23rd July 2002, 10:38, Last used: Thursday, 26th January 2006, 11:13

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 56 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Tutty bye, lovely people

Thanks Clayts, you said some comforting things during 9/11. You will be remembered

RE: Big Brother 2005

I`m sure I speak for a lot of people here but I hate Big Brother but I`m of the fold who hands up gets sucked in every bloody year and would rather blow out the pub to sit in and watch that damn hour every night. Sad I know but it gets me every single time !!!!!!!!

RE: Abi Titmuss....Tramp or Fit??

I think you`ll find that Paris Hilton has given all monies accrued from "one night in Paris" to charity !! Surely her surname gives away the fact that she probably doesn`t have many financial difficulties !!!

Canon Photo printer

Could anybody tell me the model no. of that canon photo printer that is currently being advertised on TV, the one that connects directly to the camera ?!? Any help would be much appreciated !

Thanks in advance


Been away for a long while, to be honest I`m a lurker but post from time to time, only really check in from work but hey enough about me !!

What do you get if cross a penis with a potato ?!?!

A Dictator

Well it slayed me !!!!!

So who enjoyed Carnivale ?!?

Personal opinion thought it was one of the best series I have seen for a long time !!! Looking forward to season 2 !!!!

RE: How Much?

£330 notes about 6 - 7 years ago Tosh SD something or other and you know what the multi chip finally went a week ago. Will now only play Region 2 movies put anything else in and the colour flickers to b&w all the time !! Purchased a Cambridge Audio DVD57 from Richer Sounds for a £100 and am over the moon !! (A good british player !!)

Problem with Sony 42" Plasma

I have recently taken stock of a Sony 42" Plasma (Model No. KEP42MS1) The screen is wonderful but I have found a problem. Sky plus is installed on AV1 via scart which comes up fine but when the TV Guide button is pressed when on AV1 it changes the channel to Channel 8 ?!?!?! Any ideas I`m in desperate need of help here !!!!!


RE: Six Feet Under £17.99 @ cd-wow

Cheeky spot !! Been after that for a while !! Cheers Duder !!

RE: Euro 2004 Reviewer Fantasy League

I`m in !!!! I know I`m usually a lurker but had to participate !!! Bring on the Halibut !!!

Where`s it gone ?!? anyone know ?!?

RE: Euro 2004 England Draw...

In all fairness I`m always so confident when England qualify for a tournament, every couple of years I think we are gonna win it !!!! And as always I`m confident again for next year, it is now time to be victorious, but unfortunately we will probably get kicked out due to our nice fans !!!!!!!! Nice

RE: Fox hunting - will the bill to ban it get through this parliamentary session ?

I shoot pheasant and partridge for pleasure, ok not the nicest pastime but enjoyable to myself none the less, the birds have a sporting chance (I`m not the best shot !!) but I don`t really agree with fox hunting more to do with people attitudes who are involved with the sport, what about Hare coarsing ?!? So who hates me then ?!?!?

RE: Some cheap bits and pieces over @ DVDIMPORT

Ordered Tuesday had the disks by Friday, didn`t think that was too shoddy !! But as we know everyone has had different experiences with different suppliers !!

RE: Spooky Britain?

My two`peneth

My father was born in a little place called Chipping Ongar in Essex, the house in which he was born was an old place just on the edge of the woods (Ongar was beautiful many moons ago surrounded by woods and fields) When he was courting my mother she stayed over for the night, as you know in them days it was strictly a no no not to sleep together so she had his room and he slept downstairs. She awoke suddenly in the night feeling that the bed had started sloping slightly down at the end as if someone was sitting on it, when her eyes adjusted to the darkness (no electricity in them days !!) she saw a tramp of a man sitting at the end of the bed and was a blueish tinge not whole so to speak. She absolutely sh*t herself and literally hid under the covers. Ten minutes or so later she felt the bed lift, and ten minutes after that she finally brought herself to look and the apparition had gone. On discussion the next morning this was quite a common occurence which my father had neglected to tell my mother, my father had seen him on numerous occassions and was now quite used to him, his mother had seen him, his father and also his brother and sister. They had even named him Fred. My father was the most down to earth man going and both my mother and fathers stories collaborate as do the rest of the family who saw him, they must have seen something in that room !! Unfortunately for "Fred" or fortunately the room was extended in later years and he was never seen again as ghosts when disturbed to tend to disappear.

Some cheap bits and pieces over @ DVDIMPORT

Have a look at at there Specials section just purchased Darkness Falls / Crocodile Hunter (I know saddo !!) for about £7.50 each (free postage with Canada Poste) Got some other bits like Stealing Harvard and National Security for the same prices !! Just thought I better let you all know !!

Deuce :p

RE: Can anyone recommend a decent " Toasted Sandwich Maker?"

Lean Mean Grilling Machine as endorsed by Mr Foreman himself !! A great sandwich toaster plus you can also do your whole fry up !! Sausages and Bacon are cracking gets rid of all the fat !! V easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth !!!

RE: If you were given £10 million & you could jack your job in today - what would you do???

Buy a Big Game fishing boat and sail the high seas !!! Christ I would love to do that !!

RE: Whats the stupidest thing anybody has ever said???

Whilst smoking a fag at the back of our office two colleagues were chatting, when the chap suddenly pipes up with "name a vegetable that begins with S" The young lady casually replies Sprouts which is met with rapturous laughter but oh know she knows another and pipes up with Sparagus !! I s*** you not have not laughed as hard in ages !!!

RE: Where do you live & where have you been on holiday.....

Colchester, Essex

Been to:

Spain (Puerto Banus cracking place)
France Skiing
Italy Rome and Skiing
Austria Skiing
Germany Skiing
Southern Ireland (County Mayo beautiful place !!)
Kos Greece (sh*thole)
British Virgin Islands
St Thomas
New York

About to have a nipper so all this holidaying has finally come to a close looks like Southend and Walton on Naze for me !!!

Has anybody heard..........

of the following site, is this site legal ?!? How can selling fake or replica items be legal ?!? Any advices would be good as I`m thinking about purchasing a replica Rolex from them !!! Do you chaps think its dodgy ?!?

RE: Odds on Sadd-am doing a bunk?

Make like a bush and split !!!

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

On looking at the latest polls it seems that favour has now swung towards military conflict with the majority of the public just wanting this situation cleared up. Here is something controversial for you all !!!! Most of the people supporting Anti War ethics are probably unemployed anyhow !!! IMHO !!

OK then... so who actually plays the 2nd / 3rd /4th Disk in Special Editions

I must admit its rare i slip the 2nd disk in and go through all menus and features !! It can`t be just me !!

RE: Porn Star name - reminded by Ebony Branch...

Nutkin Wiskin (god how loved that hamster !!!)

RE: Philips 8cm CD MP3 Player for £30 at Amazon - Bargain!

Yup received mine a day after order and also extremely pleased with such a bargain !! I`m off to NY in a couple weeks and this little bute will pay dividends, will probably buy Creative Travel speakers to add to this and bingo a full size stereo that fits in your hand !! Superb

RE: Philips 8cm CD MP3 Player for £30 at Amazon - Bargain!

Has anyone actually got one of these then ?!? They look good but how do you go about burning the CD ?!?!?