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One Big No (Idea!)

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 09:33

Let me get this straight: the idea is...the day war breaks out they want us all to walk out of work, college, school etc as a sign of protest!

Providing I do as they suggest and do walk out of work...what happens when my boss tells me not to bother to come back? Are the organisers of this `great` idea going to help me pay my mortgage whilst out of work? (I would assume such a fabulously thought-out idea will have some sort of `consequence fund` arranged!)

Or, perhaps the `stars` will club together and share out some of their fortune for the people that do protest in the way they want them to! Unless the `stars` are planning on not accepting any sort of work related pay until the war is over!!!

I`m all for freedom of speech, a peaceful world etc, but this has got to be one of the stupidest things that I have ever come across! Expecting people to risk their livelihoods in order to get their anti-war message across is just ignorant...not to mention arrogant!

This item was edited on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 21:13

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 09:58

If you walk out of work, the worse thing your employer can do is discipline you : you have these things called employee rights, you know :-)

If he sacks you, and you`ve been there a year, you can claim unfair dismissal...

I personally think it`s a great idea...(the walk out that is, not you being sacked)
DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 09:57

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 10:18

Yeah, but in the real the time a claim of unfair dimissal comes to fruition (taking in to account you`d actually win!) we will most likely have experienced a few more conflicts in the mean time.

Does the walkout apply to all?

I`m sure we`d all like to see our police, nurses, emergency services, teachers (great for kids...then again, if the kids have all walked out it wouldn`t make a difference!), public transport personell (although some would say we wouldn`t notice!) etc all walk out of work and bring the country to a standstill...wouldn`t we!

I`m all for a day off work (who isn`t)...but I still thinks it`s a very dumb idea and smacks of desperation!

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 11:14

I think it`s a noble gesture by all : it`s clear that the vast majority of folk in the UK do not want this war.

Unfair dismissal claims are normally won if the employer failed to follow his own disciplinary procedure, incidentally...

DVD Reviewer

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

Colin Mac (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 15:05

The last thing you ever want to do is walk out of your job, no mater how good the intent, as in todays workforce market a lot of people have very few rights.

Service and Leisure industries are a good example of this, and an employer only has to `fall out of bed` the wrong way to decided that downsizing starts with you, maybe not today but it will go in the blackbook, an excuse for sacking can be found very easily.

You will find that those who consider this method of action cannot be sacked, as they are their own boss, selfempoyed, or they are in a protected occupation (not many left) or they have no job.

Thats why a lot of us have had enough of bosses and their management fear tatics, and have become their own, via selfemployment.

This item was edited on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 15:07

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

kcab (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 16:56

the idea is...the day war breaks out they want us all to walk out of work, college, school etc as a sign of protest

Who are they, may one ask?

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

Hodge (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 19:51

"Who are they, may one ask?"

The People`s Assembly, the Stop the War Coalition and many other organisations are calling for this (including trade unions). Superb idea, methinks.


"The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have
names and addresses"

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

Asad (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 20:15

I had not heard about this but I thinks its a good way of making a point that you don`t agree with the war (if indeed you don`t). It probably won`t make much difference but people should still make their voices heard.

On the point about being sacked if you walk out, if you`re employer is THAT SAD they would sack you over this I`m sure there are 100 other excuses they can come up with to sack you. And also probably not an employer worth working for !

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

kywy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 20:39

Is this like a royal wedding ?

When tanks roll everyone gets a day off ?
They could call it the St George and his Tag-on Day.

Although not known for my cynicism ( yeah right ) What a hopeless shambolic waste of time !

Are the tanks going into reverse gear because the well intentioned British public walk out of work and in many cases put their jobs or career on the line ? Dont think so.

Will The bombers fly backwards, the cruise missiles self destruct ? No way.

The war is already a fact, it`s already started, they just haven`t committed the main forces yet.
I wish it was not so, young men will, as with every war in history, die as cannonfodder for causes most do not understand.
Many thousands of civilians will die.

There is only one way that Mr Blair will accept he is in the wrong, if that is what you believe, remember how you feel now when you are next at the ballot box.
Truely that`s the only language politicians understand.

This item was edited on Monday, 17th March 2003, 02:55

RE: One Big No (Chance!)

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th March 2003, 21:08

I`m sure the people who agree with this idea are more than happy to have their lives disrupted by the `conscientious`. Will these people be as willing to support, when it directly affects them?

What about when you are just about to make an online transaction...or, when you go to the bank...just to find out that the person dealing with your request ups and leaves because they see fit!!! Or, after waiting an hour in the dental surgery...the dentist tells you he`s walking out (due to the fact that he`s opposed to war)...and he won`t be able to see you again for at least another 3 months. I`m sure you`ll all be totally be sympathetic to the cause! I know I`d be chuffed to bits!

At the end of the`s an impractical way of showing support.

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