Page 1 of So who enjoyed Carnivale ?!?

DVDs & Films Forum

So who enjoyed Carnivale ?!?

DeucesWild (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th November 2004, 09:28

Personal opinion thought it was one of the best series I have seen for a long time !!! Looking forward to season 2 !!!!

RE: So who enjoyed Carnivale ?!?

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 26th November 2004, 09:47


I was really looking forward to it beforehand. I watched the first 6 or 7 episodes, but although starting off well, i felt it had slowed to a snails pace.

Although i always let new shows build on me, and this one certainly took it`s time - i found i wasn`t enjoying it. So i stopped watching.

Certainly a unique and fresh TV show, i``ll give it that. And i just know things got really good after i stopped watching - it`s always the same! :D

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

RE: So who enjoyed Carnivale ?!?

I. Merriman (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th November 2004, 16:53

I pretty much agree with Matthew, I looked forward to it, but was ultimately disappointed.

The acting & atmosphere were very good, but the story barely progressed from one week to the next. It just started to get interesting & the series ended.

I was expecting an epic apolcalyptic, good vs evil, style ending. Instead we got a caravan catching fire...

I`ll probably give series 2 a try, but if things don`t start happening then I`ll stop watching too.

I do hope it helps Clancy Brown get some bigger roles though (he was great in The Shawshank Redemption & is possibly even better in this)

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