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Has anybody heard..........

DeucesWild (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th March 2003, 13:17

of the following site, is this site legal ?!? How can selling fake or replica items be legal ?!? Any advices would be good as I`m thinking about purchasing a replica Rolex from them !!! Do you chaps think its dodgy ?!?

RE: Has anybody heard..........

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th March 2003, 14:30

dodgier than roger the dodger.

RE: Has anybody heard..........

wizzy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th March 2003, 14:56

This site MUST be illegal.

The FBI are reponsible for prosecuting those who manfacture, sell or import counterfeit goods in the USA, see:

Probably a scam - provide your credit card details and never hear from them again.

RE: Has anybody heard..........

famousjacob (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th March 2003, 21:37

apparently the site is kosher,but looking at the prices of some of the rolex watches i would pay a little bit more and get a holiday in barbados and buy a dodgy rolex for as little as $4.....they keep good time too

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