Info and forum posts by 'Postcards'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 18th July 2002, 23:13, Last used: Wednesday, 2nd February 2005, 20:19

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Buying PC components online...

Komplett are very good and hard to beat on price. Used to use Scan but their customer service was the best ... maybe it`s improved now?

RE: Random Trivia!

When on the phone to a company, etc. and the person on the other end says "Bear with me", ... theres a very good chance that there isn`t a large carnivorous beastie in their office!

PS if this happens to you, reply "Run away, they`re dangerous" ... it takes a while for it to sink in.


The Shield every time. For the continuous story lines and the way it`s filmed, it beats 24 every time.

Series 1 and 2 are addictive. But series 3 has had elements of "shocking for the sake of being shocking" ...


It`s not the ticket prices that I have a problem with (It`s usually £4.50 - £5 in the Belfast area). And I can overlook the sky-high prices for drinks. In the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, "Hell is other people".

* Talking during the film (amazing no-one tells them to shut it ... apart from me). A friend of mine had a chinese couple behind him. Apparently only one of them could speak English ... yes, you`ve guessed it ... and was translating the dialogue into the other`s native tongue!

* Eating loud food ... my local cinema actually sells crisps. Pringles and the crinkly packet kind.

* Mobile phones ... texting during the film. Why do they bother going? Has anyone yet seen anybody taking a picture of the screen using their mobile?

Apart from that ...

Other niggles:

* The air conditioning ... either too hot / cold. Usually so powerful that, if you`re forced to sit near the front, it drowns out the whole sound.

* Sound levels ... on more than one occasion, the sub-woofer has been broken / at the wrong level, which results in an annoying buzzing sound.

* Starting times ... the film is advertised as starting at 9pm, which in reality means that the film will start after 25 minutes of cheesy adverts / trailers (which usually give away the whole plot of the film). God help you if you`ve made plans after the cinema.

And those are the reasons why, when going to the cinema, most film buffs are forced to go the late showing on a wet Wednesday night ...


RE: HELP: Problem with split screen image when playing back DVDs on Toshiba SD330

Yes, this happened to me too. That coupled with the lip-sync issues on some SVCDs prompted me to send it back for a refund.

RE: The weathers gonna get real bad tonite!

In Northern Ireland ...

Hardly a cloud in the sky ... lol.

RE: I need some help

As my colleague found out yesterday, with an ABit Mobo, 400 Mhz DDR has to be run in dual mode. Took 3 of us 4 hours to work that one out! Don`t know if it`s the same with your Mobo`s, but this was an ABit NF7v2.


RE: Setting up a new pc!

A handy site to read before you jump in feet first ...

I usually split my hard drive into multiple partitions. I`m not sure if it`s more efficient for the system, but it sure is easier finding stuff when you begin to fill up that space (God bless Broadband).

If you can get a hold of Partition Magic, it`s very handy for this kind of stuff.


RE: Where to find Dual layer DVD Media

There`s some info on this site:

The short answer is (1) not yet and (2) very expensive ...

RE: Who`s the hottest Actress/Model/Singer? (A picture thread)


Apologies for publishing a link which came along with so many pop-ups, spyware, etc. I use Opera for browsing and it`s a annoyance-free browse. Original post has now been edited appropriately.

I don`t want to get into a very big debate over who should get credit (if any) for scans. I suppose he is gving some credit to the photographer in each case, by actually buying the magazine and keeping them in a job. But, if his scans seem worthy of being circulated "far and wide" then he should be proud. It is the rest of us, who enjoy the eye candy, but don`t buy the magazines such as Maxim, FHM, etc. (crap though they are) who should feel a little bit of guilt.

Getting back to the original post, yes Keira is just fantastic. The only reason to watch Love Actually.


RE: Know any good Anime DVDs?

What about Spirited Away? Not really sci-fi / horror / action ... more fantasy based, but a great film nonetheless. Actually I go one further and say just watch this film and be astounded.


RE: Who`s the hottest Actress/Model/Singer? (A picture thread)


The scanner in question goes under the name of Proteus Scans (I only know first name i.e. Dave). He`s just packed in his Yahoo Group, in which he published his scans) because of others stealing credit for his work. If you include his name, it would be great. Credit where credit is due and all that ... Cheers.


This item was edited on Sunday, 4th July 2004, 04:36

RE: Who`s the hottest Actress/Model/Singer? (A picture thread)


Where did you get these scans? I`m not pointing the finger, but the reason I`m asking is that Proteus aka Dave, isn`t too happy that his work has appeared on a public forum without credit and more importantly with the filenames being changed.


RE: Who annoys you most on TV?

We have a whiteboard in work, which is poorly utilised ... eg. a list of colleagues mobile numbers. So I started a "People We Can`t Abide" list ... you`d be amazed how quickly the list filled ...

Many of the aforementioned people are already on my list (OK, I admit, I forgot Vernon Kaye ... will be added on Monday morning).

The person on the top of my list at the mo` is the girl from the Philadelphia ad ... you know the one "I never text on a 1st date" ... just listen to her laugh at the end.


RE: does anyone know when kill bill region 1 is available

This is from Don`t know if it will mean that the DVD will have similar changes tho ... but worth checking ...

"Privileged audiences in Japan, you`re in for a treat. Quentin Tarantino knows that we can take what he dishes out better than American or European audiences, so he`s come up with an exclusive version of Kill Bill that is more vibrant and visceral than what the rest of the world is seeing.

The Japan version, which will also be screened in other Asian countries, is only a minute or two longer than the American one, but according to producer Lawrence Bender, it packs a bigger punch. There are a few extra shots in different scenes, the anime sequence of O-Ren Ishii`s (Lucy Liu) childhood is longer, and the entire House of Leaves scene, where the Bride (Uma Thurman) slices and dices the Crazy 88, remains in color throughout (as opposed to cutting to black and white and then back to color in the American version). In addition, the dedication in the opening credits to the late Kinji Fukasaku, the king of ultraviolence and one of Tarantino`s great influences, is not included on the American version.

Of course, images of dismembered corpses falling en masse into a bloody pool have more impact in color than in black and white, but while Bender admits the Japan version is more violent than the American one, he maintains that all the changes were made in the name of style and aesthetics.

According to Bender, Tarantino had wanted to make a Japan version of Kill Bill from the beginning, out of respect to both the culture that inspired a considerable amount of the film`s content and the land where much of the film`s first installment takes place. Also, the version is a salute to the Japanese who worked on the film`s crew and cast, including Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba, who plays Okinawan swordmaker Hattori Hanzo.

Americans just can`t take as much as the Japanese, Bender admits."

RE: What`s the most obscure DVD in your collection?

Haggis ...

Time After Time is a great film ... saw it years ago and again when it was on TV over Xmas ... but you wouldn`t catch me buying it.

Most obscure DVD ... Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell ... a Keith Waterhousem play starring the great Peter O`Toole ...


It`s Trivia Time ...

I was at a pub quiz last night ... and one of the peeps at the bar said "Do you know which actors have starred in at least two trilogys"? He said there were four!

The only ones I can think so far are:

Clint Eastwood for Dirty Harry / Spaghetti Westerns
Harrison Ford for Indy / Star Wars

Any ideas?

RE: Mr Jolly Lives Next Door

Where did you get a copy of Mr Jolly?

And yes, I`ve got the original on VHS and If you`re very nice I`ll scan it for you. Let me know your e-mail.


RE: Only Fools and Horses, and I`m pished!

I`m sorry, I agree ... it was poor. It consisted of old playground jokes and tired old cliches. The old good bit was Uncle Albert`s reunion, which was only put in to set up the trip to France.

How many of the cast have to die before they stop making these "Specials"?

And why did Boycies hair still smell of onions (poor joke BTW) when he was staying at Del`s. He left his house with no possessions. Surely he doesn`t carry his "hair gunk" with him?

This item was edited on Friday, 27th December 2002, 18:15

RE: Dansai DVD-1010 upgrade needed


Send me an e-mail and I`ll send you the upgrade.


RE: Dansai DVD-1010 upgrade needed

Yes, I know ... Tescos are out of stock.

However, a kind person on the VCDHelp forums sent me an image of the file. This will enable you to play VCD and SVCD. I hear that it also disables Macrovision, but I haven`t tried it yet.

You need a program like CDRDAO which supports Bin / Cue to write the image to CDR. The instructions will also be written to the disk!

E-mail me and I`ll send it to you: 42opoa[at]moc.xepip.lsd

Dansai 1010 from Tesco

I bought one of these DVD players from Tescos ... discovered that it would not play VCDs or SVCDs ... and immediately returned it for a refund.

Out of interest, I e-mailed Tesco`s customer services. To quote "How come the latest batch of this DVD player cannot play VCDs or SVCDs? Did Tesco specifically have it removed?"

They replied, saying "The supplier, without our knowledge, changed the specification, we have however got NESN to carry a stock of CD`s which customers can obtain from them free of charge which will provide an automatic update once played in the unit. NESN Helpline Tel: 0845 601 2549 Hope this information helps"

If anyone has bought one and not yet returned theirs for a refund, perhaps they could try this CD and see if it cures the problem.