Info and forum posts by 'Braindead'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.


Joined on: Friday, 12th July 2002, 18:22, Last used: Friday, 12th July 2002, 18:22

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 169 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.14 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Random Thread Mover Strikes Again

I used to enjoy this site but the seemingly random application of unclear rules regarding what threads should go where has finally done my head in.

Please remove my account from the system.....I`ll view in future but have not intention of contributing any more.

I`m sick of trying to fing the threads I`ve posted.

This item was edited on Saturday, 21st February 2004, 19:41

Best Pay Monthly Mobile Deal?

My o2 off-peak 500 deal costing £20 a month is coming to an end. Probably try for a phone upgrade unless anyone knows of any killer deals out there for:

Off peak hours
Free Texts
Free Media Messages
Free Phone
No more than £20/month


RE: Company Car Choice - Opinions Welcome!

I just selected a Toyota Prius T4 - a petrol/elecric hybrid.

Performs like a big turbo diesel, every gadget known to man and fuel economy to die for.

Still grinning after 2 weeks!

BTW, £65 road tax, no congenstion charge!

RE: Can anyone Recommend a good domain hosting company with excellent Webmail?

I`ve used Sysweb

Very good, very friendly. Good price. Great service

RE: Maths help for a thicko rqd

Well done Biagio!

What the hell are they teaching in schools these days....not maths, that`s fore sure.

The doubters amongst you work it backwards

If you have £6.50 and someone offers you and extra 54% then you would get

£6.50*54/100 = £3.50 (OK it`s 1p out but I didn`t want lots of decimals to confuse you)

So now you have £6.50 plus £3.50 (an uplift of 54%) and magically, if you can add those together you have £10.

To complicate it for you, it`s like the difference between markup and margin. Markup is calculated by dividing uplift by the orginal price as the example above = 53%. Margin is calulated by dividing the uplift by the new total which in our example would be 35%.

Got it?

Bloody hell, I didn`t realise O & A level maths and a degree in Mechanical Engineering would ever be any use. I can now die happy.

Rik, if you want that GCSE, youd better start paying attention in class :D

This item was edited on Saturday, 14th February 2004, 16:00

RE: Who annoys you most on TV?

That female weather forecaster who doesn`t move her arms but flaps her hands a bloody dolphin! Drives me spare!

RE: Help Me Get a Job

Let us know how it pans out

RE: Help Me Get a Job

1. What are your weaknesses?
2. Take away the fact you like electrical products, why do want to work for us?
3. Why do you think we should employ you?

1 - They don`t want to know your weaknesses - they want to see how you handle the question. Don`t answer straight off as it looks like you have a stock answer. Think a little then come up with something non-commital like "I don`t like being late and tend to arrive everywhere early" or "I can`t leave problems unresolved - I have to finish what I have started".

2 - You want to work for a large company with a good reputation that will provide you with security, good rewards for hard work and an opportunity to progress. You are looking to the future not just a run of the mill job. Sales is an area you feel you can excel in.

3 - You are hard working, honest, reliable, outgoing, mature (35), like interacting with people, genuinely interested in the products.
Give examples to back this up.

If you get any daft questions like " what`s your favorite colour and why?" then they are out to test your ability to think on your feet - give an answer-humour may help.

If they ask you questions, maybe technical or product related, don`t make up answers. If you don`t know, say so but explain that you could find out by, for example, looking in the product manual.

Make eye contact.

I`ve interviewed a good few people - good luck. The fact you are asking these questions shows you have something going for you. Be positive!

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th February 2004, 17:50

RE: Mystery!

Thanks...though I might have been a victim of the random thread remover ;)

Not this time eh?


Hey, my threads vanished. :o

I put a thread in Bargain Buckets warning folks that the Virgin site is selling Donnie Darko for £5.99 as the full version with all the extras but shipping the vanilla version....and it`s gone (or I`ve lost it).

Virgin have chaged their site now but no response to my email expressing disappointment

Forum sponsored by Virgin?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 4th February 2004, 18:41

RE: Guys, is still the winner for me...

I`ve been with `em for 3 weeks. Very fast! Not brilliant at sending out the newer stuff but I can wait.

UPDATE - had a gentle moan at them for sending DVDs from the bottom of my list and they have sent my top one as a peace offering...that means I have 3 discs out at onece on my 2 disc package.

I`m impressed!

This item was edited on Saturday, 31st January 2004, 17:40

RE: Does anyone collect anything as well DVDs? (PICS included)

I tend to start collections and then loose interest...

examples of small collections I still have

[*]Royal Wedding Bottled Ales from 1981 (because it`s beer not because it`s the Royals)

[*]Mouse Mats

[*]Old PCs and calulators including CBM Pet, ZX81 + Printer, 2x BBC micros, several 1940s/50s mechanical calculators, couple of 60s valve calculators, A peice of genuine ferrite ring core memory etc etc

Hell, I`ve lost interest...... :D

RE: CD-wow

I think the BPI have to realise that if CDs are cheaper, there is less pirating and folks buy more CDs.

Personally, if I hear an intersting track I tend to buy an album by the artist to hear more. When you can pick up a CD at £7 or so it isn`t worth messing around ripping your own. Also tend to buy a lot of old stuff because the price has been good from CD-Wow.

So what happens now? I will be buying less CDs. I will listen tracks on the web rather than buying on impulse - I`ll think twice. Suggest the BPI do the same.

RE: 12v Coolbox - Where to get a good deal?

Found the best deal at Comet - quite a surprise!!

They have a range starting with retro style mini fridges at £25 but they have a 25Litre powered coolbox for £30!!!

Has a movable divider inside plus a powered lid and a lighter standard lid.

Bargain at the price!

RE: *NEW* Website Promotion HELP PLEASE !! (for all you webmasters out there!)

Hi, I used to run an eBusiness and went through all this.

I agree with one of the other posters that eSpotting and Overture are very good value if you have keywords that are not that common. If they are popular you get a high cost per click-through.

A lot of the search engines now charge to get in their index. I found the quickest, best value method was to get onto Inktomi who fed lots of the other engines. USD39 for a year is pretty good value. Try it at

The other thing to do is optimise the use of header tags and your page content. Make sure your tags match ythe words in your web pages. A good site to test the quality of your tags/pages is

It`s a bit of a black art.

Finally, Google used to rate you by how many sites linked to your site. Search the web for sites that are relavent to you but not competitiors and swap links.

Hope this helps

RE: 12v Coolbox - Where to get a good deal?

Aljar, the Micromark Micro Cooler sounds like the niz at a reaonable proce. Where would I get one please?

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

Trouble is, you have to remember that other road users are human beings just like the rest of us........except for BMW drivers and cyclists! :D

12v Coolbox - Where to get a good deal?


I`m after a coolbox that runs off a 12V cigar lighter socket in the car.

Want a full size one to take several 2L bottles.

Typical price around £60 - anyone know any good deals going (apart from ebay)

Summer is coming....hopefully.

RE: Wonderful, wonderful home insurance...

I was with Direct Line for years...never made a claim, paid them thousands in premiums. Then, my lads bike got stolen from the back garden at a friends house. They wouldn`t pay because it didn`t have a lock. Like a fool I was honest enough to say it wasn`t locked.

Time to join the hords of people who spill wine on their carpets when they need a new one etc etc....honesty and loyalty didn`t work for me. >:(

Needless to say, I moved my motor and house insurance somewhere else so refusing a £300 claim has lost them over £600 a year in premiums! Maths does not seem to be their strong point either.

This item was edited on Friday, 16th January 2004, 17:42

RE: Any Reason Not To Join MailboxMovies

I`ve joined up....will feed back in a month or so

Any Reason Not To Join MailboxMovies

Quite like the look of Mailbox movies - they responded to an email quickly and do 2 movies at a time for £13....and games.

Anyone know a reason no to use them?

RE: Whatever happened to DVDsOnTap?

I suspect there is a a major problem with dvdsontap. They`ve stopped answering email and not showing my returned DVD after over a week.

I`ve just cancelled.

Quite like the look of Mailbox movies - they responded to an email quickly and do 2 movies at a time for £13....and games.

Anyone know a reason no to use them?

RE: Donnie Darko - £5.99 Version?

The £5.99 version out next month has extras as well as the film acording to sites that are selling pre-orders.

Why go for the original or have I missed something here please?

This item was edited on Monday, 12th January 2004, 22:50

Donnie Darko - £5.99 Version?

I know there`s a release of Donnie Darko out on 2/2/04 and there seem to be some versions have extras, some don`t. Also, Virgin Megastores online say the pre-order version they are selling is region 0....most of the other are region 2.

Any ideas which is the best to get if you want the extras and 5.1 sound?

RE: DVD`s in your collection you wish you`d never bought...

Jonny Vegas - Who`s Ready For Ice cream!!

I`m a great JV fan but this dvd looked like an attempt to pad out 30 mins of good standup material.

Really disappointed! :(

Customs Charges

I guess this gets covered fairly often but am I right in assuming that anything to buy from outside the EU with a value of £20 or less is not subject to a customs surcharge?

If I got it right, I would also assume it was the value of contents that the customs charges are based on rather than the total order including postage?

Thinking of buying from the US as the dollar is so weak.

Thanks in advance

RE: Table Top Dishwashers!

We clean our table top with a cloth :D

RE: DVDSOnTap/ -Getting Slower?

I used to. Been with thm around 6 months or so. If I were a cynic I`d say new customers get priority. Once you`re hooked you get taken for granted.

On the other hand it could be that they have grown too quick and are a victim of their own success.

Either way, if this continues it`s "goodbye from me"

DVDSOnTap/ -Getting Slower?

Is it just me or is (renamed getting slow at turning round rentals. six months ago I could turn round two dvd rentals a week now I seem to be lucky to get one?

Any good alternatives...I`ve had enough! :)

RE: Moustaches are coming back...

I have a beard with moustache but decided to a large handlebat type moustache. Only been going a couple of months but need wax already.

Anyone know a cheap source of Pinaud Clubman Moustache Wax in the UK?

Trouble is, if that well known arbitor of style, Radio 1, says that moustaches are in I might have to get rid :)


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