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Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 19:43

this may be a little odd from somoene having just bought a new car, but does anyone else get really p***** off with the complete contempt and selfishness provided by other road users? the way people cut in front of you when leaving enough room with the car in front, when youre waiting to turn right at a set of lights and people still come through when they change from amber to red. the way people cut corners at t-junctions and my biggest hate is when you let people go and they havent got the utter decency to thank you. AAARRRGH!!!!!

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 19:58

Whoaaaa, Elephant! You sound just like me!

Indicators! Why don`t people use their indicators???

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

chewie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 20:00

I know exactly what you mean. My personal hates are the people who cut you off and the people who don`t indicate, especially on roundabouts.

Just yesterday, I was in the middle lane for going straight ahead at the roundabout, but the guy in the left lane obviously realised he was in the wrong lane. The traffic was busy, but he just speed off straight in front of me cutting me off just as I was exiting the roundabout, causing me to slam on the brakes really hard or else I would have smashed into the side of his car (and I would probably have gotten the blame).

Also, today coming back from the cinema there was a huge traffic jam on the M8 because the police were clearing up debris from a car that was upside down on a vertical bank (the car was a complete wreck, but I haven`t heard of any bad injuries so they must have been lucky). There are roadworks, hence lots of traffic cones on the road. There is a 50mph speed limit in this area, but not many cars abide this limit and continue to do 80mph+. Judging by the hole in the barrier that separates the roads, I guess this car hit a traffic cone and tumbled over the barrier and up the bank. About 6 other cars were sitting in the hard shoulder with just as many Police cars, so I think they would have witnessed the accident first hand. Would have been quite spectacular to see me thinks, and a good example of what happens when you speed.

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 20:06

Since I learnt to drive, I realise what a prat driver my dad is. I haven`t taken my test yet, lack of money meant having to put off.
He rarely indicates, steering is pap, clutch control is almost 0... bad. But, he says once i`m done he`ll give it up.
Actually, i`ve become over picky with everyone! Tsk!

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 20:12


had a complete T**t in a flash Beemer 5 series cut infront of me t`other day.
I`d just left work and this w*****r was doing about 35mph on the dual carriageway
so, me wanting to get home indicated right to overtake, then the idiot pulls straight
into my path. Slammed on the brakes and nearly had someone rearend me (ooer)
When I managed to draw alongside of him, he was yakking on his mobile >:(

I did`nt show aggression at all, just honked my horn (ooer again) and clapped
to show my appreciation.

Obviously loaded, he thinks he`s above tha law, f*****g tosser.


RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

porno for pirates (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 20:17

Common courtesy should be a major part of the driving test. Unfortunately, being pleasant and courteous shows that you`re a stupid, stupid cretin who isn`t fit to live in the same world as the wonderful, delightful, baseball cap-wearing, subwoofer-blasting, McDonald`s container-hurling, Diamond White-quaffing, `cut & shut` deathtrap-driving kings of the road.

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

Braindead (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 20:19

Trouble is, you have to remember that other road users are human beings just like the rest of us........except for BMW drivers and cyclists! :D

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 21:56

I agree with all of you guys - but I`m wondering if I`m the only one to notice this recently:

Drivers no longer, it would appear, have to stop at Zebra Crossings! It amazes me that I see at least 2 incedents a day (I pass 3 on my way to work) where there are people stood at the edge of the pavement and people see them and then carry on driving!!!

I must admit that, at 28, I am becoming a little more angry with idiots in cars than I was, say, 5 years ago....maybe I`m gettin` old :/ :( :(


RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 22:07

i had been riding a scooter for the past year and it was even more noticable then. the best piece of advice i was given when i purchased it was - "you have to ride under the assumption that all car drivers are w******". wise words indeed....

RE: Car drivers - i cant stand them!!!!

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 23:57

I agree there are some right c***s on our roads these days! elephant stone, you can have my job 30,000 miles a year and from the looks of you opening thread Ill give you 3 days before you try and kill someone :D


The Shi*house poet needs a good thrashing, Grafitti ISNT cool.... kiddies!

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