Info and forum posts by 'James Saunders'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 7th July 2002, 14:29, Last used: Sunday, 7th July 2002, 14:29

Access Level: Competent

About this user: DVD enthusiast
Online Reviews of websites, DVDs, films & games

This user has posted a total of 60 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: service!

I have to admit that the website hasn`t got a very professional feel and I`d be dubious about parting with much dosh with them especially as I`ve not heard of them before.

RE: Does DVD Menu Design matter?

I don`t mind either way but one thing that I find really annoying is when not all menu options work with my player. I have the bitstream version of The Panic Room and I can`t select the DTS option. Argh!

RE: I know I recommended Pipex, but...

I managed to get back on at 8pm last night. It was very annoying not knowing what was going on until they updated the network status pages. I agree 56K is really bad in comparison. Hopefully, all the little problems will get resolved. Has anyone else noticed that they have been cut off intermittently over the last 4 weeks?

RE: Sky Box Update

Remove the power cable, press the back up button while reinserting the power. Keep the back up button pressed in until the message is displayed. No need to remove the card.
Hope this helps.

RE: Whhich site is the best to order DVD`s

I personally reckon that CD-WOW beat the competition hands-down. I used to be a fan of Play, but they are more expensive now that CD-WOW. Check out my review at:

As for the list from William, I haven`t used many of the sites listed.


RE: Best place to buy a New PC

I can recommend either: or

Have recently got a great priced notebook from the first and buy regularly from Novatech.


This item was edited on Sunday, 8th September 2002, 20:38

RE: Cheapest Region 1 DVDs

Check out Very good price comparison site.

RE: dvd rental by mail

I can recommend DVDOptions. In fact, I have done openly on my site and in the following thread:

Never ever had a problem with them, nor has anyone that I know.

RE: Adding a search feature to a web-site - how easy is it?

That site looks very useful. Have also heard lots of good things about Atom search although I use PHP to search my own site.
James @ u-rate-it

RE: What do you have on order?

Panic Room - Super bit
Band of Brothers (6 Disk set)

Both from Play. Seem to have slowed down on DVD purchases recently.
James @ u-rate-it

RE: DVD Rental by Post

I can recommend DVDOptions. In fact, I have done openly on my site and in the following thread:

Never ever had a problem with them, nor has anyone that I know.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd July 2002, 20:30

RE: Freeserve broadband

I have the Pipex offering (, in fact left FS to join them. 23 quid a month. Just checked the pipex site, looks like the good launch deals have disappeared. Now 50 quid setup and 120 quid for the modem. Ummm, glad I joined when I did! Check out


RE: And yet another site ...

Do you remember where you got that????? Think I`ve found it, something to do with displaying latest reviews?? The SQL was pulling back allsorts of wierd combinations of Items and unassociated reviews! Classic!

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd July 2002, 19:23

RE: And yet another site ...


Your site has inspired me to go buy the Norah Jones CD. Excellent. Will now take a closer look at the site. Expect a review in the next day or so at u-rate-it.


RE: Client/Server Program - Simple form on a web page...

No problem. I`ve added a forum at my site for such discussions if you think that we`re taking up too much of DVD reviewer`s bandwidth! ;-)


Paull - it`s all relative! If we had a choice, the chickens would win!


Whether Kate wins or not, we`ll see her on SMTV! Guaranteed! Just watch her in the diary room, she`s heading for the big time!

RE: Client/Server Program - Simple form on a web page...

Just taught myself CGI (use PHP instead, I can offer a quicker reply!)

The `required` parameter should reference the required variables, eg `email`. For example,

<form name="mail" method="post" action="">
<td align="right" valign="top">
<div class="standardtext">Name: </div>
<input type="text" name="name" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top">
<div class="standardtext">Email: </div>
<input type="text" name="email" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top">
<div class="standardtext">Subject: </div>
<input type="text" name="subject" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top">
<div class="standardtext">Message: </div>
<textarea name="message" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="50" rows="6"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="send"> <input type="reset" value="reset">


<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="br[at]ofni.namwobssor">

<input type="hidden" name="required" value="email">


The `required` parameter basically tells the CGI script what parameters to expect, and if they aren`t submitted to throw a wobbly!

Hope this helps. You`ll find I`ve sent you an email while testing. Sorry!

James @ u-rate-it

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st July 2002, 20:41


Kate is more entertaining than the rest. Alex has become too `bitchy` to win. Fraid that Jonny`s `I`m up for eviction, I`m feeling down` has put me off him.


Now why would anyone want to do that? He`s as dull as ditchwater! Why-eye man!


I believe (if my calculations are correct) that the total price from EzyDVD would be £12.14 including postage. They do offer very good service though.

James @ u-rate-it


I have ordered regularly from DVDBoxOffice and other than being slow, I haven`t had a problem with them. TO be honest, I`ve not heard of the other 2 retailers.

James @ u-rate-it

DVDOptions have added subscription DVD Rental service

Just got an email from DVDOption about their new subscription based service that for a fixed price each month you can watch as many DVDs as you want. I noticed there was a lot of interest earlier about the rental options.

Anway, it`s called Movie Match and you can find out more about it at their site or at u-rate-it where I`ve posted a review (see

This item was edited on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 16:55

RE: Client/Server Program - Simple form on a web page...

I have found generally that PHP/MySQL hosting is cheaper than the alternative Microsoft solution. That makes it very popular.

Also, with ASP.NET (Microsoft`s latest incarnation of ASP), web development has become much easier. It`s certainly a lot easier to develop in .NET that previous Microsoft languages. Having said that, you`ll pay higher prices for de-facto standard tools!

This item was edited on Friday, 19th July 2002, 23:25

RE: Client/Server Program - Simple form on a web page...

Do a search for PHP tutorials in google. Most are pretty good, especially WebMonkey and PHPBuilder. Also, check out the book `MySQL/PHP Database Applications` if you are heading in that direction. I found it invaluable. Good luck. If you need further help, contact me via the u-rate-it site and I will do my best to help.

This item was edited on Friday, 19th July 2002, 20:06

RE: Client/Server Program - Simple form on a web page...

My prefered solution would be PHP, but then my site uses it extensively.

If you create a page (CommentForm.html) with a form in it, with the action set to a PHP page (MailComments.php), the variables from the form ($SenderEmail, $comment) are send as variables to the page. You can then use the PHP mail command to actually send the mail somewhere in the MailComments.php file. The mail command would look something like:
"A user comment from $SenderEmail",
The next step would be to take the variables and use PHP to store them in a MySQL database table.
James @ u-rate-it

RE: Which Star Wars character are you ?

I am EMPEROR PALPATINE too, whoever he is. Looks kinda uglier than the reflection in the mirror but then maybe it`s one of my bad face days!

RE: Website contents bar...


Yup, that`s another solution. I`ve used a similar approach for some of the pages on my site. having said that, it was easy enough for me to add as most of the site is PHO driven anyway.


RE: And yet another site ...

Had a quick look at the sites Warney. Not into Cricket myself though. One suggestion I have is that the font used for 334notout is a little difficult to read. Apart from that, it looks great.


RE: Website contents bar...

Frame are one solution as well. There used to be a time that they were considered search engine unfriendly, but I believe that`s no longer the case. I did have my site as frame based at one stage, but then noticed that they major sites didn`t seem to follow that trend.