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Retailer Reviews Forum

dvd rental by mail

abc_123 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 18:50

I know this subject has been previously discussed. But since the last post I`ve found some new "contenders". Just wondering whether anybody has any info on them.

Reason I`m asking is that I`m terminating my sub with In-movies whose service is crxxp. In the 10 months that I`ve been a member of in-movie paying for 3 dvds, every six weeks or so I find that my list of dvd sent out is only 1. My list is never less than 6 titles at any one time. The last time it happened (which was last week) the situation lasted three days.

So, I am shopping around for another rental company which can guarantee a better service.

RE: dvd rental by mail

James Saunders (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 21:34

I can recommend DVDOptions. In fact, I have done openly on my site and in the following thread:

Never ever had a problem with them, nor has anyone that I know.

RE: dvd rental by mail

Gaz Kitch (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 22:13

Maybe you should consider putting a few more dvd`s on your list .......i have got about 60 on my in-movies list watch.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 13:43

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