Info and forum posts by 'Sticks'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 27th March 2002, 21:31, Last used: Monday, 13th June 2011, 17:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 28 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Need Help recording to DVD using pioneer 433H


Got the machine and all now but, when i try and record straight to dvd from TV (sky) the player comes up with cannot record!

Ive looked in the manual but it just says that its an error with the disk, so i tried another but same thing. The Disks are Datawrite yellow -R, Is there a problem with these??

Any help would be great thanks,


RE: Has anyone got the CD for unlocking a Pioneer 433H to be MultiRegion?


Just wonderd what you did about this player? As I also would lke to buy it I`ve found a few companys that sell it already moded. When i phoned one shop they advised not to use Pioneers firmware upgrade as it has a 98% fail true this is i don`t know...

Anyways post us yur findings,



Which One Should i go for?


I know theres alot of threads on DVD Recorders but i have finally decided on two but now can`t decide,

First is the new Philips DVDR 3300, Normally around £300 but with Argos they have 20% off so its now down to £240, looks a really nice machine but can`t seem to find to many reviews on the player...Need it to be multi region but im guessing the 520 hack works as they are very similar models?? I have reserved this at Argos until tomorrow

Second is the pioneer DVR433H, looks a good machine and seen a few reviews on Amazon and seems very reliable, can also get this for around the same price already multi-reigioned, Unlike the philips this only writes DVD-R where as the philips writes both - and +

But now im stuck... Please can someone point me in the right direction,



RE: Are there any WWE wrestling fans or Cage Rage fighting fans on here?


Yep im a massive WWE Fan been to the last few Wrestlemanias including the recent wrestlemania 21.

The thing with the WWE is that people have preconceptions of it basically that its fake rubbish. People look beyond the actual athletisism (spelling?) and the amazing stuff these guys do. Everything is "FAKE" and thats it, nothing more. The fact someone can say falling off a 15 feet off a ladder onto the floor is "Fake" or say "He knows how to fall" without even thinking about what just happened, is beyond me. Obviously it is a scripted sport but the fact someone would actually take a risk just to entertain people like me i find incrediable.

For me personnally they are the most athletic and most amazing athletes in the world, they do what a boxer or most other phisical athletes trains for months to do, and they do it week in week out.

If your looking for a reviewer on these i`d love to do it, and id give a fair representation of the event from a wrestling fans side and an outsider.


RE: Drop Dead Fred !!!!!!!!!!!!


I purchased this in America last novemeber! if yuo have a multi region player u wouldn`t even have to wait!




Thanx ALOT!!!

can i just ask have u used either of these before, ive heard of paciic but not the other. Can anyone comment on the service?

thanx again for ur help,




Really want to buy the region 1 dvd as i want it as quick as i can get it, but i can`t find no websites listing the dvd of it??

Does anybody know of any?



RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

well if its got the 3rd film in it, its not worth getting! lol

That film really did suck, I think they run outta ideas!


Liquid Drum Theater

Hey guys,

U lot know more places than me for dvds, I looked blackstar, amazon and play!

the dvd is "Liquid Drum Theater"

the cheapest i`ve found is £35.99 with play. Any help would be gr8.



RE: good charlotte CD where from?

Went to see em tuesday nite, and I frikin rocked!! They played for a good hour and a half, which id say is a long time nowadays!

id say average age was about 17/18.

No way are they anything like Busted, Busted are to poppy and GC are just rockin do what they wanna do not what someone tells em to!!

anyways got my White stripes tix yesterday, for ally pally and can`t wait!


RE: good charlotte CD where from?

There nuffin like the american busted!! busted frikin suck and can`t play an instrument, good charlotte actually play live and sing!

Goin to c em 2moro nite and I can`t wait, u don`t get moshin at a busted gig do ya?? u will there (not that i`ll mosh)


RE: Going to New York on monday.....


First off yeah u can take Portable dvd and gameboy but u can`t use in Take off or Landing, in the air your fine, cause I used mine coming back from Florida a few weeks ago!

And to get a free upgrade u have to ask at the front desk but at the time of year we are flying I highly doubt there will be any free upgrades avaliable! :(


RE: New Year in New York any advice


I`m doing this aswell! I fly out on the 29th when r u flying out??

Me and my m8 can`t wait! :> this will be our second time but never been before for NY should b gr8 though!


RE: Going to New York on monday.....


gr8est place on earth, im goin december 29th for a week. but was lucky enuff to go when the twin towers were up. People have noted the big things but go for a carnegie hall sandwhich! amazing!


electrical online stores

Must be fate or something, there I was slagging of widescreen TVs on the software forum the other day and yesterday our TV just stops working for no apparent reason. Phoned toshiba and they said yes its busted and will need to be fixed.

(Just out of interest has anyone had this: TV is On but there no picture, u can also kinda hear it changing channel, but u can`t do anything just get a green light flashing on the front under the power on button)

So my dad was thinking bout getting a new one cause for the amount its gonna cost to be fixed it might be cheaper to buy a new TV.

Want a rear projection really 42" - 43"either. Anyone know any good sites for TVs and good pricies??



This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 16:06

RE: It pi$$es me off!

Thanx for the response, so basically im a bit of a retard? lol.

I honestly just don`t like the look of widescreen TV I think there ugly, but Im only 18 so what do I know!

and as for the message before this about the widescreen decoder, my friend has a widescreen phillips its pretty much brand new and i was watching something round there the other day and the frikin thing kept jumping and changing size, that kinda put me off aswell.

anyways thanx for urs help, Oh and by the way enjoyed the mars bar story!




I kicking myself, I was in America the day it came out and saw it and thought I get it next time im in the mall, lol, guess what none left.

why not just order it from it may cost more than average but atleast you`ll get it!

let us know


It pi$$es me off!


WHY DO THEY DO IT????? I have a fullscreen tele yet they release POTC in widescreen and its big time widescreen aswell. i can normally fit it to screen so its not to bad (still has black lines) but not to bad. But this one still has massive lines! So im forced to watch a 10" tall picture on a 33" TV!!!

Anyone know why they do this?? why not release widescreen and fullscreen? its a pain in the ass.

I have a widescreen in the kitchen area and even that still has black lines. Does anyone actually watch this with out the black lines??


RE: Bottom Live 2003


I have to dissagree aswell! I am a big bottom fan, and I have just got in from the show.

After reading what Stanz had to say i agree i was a bit worried that it might be rubbish, but it wasn`t it was wikid.

And i think i will be the only one here to say this but I found the second half better than the first. I think because we had a funny crowd which kept interupting and forcing them to ad lib it seemed to make up for the poor set and the story line which made no sence to me at all (can anyone explain what the hell the pants were about???)

If u like bottom I strongly suggest u go and see it live, its the last there doing and it is one of the funniest things Ive been to.


RE: UK PS2 and US game

Mike thanx for the reply,

I had my last PSX Chipped (The PS1) and if I played it for to long it got to hot and the games would just stop!

Some times the games just wouldn`t play. If I get it chipped will this happen. Also I hear that the chips are difficult to put in and many things can go wrong!


UK PS2 and US game

Is there n e way of gettin a USA game to play on a UK PS2??

Would the region X disk do this or would this only make the US Dvds work?

RE: Sanyo DC DAV821

Please guys and gurls...

Is their no hack for it??


Sanyo DC DAV821

Hey Guys,

My friend (really is a friend) has one of these and he wants to make it multi regional, n e 1 know the hack for it??

Please guys, help him, I know someone must be able to!



RE: Recording R1 to VHS

Yes the DVD has already been switched to Pal output.

Recording R1 to VHS


I have connected our DVD player up sose to record dvds. Now When I record R2 I can pley them back no probs, however when it comes to R1 it plays back but the picture jumps around.

My player has had Macrovision disabled, so I think that its the VCR that isn`t NTSC playback compatable, even though it is relativly new. I tried it on alll of the other VCRs that I have and still no joy. Is there any way of getting around this. without buying another VCR?

Whalfdale M5 and Macrovision


Som friends of ours has a wharfedale M5 DVD player and when we hooked it up so they could watch DVDs all over their house. The picture on the main TV in the living room. cuts out.

Could this be the tele or the way its hooked up.

It goes in to the Video then a scart comes frmo the Video into the TV.

Why don`t the crack for the Dansai 1010 work?

I have a DVD for the front room but I thought seeing as how all we buy now is DVDs and videos why don`t I buy one for the back room. All I wanted was a cheap one but one that is still multi-regional as all by films come from America. My first player came from techtronics and is already mod chipped and I have done lots of regional hacks for my familys dvd players. So I come home and looked on here to see if the player was hackasble and it was So I went back and bought the player. Since then I have taken one back cause that hack wouldn`t work and swapped it for the same one (As I thought I had a dodgy one) but the hack does`nt seem to work the funny thing is that my Aunt bought one and I had put the crack in on hers after her trying the night before and it worked.

Is there a certain amount of time?

If anyone can answer this it would be great!

