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electrical online stores

Sticks (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 16:06

Must be fate or something, there I was slagging of widescreen TVs on the software forum the other day and yesterday our TV just stops working for no apparent reason. Phoned toshiba and they said yes its busted and will need to be fixed.

(Just out of interest has anyone had this: TV is On but there no picture, u can also kinda hear it changing channel, but u can`t do anything just get a green light flashing on the front under the power on button)

So my dad was thinking bout getting a new one cause for the amount its gonna cost to be fixed it might be cheaper to buy a new TV.

Want a rear projection really 42" - 43"either. Anyone know any good sites for TVs and good pricies??



This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 16:06

RE: electrical online stores

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 17:21

Hi Sticks.....I actually trawled this forum and when I was searching for a new telly.....

I settled on a (gorgeous) 32" Tosh and it was, at the time, over £500 cheaper at:

than the next cheapest I could find (which was Currys believe it or not!) AND they sent Toshiba round in one of their vans AND 2 guys got out, set it up with my Sky, DVD Player, X-Box and PS2 before leaving!!

The only thing is, I did have a look on their site yesterday and the range seems to have slimmed somewhat from when I ordered - however I also found their callcentre to be one of the better ones I called during my hunt - more to the point it wasn`t some kid who`s running his office from his bedroom and sends all correspondance via Hotmail which is what I found a lot of e-tailers to be....

Hope this helps - I`m sure some others will be of more use to you though


RE: electrical online stores

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th December 2003, 17:26


I`ve used them a few times without any problems.

RE: electrical online stores

allmyusernamesweretaken (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st January 2004, 18:50

Another vote for QED, we were burglered (or however you spell it) last year, they replaced all our stuff intime for Xmas - and we didn`t order untill Dec 20th. We`ve also ordered household stuff from them - oven etc. Fast delivery, excellent prices, free delivery over £100 - just one thing tho` - you need to chase them for a printed receipt, I`ve yet to get one without phoning and asking.


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