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Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

GregWW (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th January 2004, 23:13

Does anyone know when the Matrix Trilogy Boxset is coming out and what is likely to be in it? (apart from the films of course ;) )


....says it all really :/

RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 02:32

I`m guessing there is Defo gonnabe a 2 discs SE of the Matrix in that box. It`s been on PLay for months with a TBA for a release date.

Also will it include the Animatrix i wonder?


RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

555 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 19:43

woudl the 2 disc matrix set not just be The Matrix & The Matrix revistsed? or is there some kind of new set coming out?
I have held off of buying reloaded & animatrix coz i new they would bring out sum kind of big set, but will they have better extras than those alreayd available on reloaded ?

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 20:24

Basically this coveted SE of the original will not just be the one bundled with Revisited. It will have a new transfer, as Joel Silver has stated, plus perhaps remastered audio - along with a commentary track (not from the Wachowskis) and all the extras on the second disc; along with some new ones maybe.

I imagine the rest of the set would be 2-disc versions of Reloaded and Revolutions (with added features, apparently WB have loads more extras somewhere + the possibility of commentaries) and also the current release of The Animatrix.

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RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 20:56

It`s got a loverly white cover from what i can see. Have a look here. Comes with a full list of Extras so it must be that far of surely


RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

Sticks (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 00:53

well if its got the 3rd film in it, its not worth getting! lol

That film really did suck, I think they run outta ideas!


RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 15:53

I think no. 3 will improve on repeated viewings - and the DVD release of 6 April will be a perfect opportunity.

Click here to e-mail Rik Booth
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RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

555 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 19:30

revolutions did seem better 2nd time round for me (well at least the big robot fight in Zion did) although i never thought it was bad to begin with, i thouroughly enjoyed 2 & 3. even if the action in 2 IMHO was highly overated! the socalled "breathtaking" freeway chase was poor!

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

Jon_Doe3rd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 21:24

I still think that at the start of No. 2 they should have had Michael Palin Jack out on the NebercanezWhatNot and say "And now for something, completely different!"


RE: Matrix Trilogy Release Date?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 21:54

I still think that at the start of No. 2 they should have had Michael Palin Jack out on the NebercanezWhatNot and say "And now for something, completely different!"

John Cleese says And now for something, completely different not Micheal Palin

Beware the wine merchant he comes bearing halibut

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