Page 1 of Sanyo DC DAV821

Hack Help Forum

Sanyo DC DAV821

Sticks (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th July 2003, 19:51

Hey Guys,

My friend (really is a friend) has one of these and he wants to make it multi regional, n e 1 know the hack for it??

Please guys, help him, I know someone must be able to!



RE: Sanyo DC DAV821

Sticks (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 19th July 2003, 22:31

Please guys and gurls...

Is their no hack for it??


RE: Sanyo DC DAV821

sharon74 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd September 2003, 15:55

Hi Brad, just wondering if anyone found you a hack for the DC_DAV821. Didn`t realise it would be so difficult.

Thanks :(

RE: Sanyo DC DAV821

Jon Greenwood (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th September 2003, 21:47

dvd chips sells an upgrade disc for this at a tenner

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