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It pi$$es me off!

Sticks (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 00:42


WHY DO THEY DO IT????? I have a fullscreen tele yet they release POTC in widescreen and its big time widescreen aswell. i can normally fit it to screen so its not to bad (still has black lines) but not to bad. But this one still has massive lines! So im forced to watch a 10" tall picture on a 33" TV!!!

Anyone know why they do this?? why not release widescreen and fullscreen? its a pain in the ass.

I have a widescreen in the kitchen area and even that still has black lines. Does anyone actually watch this with out the black lines??


RE: It pi$$es me off!

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 01:32 actually want to lose half of the film do you?!

RE: It pi$$es me off!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 11:35

Anyone know why they do this??

Because it`s what most DVD buyers want! They`re not just doing it to annoy you, you know. ;)

why not release widescreen and fullscreen?

Some US Region 1 DVDs do get a Pan and Scan (fullscreen) release in addition to the widescreen one.

In most cases, though, there simply isn`t enough demand to justify releasing a fullscreen edition. The studios aren`t being widescreen purists for the sake of it - if there was any money to be made, they`d release fullscreen DVDs like there was no tomorrow. The fact that they aren`t doing this should tell you something.

I have a widescreen in the kitchen area and even that still has black lines.

That`s because POTC is Cinemascope ratio (2.35:1), as opposed to `bog standard` widescreen (1.85:1).

The last thing anyone wants is to have `Scope films chopped down to 1.85:1 ratio - that would annoy both the purists who want to see the whole picture, and the 4:3 stragglers who hate black lines.

By releasing films in the original ratio, you at least keep the film buffs happy, and it`s film buffs who spend the most money on DVDs.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 11:36

RE: It pi$$es me off!

cynic (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 11:57

hmm April 1st I think I`ll post a request for a foreign site that does fullscreen versions of classic foreign films dubbed into english and accepts debit cards :)

RE: It pi$$es me off!

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 19:31

What happens when you inevitably buy a widescreen TV?

Then you`ll be stuck with a load of DVDs that need to have black bars down the sides or be zoomed in to fill the screen

RE: It pi$$es me off!

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd December 2003, 22:50

Brad -
If you rally want to watch a Pan and Scan version of the movie that badly I suggest you buy it on VHS.

I owned a regular telly for years yet would never buy any movie that was cropped in any way. If it wasn`t available on widescreen I wouldn`t buy it.

I beleive all media should only be produced and viewed in the aspect the director orginally intended
And that goes for 4:3 stuff too. I hate it when people stretch pictures out just because they want the whole screen of their widescreen set filled completely.

RE: It pi$$es me off!

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th December 2003, 11:18

I hate it when people stretch pictures out just because they want the whole screen of their widescreen set filled completely.

I`ve been known to get annoyed at this as well (sad I know but these things really get to me!) when at a friend`s house.

Her boyfriend hated having the bars down the side, so the picture was set to stretch across the screen mode. Anyway, the Telewest cable box was set up for a 4:3 TV and and any widescreen picture that would quite happily fill the screen was stretched all the way across, leaving a distorted picture AND black bars top and bottom.

You`d think if you spend £1000 on a TV you would learn how to use it properly. Such a waste really.

Her dad took this idea to the extreme. He was buying a new car and really liked the idea of GPS tracking to tell him where to go. He paid £1600 for the privilege and 2 years later still hasn`t used it yet, explaining that he can`t be bothered to work out how to use it.

RE: It pi$$es me off!

hairyhaggler (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th December 2003, 12:23

The thing that annoys me more than anything is when people dont know what and how widescreen works.They think they are losing the top and bottom of the picture and when i have tried to explain to them the gumf, they screw there faces up and look confused.They then say BUT you lose the top and bottom of the picture.......


Give me wide screen anyday of the week.

If you play with Feathers you get your Bum Tickled.!

RE: It pi$$es me off!

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th December 2003, 13:55

My Dad really gets to me. I have told him time and time again to get a widescreen TV and he insists that "Everyone looks funnt, short and fat"


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RE: It pi$$es me off!

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th December 2003, 15:57

It`s almost as difficult as explaining the concept of inflation to anyone over the age of 60.

However much time you put into explaining, they will always say, "aye but a Mars bar was only 2p when I was a lad, they`re a bloody rip off nowadays me lad"

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