Info and forum posts by 'pjaxon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 12th March 2002, 20:58, Last used: Tuesday, 12th March 2002, 20:58

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


Retro, Retro, Retro. Reinvent, Recycle, regurgitate every thing........over and over again ! !

I was a teenager in `79, I loved the Pistols and the Stranglers. they were young, fresh, very new and DIFFERENT. But these days ?
Do me a favour. Wheres their pride ? Come on Johnny, you WERE great but please say die ! Its embarrasing, please leave us alone.
That said, maybe you could do a cover of `Unchained Melody` It always gets the No1 slot.

But then again MOST people love rushing to buy whatever they are told is hip for that day, week or month. The mohican is back (must get one.) It will go with my new Mini or VW Beetle. Which reminds me, I must get my new brown cords out the boot. Before I go to see the 2002 remake of Rollerball or Death Race 2000....................... SHEEP ! ! !

Can we go FORWARD please ?

Thanks for calling.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 23:44

RE: Dog Soldiers...

Sorry, I thought it was the biggest pile of crud I have ever sat through.
Literally, there wasnt one good scary or even funny piece in it.


Each to their own though.


RE: Lexus Sport Coupe ad - the music - anyone know what it is?

I HAD to respond to the thread. Jeez, the initial reply and subsequent response is so funny. (And I mean that in a complimentary way.)
Like something out of Monty Python !

I`ve also seen the ad, but unfortunately have no idea where the music is from. But im sure someone will name it. (Now that you are able to describe the EXCACT automobile in question ) GOOD LUCK. :-)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th May 2002, 23:50


I will check with the company as soon as poss and reply to you`re email address Friday/Saturday. I dont think it was a `special` deal to me, although I know the guy well. And someone within this forum has mentioned that they are alredy available for £129 !

The Mico is also a good machine, but the pictures not so sharp and it looks sod awful with some really annoying gliches. But if you want mine, its about six weeks old....... £75 boxed with receipt. (including 250 hard core porn dvd`s) ! ! ! :-)

All the best.


This item was edited on Friday, 3rd May 2002, 00:04

Err................ Hello ?

£163.33 ? ? ? Irrelevant, I put the link there for the spec. (As clearly stated) I didn`t buy my machine from there. Neither would I at that price.

This item was edited on Thursday, 2nd May 2002, 00:47

RE: NEW XWAVE 1100..............MICO EATER ? ?

Betamax = I dont have many items to try as I only use my machine to play DVd`s. But I had a DeNiro VCD and that worked fine. I then tried a MP3 cd and the menu showed the track name / time etc. I have no mini dvds so cannot test. I also put a photo cd in, all the files displayed but they didn`t seem to open. Maybe I have to change the settings, or do photo cd`s have to be done in Nero or something ? ?

NTSC - Pal 50. I dont know, but if you advise how to do a physical test I will try it out. Sorry can`t be more help at the moment but I will read the manual as soon as i get chance.

MicoMan = Dont know where you got £163.33 from. Mine was £120 ! !



This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st May 2002, 22:43

NEW XWAVE 1100..............MICO EATER ? ?

I already have a Mico C20, the Macro off version. Which for the money, the picture quality IS excellent. But there are a few things I hate about it.

So today on impulse, I also purchased an XWave 1100 and although I havent had a thorough play with it yet, the initial impression is that it betters the Mico on the following points :-

1) Picture quality (just)
2) Build Quality (by miles)
3) Looks (Subjective i know, but the Mico does look `Fisher Price`)
4) Sound
5) Features (Many More)
6) Menu Interface & ease of use
7) Region Free from out the box
8) Macro permanently disabled out the box ( The Mico needs resetting every power up) :-(

Now, having said all that I`ve no idea how much the Xwave retails at, but mine was only a little dearer than the Mico in which case it MAY be a better alternative. It has played everything so far, but no doubt I`ll find some quirky exception/faults. There always is.

If anyone`s interested i`ll post further information after Ive given it a rigorous test. (Even the operating underwater test!) Let me know.

In the meantime you can get the technical low down here.....

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st May 2002, 00:58

RE: What do you all do for a living ?

Armed personal security.


Oh man, my heart bleeds, it is terrible....... and i was so looking forward to being completely raped by ITV as with SKY.

After all, if it cannot continue to support players on tens of thousands of pounds per week, then this is a travesty ! !

The bubble has burst guys ......................................... YAHOO !

F*** the lot of `em. (Rude word edited by Mod : language, Timothy...)

This item was edited on Sunday, 31st March 2002, 11:14


Thinking about getting a 444. Could someone tell me if it becomes All region and macro free via a handset hack or does it have to have a hardware mod ?

Advice appreciated.



I currently have a 2 week old Mico Classica that i want to exchange for another player, that has at least as good, picture quality. It will also need to be Macro free (or the ability to be modified) because unfortunately i have to connect it through my video. Im open to offers, ideally. Pioneer or Sony.

The Mico is an excellent all round unit and plays anything. But the macro
defaults to ON every time it is switched on. Which is driving me mad !
If anyone knows how to correct this please let me know because I would
rather keep the machine ! ! Thanks.

noxajP[at]ten.enoenil (or reply here if prefered)

RE: Very funny.....

....but please tell me.

What were you actually looking for when you found that site ?

You Sicko.


Regarding pixellation on DVD films, i was wondering.......

Which manufacturer ahieves stunning `unpixelled` picture quality? Forget the fancy gadgets, just the best picture quality. Pioneer, Sony, Panasonic or `unheard ofs ?`

Or are ALL machines blighted by this ?



WHAT PLAYER SHOULD I GET ? Help appreciated.

I used to be a regular on this excellent site but have been `away` for a while. My DVD player has just died and i need to buy another.

So I am looking for a player with the following features...........

1) Macro disabled
2) Multi region
3) Excellent pic quality (Minimum pixellation)

Open to suggestions, budget range or high end. please bring me up to speed.

Thank you
