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Dog Soldiers...

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 13:08

...a great flick that could have been truly excellent with a bigger budget and better editing. Kudos must go to Neil Marshall for keeping the pace up, providing some decent (and funny) characterisation and for making the most of the £120 budget. I look forward to his next project.

BTW did anyone spot the Matrix reference? There is no spoon...

RE: Dog Soldiers...

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 15:05

I really enjoyed it, a classic gore fest.

I was AMAZED by the 15 cert though after watching it!

RE: Dog Soldiers...

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 16:20

Top film. Not perfect, but suspenseful and darkly comic. So much better than AOTC; total budget probably less than what George Lucas spends on beard grooming.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 12:51

RE: Dog Soldiers...

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 19:01

It is a brilliant movie. Good plot inc twists. Top action and great humour. I dont know what the budget was but it cant have been that much for a british flick with no known stars. Im not sure about a bigger budget, sometimes they spoil movies. For example, take blair witch and blair witch 2.
Great acting from the stars and the characters were very realistic. This movie entertained me much more than ginger snaps.
I would gladly give it a 7/10
Worth splashing out a fiver to see and I may get this on dvd when it comes out.

RE: Dog Soldiers...

toy car (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 01:52

A film that I realy enjoyed. But let down by the ending, not that it is bad just could have been better.

I think I enjoyed it so much is because it had a very `real` and `rough` feel to the flick

RE: Dog Soldiers...

Tom T (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 17:53

I remember seeing the trailer for this film when I saw RoadKill... it was set out like those Army ads and was quite funny when it became clear it was actually for a film.

Saw the film last week - thought it was really good and gory.


RE: Dog Soldiers...

pjaxon (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 23:21

Sorry, I thought it was the biggest pile of crud I have ever sat through.
Literally, there wasnt one good scary or even funny piece in it.


Each to their own though.


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