Info and forum posts by 'Grave Maurice'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 13th November 2001, 15:10, Last used: Tuesday, 13th November 2001, 15:10

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 28 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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My Bridgette Jones turned up yesterday too after what, over three weeks.

I sould have just gone to WHSmith paid the extra £3 and saved the hassle.


Still no sign of it but the money was taken from my account on 13.12.2001. The post isn`t that slow just now.


I did eventually get through and they promise me it will go out this weekend due to being flooded with orders.

It`s still crap that it is taken the a fortnight to even dog the dvd out, that`s if they have even reached that stage.

They also said that "dispatched in 24 hours" didn`t mean exactly that but that the order would be "dealt with in 24 hours". I pointed out that there is a distinct differenece in the two phrases.

Their loss as I won`t use play again.


I`ve used Play before with 1st class results but this time they have taken two weeks so far to even change my status to "processing" my order for a R2 Bridgette Jones.

When I ordered it it was "in stock" etc - "24hrs" to deliver - two weeks ago.

I can`t cancel the order cos they`ve set it as "processing" and their phone line is constantly engaged - it can`t be engaged for everyone all the time!

My email query receives an automated reply which tells me it will 5 days for a response.

Poor, poor standards- avoid!!

Best region 1 site

I want French Kiss and play247 don`t list it. What`s the best other R1 site?

RE: Hairspray - can you get it?

Cool. Thanks. Haven`t seen Pecker but H is daft as an otter.

Hairspray - can you get it?

I`d love to see Hairspray in all it`s kitsche glory on DVD.

RE: Kind about PLAY!...Honest

My local boy scouts do a Xmas mail delivery which surpasses Royal Mail.

As for privatisation at least it would allow you a dig with Trading Standards or something - Royal Mail are answerable to nobody!

RE: best commentary

I don`t like them much (comms) but Spaced series one is hilarious - I think they are obviously all stoned.

RE: Previously Deleted Scenes/ Restored Footage

I agree, on 1941 you can view the scenes seperately via an extras bit but they are also in the movie.

Jurassic Park: the Lost world has deleted scenes on the disc but they left them out of the movie but they actually go some way to explaining a few other scenes and connections between the characters, but the 1941 scenes are pretty slow going.

AS for JP you should read the books anyway as they are far better than the mvies, LW is totally different with many different characters.

Previously Deleted Scenes/ Restored Footage

One of my favourite comedy films of all time is Spielberg`s epic 1941.
I must have watched it millions of times on video.

I got the Collecter`s Edition DVD and it has something like 25 minutes of restored footage which had been left out of the cinematic release and it just seems to spoil the movie`s flow a bit.

They are obviously scenes which, for some reason probably a good one, Spielberg left out of the movie, and they really slow it down.

Are there any movies that anyone else feels that the "deleted scenes" should have remained "deleted".

Lord Of The Rings

I can`t wait for this - it`s 3 hours long and going to be chocka with extras.
The clips I`ve seen looking visually stunning.

The soundtrack is extremly powerfull too - it just sounds too good to be true.

RE: Play 247....usually dispatches in must be joking!!!!!!

How do you guys go about ordering - I check out the website to see what they have to offer, then telephone my order never doit online, that way you get to speak to someone and confirm that they definately have the DVD and ask how long it will be.

I have NEVER had any problems with Play but maybe that`s because of the way I go about it.

Play always have the goods on my door within 48hrs of the actual order,usually the day after next from the order.

I haven`t used them for a while because I was in the states and brought back the mandatory suitcase full but intend to use them soon so we`ll see if standards have dropped.

Spaced II & League Of Gentlemen

The 2nd series of Spaced will not be out till next year after the manufacturers failed to create an advertising campaign relying on Channel 4`s re-run of the series. Ch.4 are not now re-running it so no advertising slots.

Series 1 was unbelievable and the extra`s worth their weight.

League Of Gentlemen however was murdered by the addition of "canned laughter" totally changing the context of the humour from something dark to Aint Half Hot Mum.

RE: Jurassic Park Boxset!

I though 1 & 2 were both good movies but confusingly both cobbled from odds and ends of the books. Spielberg`s comments about making the 2nd after Crichton read the book are obviously crap `cos there`s stuff from the LW (book) that`s in Jp (movie). Go figure.

I thought the 3rd movie was almost a TV movie especially since Crichton didn`t write it. Elly`s token bit part was a cop out.

RE: New Tosh Freezing

I think I`ve sussed it.

If you use or fiddle about with the EOP or EOM buttons changing the sound or picture setting it would appear to cause the 4-5 second freeze but it doesn`t happen till a bit on in the film if you catch my drift.

It did it with Jurassic Park and then I suepected what it was so watched the entire movie from start to finish and then Lost World likewise with absolutely no problems.

Just don`t fiddle about with the settings during the movie. Lovely image and after the disaster of Scan i`m enjoying films again.

Can`t wait for Lord Of The Rings next year!

New Tosh Freezing

My new Toshiba 210e seems to freeze about 35 minutes into a movie for a period of about 4-5 seconds.

It`s not the dual layer transfer as it does it again literally another 35minutes further on.

It did it with Blow last night and something else new the other night.

otherwise it`s fine but it`s annoying - any suggestions?

RE: Scart adaptor

My 2nd scart on the digi is into my video - I`ll try maplin.

Scart adaptor

My telly has 1 rgb scart and comp.

The dvd is in the rgb now and looks great but I had to take my digi box out of that and put it into the comp scart and it`s obviously not as sharp (not bad thought).

Can you get a rgb quality adaptor which would allow me to have both plugged into the rgb socket without having to chop and change for the better quality image.

I don`t want anything that may comp[romise the quality of my rgb picture though.

RE: Toshiba SD210E - urgent honest opinions!

I got one today on Richer Sounds 14 day money back deal if I wasn`t impressed - I`m impressed though as through the RGB scart on my Philips it looks and sounds gallus. Spaced is amazing both looking and sounding.

Have relegated the Scan to the bedroom as on the portable nicam the picture doesn`t have the big screen opportunity to bugger things up too much.

RE: Toshiba SD210E - urgent honest opinions!

I`ve got an "earlier" Scan and it sucks the big one.

Toshiba SD210E - urgent honest opinions!

Right, I`m just off the horn with Richer Sounds and they`ve got 1 of these puppies, multi regioned at £200.

Don`t want ripped off again as I was with the Scan so I need honest opinions about the machine and the picture quality etc.

It gets bells & whistles in all the mags but the S**n did in most mags too so let me know ASAP as the little feller`s going to hang it for me for a couple of days.

RE: Sick of Scan SC2000 - want something else!

Hi, thanks but I`ve tried that - it`s too old.

Sick of Scan SC2000 - want something else!

I`m sick of my scan`s crap picture quality.

I want something else about £200 or less with a nice clean un-blocky quality picture and nice sound so I can actually enjoy DVD. Don`t really care if it`s, multi-R or not anymore.

Just want a nice reliable machine - suggestions please.

(Is the LG 3320e any good for example?)


RE: Starting out - what to buy?

do NOT buy a scan sc2000

RE: Scan SC2000 Digitisation Problems

No, the telly has two scarts and one is rgb but I had it in another telly and it as the same.

RE: Scan SC2000 Digitisation Problems

I had it through my scart rgb but it doesn`t look any different at all.

I`ve tried switching from rgb but it just looks the same. It`s shocking to be perfectly honest.

Scan SC2000 Digitisation Problems

Hi, I got my Scan SC2000 last year and I`ve always had problems with digitasion especially in dark or subdued lighting, which basically is all the time.

I always just put it down to a pretty crap machine but I keep reading these reviews giving it great marks for picture when in fact it`s pretty s**t!

And I keep seeing machines in stores with beautiful pictures.

Is there a setting on the mahine I may have wrong or something because it really is abysmal and defeats the purpose of DVD. i got a good cable etc but it doesn`t help any.

I have emailed Scan but they have chosen to ignore me.