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PCs & Mobiles Forum

TFT / LCD Monitors

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 14:44

I really like the look of these flat screen monitors. In fact, I`ve liked the look of them for ages, but the price has always put me off.

But the 19" models that I crave are just out of my price range really. I don`t know if I can justify spending £500-600 on a monitor. I would go for a cheaper one but don`t know if I`d regret it in the long run.

Anyway, I can wait for it, it`s not desperate, but what are the general points to look out for with these TFT monitors? And anywhere with good deals at the minute?

I only have a standard analogue video card (GeForce2 Pro, about 2 years old at least) - is this sufficient, or do I need DVI card?


Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 16:53

A 17" TFT has quite a large picture area, larger that a 17" CRT.

I use a Relysis 17 TFT at work and it`s not too shabby,bearing in
mind it`s running from onboard graphics.

You`re probably best to get a new Grfx card with DVI anyway as most
of the TFT monitors have the input. If you use the older 9 pin socket you`re
only inputting analogue, rather than digital via DVI.

One word of caution tho`, manufacturers are within their rights to ship TFT`s
with "dead" pixels, i.e. little black dots which are visible where the pixels do
not function. There is a standard which allows them so many dead pixels per
screen or similar. :/



RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

kevint (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th January 2004, 17:26

I got my subscription copy of PC Pro (March) today and that has a round up of 16 large screen TFT`s (19" to 23"). It takes you through what to look for along with fairly comprehensive test/report of each of the monitors. So either grab a copy or it will probably be on their website in the next few days.

RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 16:03

Thanks for replies.

My dad has decided he`s taking my brother`s Dell 17" CRT for his flat, so I`m giving him my monitor and we`re getting a TFT screen for this machine.

Decided on Iiyama E431S model. It is about £320 which isn`t too expensive all things considered.

I was looking at the 19" screens, but apart from being bigger, the vast majority only has a resolution of 1280x1024, so I couldn`t actually fit any more onto the screen. Everything would be bigger, but my eyesight is fine, so I couldn`t justify doubling the price for what seems like a small luxury.

So, it should be delivered during the week, it has both DVI and VGA inputs so I don`t need a new video card, yet it is futureproofed should I get one with DVI output later on.

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 18th January 2004, 19:35

Another important thing to look at is response time, 16ms or less is ideal but most are nowhere near that and in games you *will* get horrible after imaging effects. :/


RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

BallisticJack (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 13:12

Echoing the post above...response time is key if you want to play games or watch DVD`s without any noticeable ghosting. 20ms is fine, I have one with this response time and don`t regret the purchase one bit.

RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 14:16

Also, be aware that TFT`s are in worldwide shortage at the moment and so any price you pay will be very likely to drop in a month or so (I work in IT distribution so I have a small insight!)..... ;)

Just FYI guys - with regards to what was said earlier on the screen size....remember that on a 15" CRT you are only actually getting 13.8" viewable area and with a TFT you are getting a true 15" viewable area so this means that you can buy a 17" with nearly the same viewable as a 19" CRT.


RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 15:08

Aparently the Hitachi TFT`s are the best on the market, due to their great picture quality and response time. They`ve got them on, I know this as I was considering buying one myself, but preferably wanted a 19"!

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This item was edited on Monday, 19th January 2004, 15:07

RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 17:22

go for the hercules 17" 920 dvi pro i just got one its ace £345 dvi/vga input etc

RE: TFT / LCD Monitors

hairyhaggler (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th January 2004, 18:16

bought a flat screen tft moniter/tv combi the other week from dixons. its a samsung 15" and its pukka. it cost 399 squidly and it does me for the ps2 and my pc . well chuffed with it. ;)

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