Page 1 of LUB

Kit Kash Forum


Anni (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th February 2006, 09:30

see that they`re back on electrics today. i wonder if Nestle will be kind enough to give us all a 1 min auction on the Lub itmes we`ve all missed out on


MonkeyAllen (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th February 2006, 17:49

a one minute lub is ok but they shoukld put up a really good prize for a minute auction


jezbar (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th February 2006, 19:16

Anni that would be a nice touch and they would definately get more points used. What would be even better would be to run simultaneous 1 minute auctions so that you choose and more people have a chance of bidding


mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 2nd March 2006, 16:47

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lub back camra got 5 days on it but there back yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D


RollinHand (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 14:37

Problems with the LUB`s again, the ones started have been taken down and bid points refunded :( :( :(

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 14:37


mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 15:53

:/ why is the mag 1 still up and going if they are having probs they even taken the 1s that had not started i feel a stern e-mail coming on >:( >:(


takreem (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 23:22

... and just for my reference - which email address would you be using for that ?? - as I can`t get a response out of Nestle for love or money ...

I`m guessing that it`s not for nothing that there is no "contact us" address in the FAQ`s


mrsmiggins (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 11:21

i secivres.remusnoc.....esu[at]moc.eltsen
hope that helps :)


yobba (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 12:03

Seal Sancturay LUB

According to the auction widget "There was no lowest unique bid for this item" yet in the winners list it was won with a bid of 8.

Anyone else get this message?

12.30p.m. Now the widget says there was a winner. I don`t get the LUB`s at all

This item was edited on Friday, 10th March 2006, 12:30


jezbar (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th March 2006, 13:53

Blast done it again - missed it by one!!

10/03/2006 09:48 Family Pass to Seal Sanctuary 7 Outbid

mm and mrs m I am going to have to take my first number and add two now as I thought I would put in 6 but changed it to 7 !!!!


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