Info and forum posts by 'mrsmiggins'

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Joined on: Monday, 6th February 2006, 14:33, Last used: Thursday, 20th July 2006, 06:53

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 261 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.04 messages a day, or 0.27 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


still here real deal just been busy sorting and sticking dr who stickers in my sons sticker book and trying to sort out swaps with his friend but still have about 60 left over so if anyone needs any let me know will see what i can do :) .not alot of stuff going on in kitkash not seen a bath spa for ages.
p.s ty jez for hack for my dvd will try it out when i find an american dvd cos just split up with hubby and realised most of the american ones belonged to him but im sure i have a few stashed away somewhere :)

RE: DVD Hack for winners of the DVD player

tek ive got a combo dvd/vid been looking for a code for ages and cant find one modle numb toshiba sd-16vb.
any ideas? :)


still dont have alot of mid range prizes like washers and tvs just seems to be same old stuff every day then a big prize lasting a month like hols and cars . if they do start advertising in october maybe we will see kitkash selection boxes at xmas ;)

RE: Has Mrs M got sun stroke?

was mad to start with so the sun dont help :)
not alot been happening last few days

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

am i seeing things or have they changed the robot thing that was coming soon for a roborapter or have i just been out in the sun too long today :)

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

tell them well done from me :) i bid on that too but was way off on that one been getting close on past few ones i done but still no good :( will still try though.

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

pmsl RD :D at least she got the dalek to keep her entertained :) .i cant drive but will still be bidding on the lub just for the fun of it then prob sell it and take the little uns to see mickey :)

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

RD is kev gunna play his new x-box on the 28in :) tell him well done


lol he drives me mad as it is with his sonic screwdriver he runs round trying to seal all the doors and has told me he NEEDS all the figures for xmas so i best start searching round argos,woolies and toys r us now i think as i could get tricky getting them at xmas time.


i also wanted a r/c darlic for the little lad but got fed up of trying to win one so i just bought him one from home bargins for £20 a good deal i thought cos £40 in argos so it has now been sent off to santa :) . close on the i-pod lub i was 20 points off getting near on them all now but still no wins :(

RE: re:RD comments

still cant win the bath spa i watched it for ages on fri when it was on comming soon so what do kkash do wait till i go out on saturday morning on put it on a quickie :(
nice car coming soon on a lub

RE: re:RD comments

well done mike on the holiday lub i was 60 off :(

RE: re:RD comments

i must admit i have more fun on here than on kk site itself check this site every hour only go on kk few times a day unless something good i want is on :)

RE: Anni`s back!!!!!!!!!!!!

got close again on the lub for the bath spa winning bid 170 my bid 175 :( i just cant seem to get rid of my points or get a bath spa maybe i should have bought one instead of all those kitkats ;)

RE: wheres anni ?

anniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii we thought you had been kidnaped by nestle or ran off with some big movie star ;) hope you got your tickets ok and had a great time. get well soon hun and just to let you know i still cant win a thing :(
welcome back

RE: wheres anni ?

welcome back morticia hope you a nice time at least the sunshine was waiting for you here instead of a new car :) . i think i must have missed the short lub what was it for ?
still now sign of anni not even a ransom note posted by nestle yet lol

RE: wheres anni ?

glad you all had a nice time and its good to hear at least one of the prizes are organised by a company who knows what its doing( annis prob still standing outside burger king waiting for her tickets :) )i know what you meen about the lubs as they do only seem to be putting the good stuff on them instead of normal auctions with the exeption of the tv and x-box that was on yesturday.but saying that i still carnt win a thing no matter how much i bid :(

RE: wheres anni ?

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor real deal :( its not that you havnt been missed i just thought everyone had abandened us what with football coming up and i did have a thought you may all be in the bb house at one point as well :)

RE: wheres anni ?

real deal glad to see you thought there was only me here :) we may have to pool all our kitkats for her ransom :)

RE: wheres anni ?

theres nobody here but us chickens :)

RE: wheres anni ?

mybe the next kitkash promo is going to be find anni where is is hiding in different locations all over the world and if you figger out the clues you win a hol to where she is because i have no idea where she is.

RE: wheres anni ?

ok so now im a little worried about anni im sure she didnt say anything about having 4 days off. maybe nestle are rounding up the ppl who have said a few hometruths about the way this comp is run if anybody else on here wins any film tickets i would get very suspish :)
p.s welcome back w2g

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st June 2006, 08:47

RE: Did Anni get the tickets?

hands up who thinks anni has run off with some movie star :) if she wore her pink e-bay dress they would have been fighting over her :)

RE: firebox are the best!

they just changed the thing at the top with recent winners on annis name is on but no mention of clair potts( i think) who won the tickets too maybe she didnt get to burger king on time or she had the same pink dress on as anni and went home sulking :)

RE: firebox are the best!

i heard it was good but that was from x-men fans so i guess we would say that i want to see new pirates of carabian film when that comes out too. i hope it is good cos if i have to sit by myself looking a numpty i wont be pleased.
wonder if anni back soon?

RE: firebox are the best!

maybe it would be blessing then if she didnt get her tickets she could come with me tomorow to see x-men 3 :)

RE: firebox are the best!

prob sorted now mm :)

RE: firebox are the best!

is anyone else having trouble getting on kitkash today its showing page cant be displayed :(
anni hope you got your tickets ok and had a great time :)

RE: firebox are the best!

i must admit it all sounds very dodgie. i would expect this kind of thing from one of them phone line compatitions where you spend £20 on a phone call to be told you won a pen but from nestle i would expect alot better next ther going to tell the holiday winners to pick up the tickets at the airport and the car winners they left it with its doors open in a carpack and the key is in the glovebox. come on nestle get your act together cos if there is a kitkash 07 dont think alot of ppl will bother.
p.s. mm i had more than enough points to win racing game today but forgot about it just my luck :(

RE: firebox are the best!

i would complain to nestle about the way all this has been organised although i dont know if i would called it organised at all.but my fingers are crossed for you and i hope you have a great time and meet loads of z list celebs cos no doubt they will be there if your lucky you could bump into bonnie from bb :)