Info and forum posts by 'Anni'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 26th February 2005, 09:23, Last used: Tuesday, 13th June 2006, 15:29

Access Level: Elite

About this user: Female and disappointed

This user has posted a total of 1359 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.19 messages a day, or 1.35 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: wheres anni ?

Just to let you know I`m still alive...had rotten cold and also keep losing internet connection since I up-graded. anyone winning big things

RE: firebox are the best!

I think you`re right mickym. I`ve got to train it to London and then book and pay for a hotel and what if I don`t link up with the tickets, what if outside burger king is packed with hundreds of people and she`s not wearing a sign that says i have you tickets. she did say that she would courier the tickets to me until I told here where I lived.

RE: firebox are the best!

I think Burger King IS on a corner though........
I mean...they could have suggested somewhere a bit more up-market. The food hall in Harrods say, or a branch of Tiffany`s. There`ll be all the stars and the C list celebs getting out of their stretch limos and me running up behind with a whopper in me hand.

RE: firebox are the best!

Sunday evening, that`s why i was getting a bit worried.

Okay, so I`ve had a phone call and it`s begining to sound like a comedy sketch, dressed in my hot pink with all the bling I can carry, I have to meet someone to get the tickets outside a branch of Burger King. :$
Alternatively they could leave them under the second brick along at Battersea power station. The password is; disaster movie.

This item was edited on Friday, 26th May 2006, 17:34

RE: firebox are the best!

Even more madness...are those who`re prepared to pay £11 plus 3.99 p&p for A bar of unopened BB kitkat.

and there`s still no news of missing tickets.....

This item was edited on Friday, 26th May 2006, 14:40

RE: firebox are the best!

e-mailed Nestle at 11:45 this morning, thinking that after today there won`t be anyone in an office to respond. Nothing so far. Don`t know how to contact Warners direct.
I`m Cinderella, got the ball gown and the white mice organised , don`t know how to get into the ball.

RE: firebox are the best!

No contact from Warner Bros so far re premiere. I`m worrying about my possible e-bay and hotel; investment now. Anyone any idea how they make contact?

RE: firebox are the best!

I note that the voip phones have always been `phones` and wondered if I`d get a pair.

RE: Anni you are famous

No, Mrs Miggins, even though it`s a lovely flame red, I feel instinctively that sticking with the hot pink is the right way forward.

RE: Anni you are famous

I`ve got some safety pins mrs miggins and this is so fabulous that I`d be foolish to miss it just because of a little issue of sizing

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th May 2006, 17:03

RE: Anni you are famous

i think it`s going to be a plastic mac anyway, ....sewing some sequins on as i write.
Bring the sun back Morticia

RE: Anni you are famous

the very best thing about it (apart from being `hot pink`) is that you look at it and you think, it`s a skirt and a top, no it`s a dress, no it`s a skirt and a top, no it`s a dress...really really clever design

RE: Anni you are famous

Wow, that`s going to match my eyes!
Put a £100 max bid in and now just keeping my fingers crossed.

Forgot to wish Morticia happy hols

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th May 2006, 10:46

RE: Anni you are famous

no- dresses - cocktail - premier , categories on e-bay

RE: Anni you are famous

I think it`s sort of like the story of my life really. I get the front page congrats at last........but not for the car or holidays......... I`ll let you all know how I get on...still haven`t had the promised details from Warner Bros though. Can envisage an e-mail on Sunday or something.

RE: Anni you are famous

It`ll have to be an e-bay special i think mrs miggins

RE: Anni you are famous

The original winner for this auction had already won an item in the Film
Premiere Ticket restricted category.

I`m hoping c m james has the next LUB bid on the car from me

RE: Anni you are famous

Fame at last. ;)

RE: for W2G

I`m depressed now jez after reading your message

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th May 2006, 15:12

RE: for W2G

just got one hurray!

RE: for W2G

I remember that now.....Ant n dec thing. KKK or oldguv what extras did you get with last years premiere tickets, so I can feel a bit miserable about this year not being the same. typical. Hotel? transport? stretch limo? food?

RE: for W2G

now there`s odd.... I bid for the first poseidon and then noticed that it had been won by C james, then I just opened my e-mail and there`s a winning bid confirmation..... and now my names on the winning list. Noticed it was a restricted category and wonder if C James had already won similar. Have there been any other premieres that I missed in the past.

RE: for W2G

W2G the genie

RE: for W2G

Are you going to help us with cd/radio i might get my head around it this t6ime. i keep missing them.

RE: ???

I might have to do that now.........
no-one very interesting in the film.... :(

RE: ???

A couple of premiere tickets up, but doesn`t seem to include the same goodies as last year.

RE: Asil Wins!

Yes it`s really odd how Asil was so lucky last year but hasn`t been able to keep up his record wins this year.

RE: Good Luck

sea world.

Is anyone else bothering to play but ST? :/
not beat my five in a day yet. suppose there`s still time

This item was edited on Friday, 19th May 2006, 12:17

RE: Good Luck

It`s the eyebrows give her away. Someone should tell her that pencilled in brows are very unattractive.
New low on KK. Hardly any rooms with anything running or coming today. unless you like fish

RE: Good Luck

I feel like I`ve been looking after kids since the dawn of time. Sister six years younger, Eldest 30 , youngest 12 oh hang on now 13.