Info and forum posts by 'RollinHand'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 11th April 2005, 13:33, Last used: Thursday, 28th February 2008, 17:22

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 108 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.11 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Lazy drivers

Hey Bowfer

What street was it? Might have been me :o

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th November 2007, 12:16

RE: personalised number plates

Hey Marksparks999

Isn`t that reg plate illegal? I`m sure that the character/number spacing doesn`t conform to the guidelines set out by the dvla and is illegal.

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time

Well this forum is well dead now..

promotion over :¦

all those with the prizes rubbing their hands with glee :o

all those who missed out and had hundreds of thousands of poinits left at the end now looking back in sickness :( :(

Looks as if the 5 person team "consortium" of Simon Steward - Mark Steward (brother) - Heather Gibbons (wife) - Jean Gibbons (mother) - Kevin Ash (boyfriend) scooped the majority of the prizes (I`m sure Jezbar can give the statistics breakdown) no of cars, no of holidays, no of plasma`s, no of widescreen tv`s, no of washing machines, no of Dyson hoovers etc etc etc)

Even managed to sneak Peter Wood in there as well :)

By the way RD how did Jean managed to get past Nestle to get her car? you quoted back on P62 of this thread:

RE: Nestle - Wow - 3 DVDs on at the same time
posted by THE REAL DEAL on Wednesday, 28th June 2006, 23:18
One thing that might amuse you is that Jean hasn`t passed her driving test & she reckons that she cant afford any driving lessons because she has spent all her money on kitkats.She wont sell the car,so if you know any chocaholic driving instructors can you let me know.

The promotion terms and conditions no 28 states:

28. As a bidder or buyer, participants must ensure that they are legally able to bid for and buy any item that you bid for or buy, including without limitation, any requirement that they hold a valid passport or drivers license.

I`m surprised that Nestle didn`t check that out... :$ :$ :$ Better not mention it in case they ask for their prize back... Oh you can`t do that, you sold it on ebay :D :D

Anyway well done to the Steward/Gibbons/Ash consortium for obliterating the prize list and good luck for the next one... Good to see you are getting rid of all your prizes on ebay now

Well done to all those other people who managed to get in on the act even if nearly all the cars have all been through ebay :) under the guise of "unwanted competition win" or "unwanted prize", makes you laugh though, if the prize was so "unwanted" why bid in the first place??...

Congratulations to Amit Jobanputra (owner of Caddys Cabin) in Gainsborough for winning car and holiday each for himself and his wife bahveen.

Here is an article of him winning a Heinz promotion:

See you all next year, maybe us small fry might get a reasonable share of the prizes...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th November 2006, 18:50

RE: rules & regs

See they have put up a 28" tv now in electricals, this one must be specially for you RD :) :)

RE: rules & regs

Morning All

RD, my interpretation is the same as Anni`s ie. you cannot win more than one of a "restricted category" which means same model, when there is more than one of a model on offer.

The GADGETS restricted catergories are "Dalek, Roboraptor & Robosapien" so you cannot win more than one roboraptor for example but you could win one and only one of each of them.

The T&C`s classify HOLIDAYS as a "restricted category" thus again you can only win one.

ALL the CARS regardless of model 206 Gti / 206 CC / 307 / 1007 / StreetKA are classified as a "restricted category" there is only ONE from each model on offer so they are all classified together. So you cannot differentiate 206 CC and StreetKA for example otherwise we would be in the same situation as last year with Asil, where someone could win the StreetKA & 206 CC & 307 S, which I am sure you would agree would not be fair would it?

As far as ELECTRICAL items, it does say in the T&C`s to check the individual auction terms. What we have is `28" tv`, `42" Plasma`, `Dyson`, `ipod Nano` & `Indesit washing machine` as separate "restricted categories" or "ITEMS", so as with the gadgets you cannot win more than one Dyson or 42" Plasma, but you can win one and only one of each.

If you want to classify ALL the electrical items as ONE "Restricted Category" then Nestle will have to change quite a few of the winners, for example the winner of the last car "bhaveen" won the ipod Nano on 7 April but he won a 28" tv back on 17 March, you see what I mean? In fact neither you nor Jean would get the Plasma in this case as you said you have won a dyson already and so has Jean, so you would both be excluded.

There is one quirk where you could win more than one ipod Nano, though no-one did. That was if you won the "restricted category" item with Littlewoods AND one of the ipod Nano`s in the Sainsbury Private Auctions (these were not restricted items)

I am not sure on the PREMIER film tickets, ie if you win one set to say Invasion, you obviously cannot win a second set to Invasion but I don`t know if you cannot go to a DIFFERENT premier.

Does anyone else share my interpretations?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th April 2006, 14:15

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Hi All

Morticia, the "Star of the Road" "tv" programme is all about the "RoadStar" Mini LCD TV available in Lifestyle shops on Monday :) at 10,000 points, not a bad buy...

There is probably 5 or 6 thousand people registered on Kitkash this year, there is alot of new names coming up in the winners list over the past couple of weeks. I`m sure that 2 or 3 thousand of those are using just the free codes for the LUB`s, anyone think different?

Shock Horror :o :o they are putting up a Pink Ford StreetKA next week on a LUB

As Henry Ford once said "People can have the Model-T in any color, so long as it`s Black" - how about Pink

First mentioned in this thread P26 on 31 March ;)

Funny there is no mention of "bhaveen" on the new banner for winning the car yesterday, I would have thought, being a major prize, that would have been worthy of a banner congratulations message. See they have taken this auction off the "Lifestyle & Cars" page already, though they have left the Holiday which finished on Wednesday on the "Travel & Leisure" page, rather strange don`t you think?

This item was edited on Friday, 21st April 2006, 15:55

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Sorry Anni

Meant he got the previous holiday (though he does move round the country a bit!), didn`t mean to give you a heart attack, :o I`m sure there will be several holidays left even some LUB`s.

Hope you will buy "Star of the Road" when it appears in the shops ;) ;) :$

As it is St. George`s day on Sunday there might be some special prizes up for grabs :D well maybe not, always hoping :¦

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Evening all

good going for bhaveen getting the car and the last holiday, not much else happening on the site though.

Have been away doing some filming for a new "tv" programme called "Star of the Road", which I`m sure will appear in the shops to buy soon.... ;) ;) ;)

Ready for the slippery slopes during May :o

RE: Is Kitkash on the slide??

Afternoon all

If Nestle put up a car on a "low auction" and it goes for less than 3600 points, which is most likely. This "one wrapper" would be possible with the ASDA points promotion during January, then they would be well vindicated with the "one wrapper" advert.

As we are coming to the last 6 weeks of the main promotion, I can`t see any of the promotors putting up prizes like last year. The premier film ones aren`t really worth winning when you have to travel a long distance and have to cover all the cost yourself. At least last year there was a minimum of train journey and hotel included so the additional cost was really minimal.

Hope someone at Nestle can try and reverse the situation, if they wan`t to have a Kitkash 2007.

Why not make the next car a "2 minute auction" last year we had at least 3 short auctions for cars during the main auction period, this year we have had only one!

Is Kitkash on the slide??

Morning everyone

A rather un-inspiring morning, nearly 11:30 and only 3 auctions completed so far and 2 of those were short ones.

Has the Kitkash downward slide begun already?

Could be they will have 100 auctions for tomorrow (1 April) maybe not :(

As Henry Ford once said "People can have the Model-T in any color, so long as it`s Black" - how about Pink ;)

This item was edited on Friday, 31st March 2006, 11:26

RE: RD does it again

would be really nice if it was "Pretty in Pink....", maybe even designed by Bruce Oldfield :) :D but not available in "black" ;)
remember you heard it here first! :) :) :)

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th March 2006, 22:56

RE: Welcome back Anni :-)

I think, C M James could be related to Cheung Meng Pang from last year. I think the Given name/Surname is in reversed form. I know a couple of friends from Vietnam where the written form can be Given name/Surname or Surname/Given name, don`t know if he is on here though.


Problems with the LUB`s again, the ones started have been taken down and bid points refunded :( :( :(

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th March 2006, 14:37

RE: YET another strange delay on Holiday - Nestle please take a look ......

KKK, what was your last bid on the hol? and at how many seconds before end?

I got the usual "endpoint cannot be reached..." message at about 8 seconds when just refreshing, clicked refresh then bid, got highest (not sure of the amount), hit refresh again and it took ages and ages, thought wouldn`t get any final bid in at all. so kept hitting Bid button at that point and must have got it back only ms before end, managed to get the last bid before winning one:

06/03/2006 18:12 WIN a £2,500 Expedia Holiday of your choice 1181900 Outbid

While refreshing only, at about 4 minutes before end it was doing the same taking ages and ages. What I am not sure is whether my last but one bid of 1,181,900 was actually made at aboout 2 or 3 seconds and the winning bid of 1,182,000 came straight after then the server gave up accepting bids or was blocked. I can`t be certain if during the fast hitting of the bid button while the refresh took forever I managed to get a bid in at all

Do you think it`s possible that there is some DOS attack being made or something to "block" bids getting to the server?

This item was edited on Monday, 6th March 2006, 20:57


The end of another uneventful day on the Kitkash site :(

Bagged 3 prizes right at the death, so watch out Anni slowly catching up on you :)

Missed out on the washing machine and the Xbox by only a couple of bids each or could have made that 5 in the bag. Oh well there is always tomorrow :) :)

This item was edited on Friday, 24th February 2006, 20:14

RE: Availability of Kitkash products

Phoned local supermarket today to check on availability of supply, found out that the 10 pack milk kitkats (500 pts) are finishing with the promotional wrappers.

It seems that they only lasted with expiry dates of 1 Aug, 1 Sept and some 1 Oct 2006. The pallets delivered to them today have NO Kitkash promotional wrappers for 1 Oct 2006 expiry on 10 pack milk KK. The other high value code multi-packs will become extinct in the next 3-4 weeks. :(

Looks like supply of promotional KK product will be in short supply quite soon, remember for 2005 the promotional wrappers were until the 1 Dec 2005 expiry available until late April/May 2005.

Maybe Nestle are going to force us to buy the lower value Aero/Lion bar/fruit pastle etc products with only 100/200 point codes.

Anyone else found dwindling product?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 22:42

RE: General

agree things have gone really quiet since we have to watch the forum now instead of just the thread, maybe put some people off

and another poor day for auctions, Nestle bring us another private room :)

Was only just outdone on the holiday :( :( by 4 bids

RE: Nestle system failures

Morning all

See there is a new LUB up, might see the return of the others..

RE: Nestle - suggested KK improvements

Kitkash home page says they have removed all the existing LUB`s in progress because of the problems.

The points have been refunded to your account.


RD, how are you able to get the points consistently going up every 2-3 seconds through the night?
Do you for example, use two pc`s located next to each other and just refresh and bid between the twp pc`s?

Or do you have both accounts logged on at the same time on one pc but in two different browser windows?

Or are there two people on two pc`s in the same room?

I would think it difficult to have this consistent bid increase unless there was some communication between the two bidding accounts/bidding people.

Any tips?

RE: Can you help?

Missed dvd player player by 1 bid and Navman by 2 bids

RE: Can you help?

Would you believe it :D :D the camera and printer go for ... wait for it 6 points :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th February 2006, 11:58

RE: Can you help?

Yeah appears to be her one and only win, Heather Gibbons won portable DVD player on Friday, related perhaps...

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th February 2006, 11:52

RE: Can you help?

I cant get the LUB`s to work either :(

Maybe Ms Gibbons knows Mr Jobanputra :$ :$ both from Gainsborough :¦

RE: Can you help?

Well done KKK on winning the in-car dvd player :)

See they have made a mistake by putting up the Littlewoods 5" portable player instead of the 7" one in the Sainsbury`s auctions

RE: 2nd CAR winner

Morning all

Well done to Mr Jobanputra on winning the car, a little more expensive than last year :)

25 March 2005 A Peugeot 206c 1.1 3 door winner Amit Jobanputra, Gainsborough for 1,087,500 points

Who will be next :) I`m betting on KKK or Asil for the next long one.

This item was edited on Friday, 17th February 2006, 10:53

RE: Another prize screw up

under the Firebox auction descriptions they have written:
At Firebox we try to do things a little differently. We search high and low for things with a twist.

Which certainly seems to be the case here KKK, wonder if the cars will be as advertised. They might just send some bicycles instead :D

RE: Posty - You have won

Well done Cheryl Brookman from Northamptonshire on getting the first LUB holiday :) :)

RE: Posty - You have won

Funny thing though Anni about kitkash wrapper man is this:

He says
As the listing clearly states, you are bidding for the actual chocolate bars, not the wrappers, codes or anything else.

Which would be ok and within rules, then in the payment section he goes on to say
....Please note however that if you are paying by cheque, you will have to wait 5 working days for the cheque to clear.

But in the main body of the advert says
The KitKats will only be available for collection for 12 hours after the auction closes, if the KitKats are not collected within 12 hours, they will be disposed of by me, I will of course still give you access to your account.

Now the auction finishes at 15:00 (3pm) on Wed 15 Feb, so "any buyer" has until 3am on Thu 16 Feb to collect all the "chocolate bars" or they will be disposed of.

Surely he can`t do that if it is the chocolate bars you are buying and if a buyer pays by cheque, which takes 5 days to clear.

As he states "it is the chocolate bars" you are buying, which if you win he will "dispose" of if not collected within 12 hours of winning the auction, but you still get the account with the 2 million points.

The advert also says
Please note, KitKash will not merge accounts, so if you have already credited your KitKash points to an account online you will not be able to merge them. However you can use your smaller account to place bids on "Lowest Unique Bid" auctions and use the 2,000,000 points to bid on or buy anything else you want.

So this is inviting someone to hold more than one account.

Somehow I don`t think if Nestle see the advert, which I`m sure they will, they allow it within their t&c`s

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th February 2006, 15:54

RE: Ebay sale - Account with 2 Million Points

If anyone is interested here is a real bargain on Ebay :) Auction 7217846141

Kitkash account for sale with 2 million points already loaded from 555 of the Asda 3600 promotional packs and 2000 free codes. On sale by "perfecttrading" from Borehamwood, some people may recognise the seller having bought codes from him already.

Grab a bargain while its available, only at £82 at the moment, must by worth nearly £1K and you can get all the biscuits as well :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th February 2006, 21:32