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Gremlins Forum

Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

eclypse (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 08:19

I accepted every single fight from everything on the planet my last 3 gremlins, now I notice I am not only getting 0 XP but even - XP by accepting fights that I loose in just a hit or two with no damage, just is not worth it now to accept any more rediculous challenges now. Can anyone tell me if this is right?


RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 11:18

Slight bug in the XP calculation, forgot to take into account tactics. Fixed now.


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RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 12:51

I don`t think it was fixed....

Magic Space Monkey II is the winner on points after 20 rounds

JAWS 3-D won 6 rounds, doing 3738 damage, whilst Magic Space Monkey II won 10 rounds, doing 71 damage

JAWS 3-D gained 82 experience points for this match, whilst Magic Space Monkey II gained 6.

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 12:54

One other thing....

My apologies to all of you who I`ve "Hit Harder" on in today`s matches. I lost the first few matches and got 0 XP, so I switched tactics to conform with how the new version is currently running.

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 13:45

Apologies to anyone whose fight I have refused; I refused as it seemed that I wouldn`t win a round and would end up with 0 XP and a loss on my record - not much incentive for accepting fights is it? :/

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RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 20:42

OK, so not only am I refusing challenges, but I even have a challenge left which I`m not going to bother using, and that`s something I`ve NEVER done :(

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 21:23

Yeah, I`d say the challenges are at an all time low today. :(
I don`t blame anyone for refusing matches if you are going to get zero points. I`m at the top and I got zero points for a couple of matches today.

Call me crazy, but who is the "winner" with these kind of outcomes? :/

Tarot III is the winner on points after 20 rounds

JAWS 3-D won 6 rounds, doing 2279 damage, whilst Tarot III won 10 rounds, doing 843 damage

JAWS 3-D gained 61 experience points for this match, whilst Tarot III gained 27

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 22:27

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

Devil_child (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 06:55

Dont think i like this new points thing. Its now even harder for those at the bottom to move up in the rankings. Being at the bottom means you are forced to challenge those a lot higher, doing this will mean you dont get points even if you cause some damage which is what ive noticed in the fights, if you cause 8 damage you dont get anything, come on its not fair on those with no advantage.

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

Spirit (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 07:14

re fight JAWS 3-D v Tarot III

It is crazy. Call me thick or what but I can`t figure out this new scoring system. Must be ok in theory but doesnt seem to work out fair. I`ve tried fights with grems with different scores and different tactics and seem to come out with vastly different outcomes. Oh well, back to the drawing board for me.

Alls fair etc, but is it?

Sorry Phil outcome of fight this morning surprised me.

This item was edited on Friday, 5th August 2005, 08:33

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Friday, 5th August 2005, 09:26

It`s stupid having to choose hit harder all the time just to get XP. If this scoring system continues I don`t think I will bother creating a new gremlin when my current gremlin dies which is a shame as I have enjoyed playing gremlins for the past 9 months but don`t enjoy it as much as it is now

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