Info and forum posts by 'eclypse'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 24th April 2005, 15:53, Last used: Monday, 31st July 2006, 12:34

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Accepting all Challenges is the Evangelly Way ;)

Don`t take this the wrong way Fake,

You have already proven how useless you are in these forums, try that button yourself and leave the forum posting up to the adults here.

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th August 2005, 11:55

RE: Refused

If you are so much higher than me and it is obvious that one hit will do it, then expect to get a refusal from Stueys Clone, cause I am not going to take a 0 or another -number xp just so you can pad your scores with Stueys dead but, sorry it is not worth it to give points away.... live with it, if they fix the scoring thing soon then I will be accepting ANY challenge.

...and just so you know ask anyone who in the past 30 days who were in the top 20 if they had a little gnat named Son of Stuey challenge them regularly knowing it was a lost cause or anyone who challenged him you will find that he duked it out with all the heavy hitters, that was before this code.

This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 17:58

RE: Accepting all Challenges is the Evangelly Way ;)

I myself and letting Stueys clone decide, for the most part right now if any gremlin is rediculously larger than little stuey expect refusals and lapses because this 0 to - s hi t scores are not helping or fair. It seems someone hit the calculation tool with a tard bat cause this sucks now.

Sorry to say I think this will be my last gremlin, I have had enough, the whole scoring is just plain wrong. I understand point systems but there is no value for winning here, and that is a major factor in making it higher in the ranks, just makes no sense.

As for Evangelly hope you understand if you get a refusal by Stueys clone it isnt you :) I have never refused you before this.

For the guy writing these code I hope you see this. Its not fun anymore.

A suggestion for scoring

There should be code to reduce the XP gained by higher level Gremlins who challenge vastly weaker Gremlins for points. I just don`t see how someone who is in the top 20 with 10000 Stamina, 8000 Dex, and 300 Strength has any business getting 50 points from a fight that they win in one hit against someone with 100 Strength, 127 Stamina, and 200 Dex. No business challenging the lesser gremlin let alone getting such points in XP. In my opinion there needs to be something written that any gremlin who is so vastly superior that it takes one hit to kill then they need to A) recieve 0 XP for challenging a gremlin that is clearly too low, and B) Reward them with XP if they are challenged by way lesser Gremlins but take into account the the underdog and reward points accordingly. I got flamed on a post I previously made when I had been selectively refusing challenges because I didnt understand the points and thought it was about wins and losses (as a normal person would think), Then after that all my next gremlins I was accepting every challenge, but the points being awarded even before this last update were not appropriate for the way larger gremlins, not in my book, just so they can easily pad thier scores, and this is what it is, padding. In some sports like an analogy I read before and figured I would borrow from it, boxers who only challenge lower ranked fighters get no real rewards and are frowned on.

I know this is a game of points, but challenging way weaker Gremlins because you are garanteed the wins and these rediculous points is not a CHALLENGE. :)


This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 12:13

RE: STandings make NO SENSE!!!

Actually that is only partially correct about using the boxing analogy, the world heavyweight champion of boxing technically is not viewed as having 1453 landed punches, 755 punches taken, then wins/losses. It is how many wins/losses/TKO`s. And even then in the real world all people care about is how many KO`s TKO`s and how many times he eats canvas.

This does not really apply here, I had one gremlin I did my darndest to get his win`s to losses up and was doing ok for a while, I accepted some challenging fights and even refused fights I knew where not going to go more than one round, as I though originally that You would want to win, as would any normal person, but this crazy scoring system is super flawed, as it does not reflect how someone who competes would be rewarded. I know this because my first guy never broke into the top 50 and he still technically did not have a good fight record, but it was not as bad as my last guy who was in the top 20??

Theintimidator 245 fights, 106 wins, 139 losses

Son of Stuey 307 fights, 68 wins, 239 losses, AND THIS GUY WAS BETTER??

I know this is just a silly thing to pass the time away and all but the originator of this post does have a valid point. While I know in boxing you can still be the better boxer and lose just by points, this is quite abit different, all I had to do is loose 77% of my matches, but not be KO`d to make it in the top 20?? does that make sense?

No boxer, race car driver, or football team would be in the top 20 losing 77% of thier matches, races or games no matter what the points standings are.


This item was edited on Saturday, 6th August 2005, 11:54

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

Like I said I have now officially refused one fight today from someone I had no way of even hitting because of the bulls*** below from someone who is closer to my level. It doesnt feel like this update, change or if even a fix has been done. 11 rounds and I get 7 points?? this is so not worth accepting challenges that are 100% doomed to loose with these kind of numbers. Way harder for a younger gremlin to get up the ladder, and even harder if you only occasionally play.

"Genetic Clone of Stuey won 1 round, doing 19 damage, whilst Jake Bullitt II won 10 rounds, doing 172 damage

Genetic Clone of Stuey gained 7 experience points for this match, whilst Jake Bullitt II gained 53."

Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

I accepted every single fight from everything on the planet my last 3 gremlins, now I notice I am not only getting 0 XP but even - XP by accepting fights that I loose in just a hit or two with no damage, just is not worth it now to accept any more rediculous challenges now. Can anyone tell me if this is right?



I can`t help feel that this is alot like the movies signs, where that guy has the largest home run average of the minor leagues but also the most strike outs of any two worst players combined in the game.

While I agree that this is just to pass the time way between hours of nothing, I am not sure who here is taking this more seriously, the guy who just wanted to keep his losses lower than his wins (regardless of the points) or the one who feels compelled to make rude comments to the latter.

I think you need to step away from the internet and go outside and play some ball :) this is just a game.


I am pretty sure that the original poster of this thread meant the term looser not in the sense of winner or looser, more like a personal term of looser. :) which is being used more like an unconstructive comment than anything useful. He might as well be calling anyone who declines a fight one of the words we are now allowed to post here.


Oh boy the flamez are ablaze... hehe

first off I only refuse when I have too many super high peeps challenging me, there are some days where there are guys with stats like 102 to 1K Str, 650 to 1K Stam, 710 to 1K Endur, and I would have like 10 of these guys. When I make challenges out of my ten I always do 8 in my class and two way beyond Stuey`s league just to get the higher XP for the fight knowing I will lose.

An example HERE

I also tend to be a playing a bit more smartly than my last gremlin where I just blindly accepted every challenge and got reamed in the end for it, but still I do take on peeps that are out of my leave.

As for the reference above with Gelo4 the specific guy`s challenge that one may have been a mistake, I would have definately taken that fight, I feel bad now that I missed that one (at that time), I do not know if I just blindly refused due to the sheer number of rediculous challenges that day or what. I don`t check every day on my status, but currently Gelo4 is ranked 12th so he must fight way more than I do, and from his specific record of 140/210 points not withstanding it isnt that great a record in my book (no offense) compared to my modest 56/33 :) But this is about points too so gratz on the ranking :).

I am serious there are alot of guys who have no business challenging me just today I had 8 all in the under 40 ratings all with nearly 1K stats just wanting to pad their scores with Stuey blood.

I would not make the assumption that others are losers either if they refuse a challenge, it is not all about being scared or not, after all this is about the stats too and it doesn`t always work to your advantage to blindly accept every challenge and as for me like I stated when I see guys who are in the under 40 rank club challenging someone who clearly has less than 50% of their stats it is still no contest, and I get more of those challenges than I do realistic ones and I am not about to add more losses than wins not for any amount of pressure like from a post like this, just because I am playing the game for more wins. Just doesnt make sense not to.

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th June 2005, 16:03