Info and forum posts by 'recordbreaker'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 12th May 2005, 18:55, Last used: Thursday, 14th September 2006, 19:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 32 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sorry Recordbreaker I didn`t run and hide!

No worries about hitting harder...I was only getting 3 points either way!! :D

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

I can tell you right now that it is not going to work. I had a similar gremlin and there were days where I got NO challenges.

I thought the same thing...low dex will get more challenges. Didn`t happen. After I leveled my gremlin out amongst all three stats, I started getting more challenges. I actually thought the level grem was the most fun. It opened up challenges and it made you think about your tactics. I had a number of back and forth battles as a result.

Some owners would rather take a quick win than a loss and a ton of XP.

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 13:32

RE: Let`s make this easy...

Sometimes I can`t figure out how this thing works. For example...Jaws Vs Morley. Morley has DOUBLE the dex and I still win in 12 rounds. Granted, I have double the strength, but with such an advantage with dex, I should have missed a lot more than I did.

As for owning approximately 20% of the active grems, I did have a problem with it. That was one of the reasons I made some noise. I`m not saying you have to like it but a little credit should be given now that he`s opened up his challenges. It would be different if the challenges stayed interally between the "army".

RE: Let`s make this easy...

I think you already know that I`m game.

I`ve decided to mix up tactics to keep it interesting. You probably noticed that already.

RE: The Army of Wimps Speaks (long)

I really don`t know what the formula is for damage but here are my thoughts.

I`ve noticed lately that if you tag your opponent with damage at or greater than 2000 pts in any given punch, the opposing grem becomes disorientated. This is regardless of how much health remains. At this point, the opposing grem normally misses you for the next 2 rounds. If you are lucky, you can cause major damage at this point, provided your grem connects. After those 2 rounds, the opposing grem seems to snap out of it. Very similar to boxing and that punch that comes out of nowhere, stunning the opponent, and causing a flurry of additional punches thereafter. It`s not always the case, it`s happened enough that I`ve noticed it.

I would think (and I could be wrong) that health and dex should factor into the ability to "take" a punch. Health would factor the reaction to the hit. Dex should factor into your ability to take or roll with the punch thus helping to mimize the damage. In other words, if your grem is caught flat footed, the damage would be much more severe than if your grem was moving away from the punch when it lands.

However, this does seem to be the case when one grem swings misses and the other grem connects on the counter punch. As far as I am concerned this is pretty acurate Vs a real fight as the grem that missed is basically walking into a punch.

Under my theory, take Jaws Vs Bill. I have double the strength, he has double the health, and double the dex. With his dex, he should take the punch better and his health should help maintain the after effects of taking the blow. This should help even out the match. Problem is that this is not happening right now. I`m shelling him with major damage of 2K almost every time I connect. I know it was only a movie, but Rocky was able to take a beating and still stand. It was all based on his ability to take a punch. Then again, this is only a game, so the comparison is fair.

Real ale, I have to disagree with you in regards to strength Vs strength. For example, if Mike Tyson hit Lance Armstrong, he`s go down like a sack of potatoes with one punch. Now Lance is in great shape. He has better speed and endurance than Tyson but Tyson`s strength would overwhelm Armstrong. Lance`s only hope would be his ability to move out of the way and not take the punch directly. If he doesn`t, he`s on the floor. At least that`s I how would apply it to this situation.

Perhaps, I am questioning things that are already in place or have already been argued. Sorry if this stuff is old hat. I`ve never really paid much attention to the nuts and bolts but lamplighter is making me look at this game in another way.

Anyway...lamplighter...thanks for the challenges. You really don`t have to change your plans with your "army" just send a challenge from one or two of your grems once in a while! :D

This item was edited on Saturday, 22nd October 2005, 14:56

RE: The Army of Wimps Speaks (long)

Sorry, one other question I have...

Based on your magnaminous gesture to have your grems removed from the alltime list....

Why would you care how many points you won in any given match? If these are experiments, it shouldn`t matter.

In any event, it`s all good. I`m just curious as to the reasoning :)

RE: The Army of Wimps Speaks (long)

I was calling you out looking for some additional challenges. Nothing more, nothing less. I tried to get under your skin but it didn`t work. I think you are taking this a little too serious (my calling out, that is). Keep in mind that all of my trash talking was not laced with profanity or any little clever inuendos.

If I really cared about your comments about me previous grem, I would have spoken up then. Though, I did think that your comparison to bonus was a little uncalled for.

I really don`t have the time to research your matches to find a 15x difference in any stat. I`m sure you`ve made some lopsided challenges regardless of the mathematical differences. I know I have. I just don`t go on the board and complain about it. I take my beating and move on.

I don`t agree with your stance on the strength issue since you have been ramping up your strength on most of your grems in the past few days. Based on how you have been building your grems so far, why would you now add strength? Why not stay the course on the original experiment? For that matter, the only way I could compete with you was to add strength. You seem like a strategist, so you should appreciate my counter tactics in an effort to beat you. In my opinion, your move towards strength lately is a counter to fend off a stronger grem.

Anyway, jack them up and if I am still alive by the time your think you can knock me out, I`d love to go nose to nose.

This item was edited on Saturday, 22nd October 2005, 00:16

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Sorry, MM. My intention was not to direct that at you. Just venting.

In any event, I sent challenges to the entire "family" and caused some havoc. Of course, none were sent back, but I am not surprised.

I have no issues with going after the all time great title. But just exactly how satisfying is it if you get there by playing the bulk of the matches between yourself?

BTW...thanks for the challenge tazz, I have none left for today, but I`ll return the favor tomorrow.

This item was edited on Friday, 21st October 2005, 16:37

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Sure but that`s the point. Those last 4 challenges are going to gremlins that can easily be beat. Do I do it sometimes? Sure. I`m disappointed that challenges were sent my way after wac called them out. Just about all of those matches went long, giving both sides XP in the 80s and up.

The problem is that I either won or came dangerously close to winning, so no more challenges for me.

It`s no secret that they are on a mission to take over the alltime top spot and that`s fine with me. I`d just like to see them earn it as opposed to using 6 of their own gremlins to propel them up there.

If that`s the way that this game is heading, then I`ll just go out and create 20 gremlins of my own and as somebody else in this post mentioned....I`ll just play by myself.

Yeah, that sounds like fun. (:¦

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed after yesterday. I got challenges by the top 4 so I returned the favor.

In neighborly fashion, I sent 4 challenges out today and got none back.

Oh yeah...

it`s probably because I knocked all four of them silly.

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Fair enough....challenges received. It was a 2-2 draw.

Care for a rematch? Challenges sent

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Hahahaha! That`s funny!

Especially since Bill IV (Bill III, actually) called me out a few months ago for making challenges well beneath me. Talk about being a hypocrite.

Yeah, I`ll dig up that post if you need me to.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 00:46

RE: lets see how many ppl read this

I was extremely pleased to last 3 rounds! 8)

Thought for sure I`d be on the floor in the 1st....

RE: lets see how many ppl read this

I don`t mind getting my head knocked off! :o

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

Yeah, I`d say the challenges are at an all time low today. :(
I don`t blame anyone for refusing matches if you are going to get zero points. I`m at the top and I got zero points for a couple of matches today.

Call me crazy, but who is the "winner" with these kind of outcomes? :/

Tarot III is the winner on points after 20 rounds

JAWS 3-D won 6 rounds, doing 2279 damage, whilst Tarot III won 10 rounds, doing 843 damage

JAWS 3-D gained 61 experience points for this match, whilst Tarot III gained 27

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th August 2005, 22:27

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

One other thing....

My apologies to all of you who I`ve "Hit Harder" on in today`s matches. I lost the first few matches and got 0 XP, so I switched tactics to conform with how the new version is currently running.

RE: Oh I am going to start refusing fights now, yeah this new XP table thing sucks

I don`t think it was fixed....

Magic Space Monkey II is the winner on points after 20 rounds

JAWS 3-D won 6 rounds, doing 3738 damage, whilst Magic Space Monkey II won 10 rounds, doing 71 damage

JAWS 3-D gained 82 experience points for this match, whilst Magic Space Monkey II gained 6.

RE: One challenge left - first to challenge me after 10am gets it!


Good match up but I`m thinking I`ll be a little sore for the rest of the day! :o

;) :)