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Gremlins Forum

Still skewed

dispater (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 11:32

Strength still makes virtually no difference and is a handicap to winning xp.

Look at the all-time stats. Only 1 in the top 10 has a strength over 500 1 in the top 25 over 1000 and 3 in the top 50 over 1000, none over 2000, yet the xp is over 15000.

So basically all gremlins that want a chance at "leaving a mark" are going to just pump stamina and dexterity as has been the norm for the last couple of months.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 11:34

RE: Still skewed

Boomshanka (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 12:49

Yes this is true, except between the hours of 3 and 4 in the morning.. If you dont believe me, try it.

RE: Still skewed

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 14:22

Maybe a way to address this would be that when a fight doesn`t end in a knockout, the winner is not the Gremlin that won the most rounds, but that which dealt the most damage. I don`t think that`s ideal either, and might skew things the other way. Maybe I`ll just start refusing fights from hi dex lo str Grems...

RE: Still skewed

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 15:18

I think only time will tell, as it is finely balanced at the moment.

Richard may have a good point though, and combining that with increasing how much a win contributes to your score more, it would probably offset any advantages.

I do know that my gremlin is beating gremlins with WAY higher dex+stamina who just have low strength, more often than not.


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Still skewed

Jazz_UK (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 15:31

I am seeing the same as RJS and benefiting from it.

I am challenging gremlins who are higher than me in the league with low strength and am winning most - therefore getting the 10points for a win and high xp!


RE: Still skewed

dispater (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 16:12

Well unfortunatly I moved while playing Bob III so i wasn`t able to keep the trend, but I was doing the same as those few hits were all that was needed to win. But if you look at the top 50 overall, you will see why it doesnt` work often enough to make it worthwhile to have a 2k+str gremlin. If it worked so well then there would be more with higer strength fighting those high dex/sta combos for the titles.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

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