Info and forum posts by 'dispater'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 6th December 2004, 14:08, Last used: Thursday, 17th March 2005, 07:38

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 75 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Change in XP

The reason I`m staying out for the duration of Bob the Fourths life is there are some who challenge me daily and I don`t want to cost them their XP. Also it`s kinda cool to see if they win or if I do depending on the day and how we spent our XP. I know you all will continue on having a great time w/out me, kick some gremlin butt and have a blast. In the meantime maybe I`ll finish the dang laundry on the couch, and play another game of trouble with my son instead of sittingon my fat keester in front of the new "tube".

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Change in XP

Hehe, everyone seems to say that. It`s actually Dis Pater, but many sites don`t like spaced names and I hate to use hypens or spacers. It`s a nickname I picked up and have been using since the early 80`s and BBS days (ouch, did I just date myself, go 240 baud modems, whoot!!!)

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

read what i said again and that will answer your question. it was fun at first but started getting repetitive. plus mission accomplished anyway

Wow, he must be like a foot tall, for what I said went right over his head.......

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

meh got bored....and if late555 grem is not great why is he top of all time leaderboard?

answer that one

If so bored why spend the time to troll the boards (no not a mis-spelling) and not fight your grem???

Honestly, wow you guys figured out how to take the top spot, in one sense pretty cool, though I for one really don`t agree with some of the methods used. In another to take it then run away is pretty cheap, so I guess you make your own call as to what your means are.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Change in XP

Still riding off into the sunset as even with the extra xp just can`t compete with some and could spend the extra time with the kiddo`s anyway.

Bob the Fourth has just hung in there, but I`m thinking tonight may be his last.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

Change in XP

Wow, hehe noticed this yesterday or the day before but never really corrosponded it, now getting 30+ xp for a good fight, woo-hoo.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

14/3/2005 Wico Wico belly dropping 100 2260 3400 295 209 86 Refused

Should of recgnized the name, sad thing is this puke is higher than me in the ratings!!!!!

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Was fun all

Thanks for all the positives, you guys are what made this fun. I hope you have good luck in forming a team to take on all new challengers!!!!!!

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Was fun all

Not being soft or a defeatist, but I for one will not resort to using multiple accounts to get either my stats up by referrals or challenges.

Now that being said, I know a handful of players on here, either in r/l or having "met" them through challenges, there are quite a few who have Bob 1-4 in their fight lists as I have had their grems in all of mine.

It`s just simple facts and numbers. Bob, my original, at the time had the most fights of any gremlin (I was just able to log on more than other players) and still has like the #3 spot for losses in the all time leauge. When he passed he was the #27 all time grem, much further than I thought he`d ever get, but high enough to really make me enjoy the game that one step further. Bob is now on page 20somthing, or was a couple fo weeks ago, so maybe has passed page 30 at this point.

That alone would not be such a big deal if I could get close to page one with any of my other gremlins, as new means of fighting are discovered, ect... But none of the rest have done so well in comparison. None can get near the same amount of fights even when the fight totals are 2-3x on average what they were in November.

To me, it`s just discouraging to work on a grem for 20-25 days to get him to page one, to find your pensioner, silver haired whatever is surrounded by teenagers who are less than a week old and hence are just waiting for you to die to move up in the rankins and will bury you in OR.

I truly enjoyed the game, and was fun, in the stupid way, of finding out odd little tricks to beat the grem who had beat you 8x in the past ect... But now, unless I have the +500 for refferals and a group that will give me over 20 challenges a day, there is really no point in playing.

So as I originally said, thanks for the game, and thanks to all who accepted challenges and who gave them, was a lot of fun, but to never have a chance to make your gremlin shine any more has removed the fun for me and so hence I will no longer be playing.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

Was fun all

Well with the new breed of gremlin dominating the game, there really is no more fun for me. Instead of watching myself work through the ranks to get to the last page with others that have worked as hard, now there are "teenage" gremlins all around and while Bob the 4th had out performed the other 3, he`s still 1/3 of higest scorers. I never intened to be the best, just have fun and play around with it, but now there`s not really a chance to have fun any more as the better fighters are all of one breed and one group and even if invited I wouldn`t go for the boredome of it all.

To the creator/s of the game, it was a real blast while it lasted, thanks for letting me enjoy it for a bit.

TTFN or always, John

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

You know you have lived in Iceland too long when...........

Ok, we`ve been here 2 years, 2/3rds of my youngests life, so in some ways I guess this is understandable, but sheesh.

We were walking back to our apartment with the girls ahead of me as I was carrying in groceries and a package when both break out into screams, my youngest screaming so loudly, constantly and badly that alll the doors in our hallway opened as it sounded like I was tearing her limbs from her on by one (at that point I was about to).

The cause, the reason, the thing that made my girl turn purple and blow her top like Krackatowa(sp).

There were 3 flies on a windowsill........

We have 2 new families move in, and typically with anyones household goods shipments we`ll get a couple of flies that make the trip. Since there are virtually no bugs here, too cold, and any that survive the trip die relativly fast as they freeze, it`s a rare sight. The Icelandic flies are small and move so slow cat`s won`t chase them as there is no point. You could pull a Karate Kid move 100x over since they virtually stand still when flying at top speed.

Yes we all got a good laugh, but damn, you know you have lived here too long when a fly strikes terror in your childs heart.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Challenge give away from Loki

Thanks for the match!

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Challenge give away from Loki

One for me please......

Bob the fourth.......

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

Hardest hit

This is my hardest recently, not my hardest ever, was in the 2100 range, but that grem is long since passed.

Fen Cubed grabs at Bob the Fourth, but Bob the Fourth dodges and returns a big punch giving something to think about
(Damage 1735)

Of course this is a friends gremlin who has no stat over 100 atm so I do feel kinda bad, well maybe not, but I should......

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

I was just posting out and out refusals from grems who had challenged me in the past.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

What kills me is when you have been challenged by these gremlins who then refuse yours. That`s why I wish they would change the refusal system, as I didn`t waste their challenges by accepting them when they had 1000 more sta/dex than me, but when I have enough str to hurt them they go running for the bushes. If you`ve accepted a challenge from a gremlin, at the very least they should have to accept one challenge from you.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: challenge give away!!! (stupid to miss out)

TY for the challenge, sorry it was over so fast.....

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: challenge give away!!! (stupid to miss out)

Got one left for me???

Bob the fourth is the name

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th March 2005, 17:33

RE: The new wall of SHAME!!!

Won 7/3/2005 Nessie Haggis Hunter 100 1500 1800 213 130 83 View
Won 6/3/2005 Weegie Weegie 100 1530 1750 233 162 71 View
Won 5/3/2005 Wico Wico 100 1288 1280 207 144 63 View

All had fought me before, and yes their last matches ended up in a loss for them, but I`d be willng to bet if I dug further wins as well, it just annoys me that I`ll take these challenges on the chance I may win or loose btu fight them anyway, yet they run away like the cowering little pusses they are......

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

The new wall of SHAME!!!

8/3/2005 Wico Wico in its prime 100 1600 2101 207 144 63 Refused
8/3/2005 Nessie Haggis Hunter in its prime 100 1648 1887 213 130 83 Refused
8/3/2005 Weegie Weegie in its prime 100 1650 2309 233 162 71 Refused

My grem at the time I found these refusals.....
Bob the Fourth dispater 1100 1560 1560 311 181 130

Friggin pansy arses strike again as ALL of these have fought me before.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Привет!! о чём реч


In order to begin s, all greetings are forbidden under the king Lionel. Then, I order, that you throw call king lionel. They obtain more nearly to the king Lionel and king lionel wants all victories, he is which it can obtain. The good effort Nina and you cannot extend the fur above the eyes of king lionel, king tweed and king leagues. So move rapidly and defy king lionel because king lionel it requires many victories.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

Decline of the forum

It`s a shame to see, especially since I started the thread, the decline of this forum.

Aside from the obvious jabs for fun earlier to get gremlins to fight there really wasn`t the name calling and abuse of other members aroudn here.

Maybe its the inclusion of all the new blood and the excitement it`s caused, maybe everyone is just stressed and tired, who knows.

I for one would like to see it return to a more family oriented and tactful place. I hope others will follow suit.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Armageddon IV: The Revenge

As we`ve had many a match in the past, I would, but I`m afraid for now it would be rather one-sided and don`t want to cause both of us to only have a few point match.

If you really want to though I can callenge you tomorrow, but I`d preffer to wait a week or two for you to catch up to me and really give it a go.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: name and shame.

24/2/2005 DylDoh`s Scent Freelancer young adult 260 355 265 93 49 44 Refused
19/2/2005 grimbler timmie in its prime 87 80 80 8 5 3 Refused

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Jealousy indeed

So all of you have reffered 10 new players, not just 10 seperate accounts?????

I have at my disposal 5 acounts I could set for gremlins (e-mail) but don`t as I`m 1 person playing, so hence 1 gremlin. I know that`s a hard concept for some, integrity and all, but some of us still have it.

jifdave has already admited to at least 4 accounts, so yes, I called BS and foul play. Just because someting isn`t written in rules or law doesn`t mean it`s not an obvious abuse of the game.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

Freinds and family helping is one thng, and it`s part of the game to enjoy. At one time I had 4 other players who I personally knew, so we all challenged one another (no matter what our current stats were) and went on from there.

Self challenging, and self "promoting" is where I call it. This thread could be merged with the many on why there are so many gremlins who have done nothing but make a gremlin and clutter up the lower rankings since makeing spares just for the xp seems to be exploited now.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

Changing/removing refusals

I was wondering if thought was ever given to change or remove refusals.

As the new code is in effect (well been a while) and the most you loose is 2xp or the match there is even less incentive to refuse a match now, yet it still happens and still costs the other gremlins.

If not removing it, then maybe making it so it doesn`t cost the refused gremlin a match???

I know it`s just a game, but peronally it`s just annoying to have to see gremlins you have fought a couple of days straight then cost you a match because they feel they can`t beat you any more.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

So wait, you got yourself 150 extra xp by running another 3 gremlins?? Come on, and you don`t think that`s a little skewed. Though now we know how you had 70 matches in 1-2 days......

If you have lots of mates in here then use them, as some one said join a league ect.. Don`t abuse the system for some extra points and wonder when people call it.

Gee, if I had no life and wanted to boost my gream I could go set up 100 dummy e-mails and sign them all up and then start with 5000xp and call myself cool because I started off with such a high gremlin.

It`s players that have to milk games that make them less enjoyable. Play a gremlin, have fun, try to figure out a better wa to use the code, enjoy it and allow others to enjoy it the same way.

I can`t call it cheating as I don`t recall anything against multiple accounts nor signing yourself up multiple times to boost your gremlin. But this sure goes into the catagory of if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck and talks like a duck.........
The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

This item was edited on Saturday, 26th February 2005, 14:17

RE: Still skewed

Well unfortunatly I moved while playing Bob III so i wasn`t able to keep the trend, but I was doing the same as those few hits were all that was needed to win. But if you look at the top 50 overall, you will see why it doesnt` work often enough to make it worthwhile to have a 2k+str gremlin. If it worked so well then there would be more with higer strength fighting those high dex/sta combos for the titles.

The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

Not a chip on my shoulder and not 500pts we`re talking about here either.

A baby is 1-2 days, maybe 3 but never seen it. I understand referrals and such, so not a biggie there, but to have a baby be in the rankings w/most teenagers and primes does look a bit odd.

Higest I ever got was #3, in history #27, but that was before the sta/dex grems went rampant.

At the time Bob had the most fights ever at 500+ now an average top grem is fighting around 700+

It`s not about waa I can`t get to the top, as I generally have fun just fighting them, though refusals do irk me. I personally refuse to go all sta/dex and so becuase of that will never be in the top again, at least not untill the code changes, if it ever does, so no biggie there.

It`s just very odd that even with referals and all a BABY grem will have 70 fights and average 14pts per. It typically takes a more aged gremlin to be in the category to gain so much XP per fight and very rare to have had so many fights in such a short time. As I said the ave top gremlin has 700+ fights in his lifetime, so around 23 a day, not from 35-70 a day.

Of course if you have started with 500 extra points it brings his average down to 7pts a match, much like the match we had.
The Fat Man Strikes Again!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th February 2005, 15:24