Info and forum posts by 'Jazz_UK'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 5th December 2004, 11:17, Last used: Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 15:13

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Still skewed

I am seeing the same as RJS and benefiting from it.

I am challenging gremlins who are higher than me in the league with low strength and am winning most - therefore getting the 10points for a win and high xp!


RE: Challenges now moving in negative amounts.

But now I show as having 10 challenges but I have none left for today

RE: I`m giving away ALL 10 of my challenges to the first 10 replies - HURRY!


Wishing you all the best for your travels!

Look up "Up for a Fight!" if you are still alive on Saturday


Up for a fight!


As an ex No1 with Santa Claws, I have decided to get my gloves back on and get into the ring.

The fight code may have changed but the rule is still the same "Challenge me" if you think you are hard enought!

Jazz_UK (AKA - Up for a Fight!)

The first rule of Gremlin Fight Club is tell everyone about Gremlin Fight Club
The 2nd rule of Gremlin Fight Club is to TELL EVERYONE about Gremlin Fight Club
The 3rd rule of Gremlin Fight Club is never to refuse a challenge!!!!!

RE: Yet another Challenge Giveaway! First 2 to reply gets a challenge!


You may remember me from some good fights before Christmas with Studmuffin_1980 and Santa Claws before they both passed away.

I took the loss hard, and after a month of mourning decided it was time to get back in the game...

If you have any matches spare tomorrow, spare a thought for "Up for a Fight!" who was just born today.


RE: Fight code version 3 (development starting soon)


Some thought from an ex-gremlin, ex-champion (stilll No2 in overall rankings).

- 30 points for draws: Although I benefited from it, it moves the gremlin up the league to being beside other gremlins with higher xp points, which he will loose against - if he challenges people lower in the league but the same xp points they refuse as they see he is a lot higher in the league. Can we reduce the points to 5 or something!

- I understand why there is no xp points for a one sided battle due to xp points difference, but if I am fighting people within 10 places of me in the league and not getting xp points that seems a bit unfair! ie yesterday I only got points from one gremlin who was in second place, every fight with gremlins below me but still in the top 10 (who chose to fight me) gave me a win but no points.

- Refusing a fight! I think that the refuser should be penalised or the challenger get some points. I made my 10 challenges only to have 3 or 4 refused!

- Lastly I agree with many of the comments before me to make it a bit more random (rock, paper, scissors) or something else to make it more interesting.

Jazz_UK (AKA SantaClaws - RIP)

RE: Sorry!

And the return match between Sprinkles and SantaClaws was a draw!!

I have had the luck of getting a few more draws during my recent fights, but Sprinkles was born first and you have 30 more matches under your belt!!

We will see tonight who has the best score, althought it does not look like we will get any exp points from any fights as those in positions 3 downwards have a lot less points.

I guess it is down to who dies off first to see who gets 1st place in the "all time best gremlins" league

Happy fighting and may the best gremlin win!
Jazz_UK - SantaClaws

RE: Sorry!

Sorry to see you both pass away!

There was a mass exodus from the top 10 and there is nobody I recognise left apart from Sprinkles!

Although I will soon be joining you both in the graveyard, I hope that my last fight is worthy mention and not 3 rounds with a nobody - if you are there Sprinkles please accept my challenge so that I can go down fighting and with honour join my fellow fighters in the graveyard thread!!!

SantaClaws - Jazz_UK

New "Health Meter"


Just fought and seen the new health meter which shows each gremlin`s health throughout the match!

Great addition!!

Keep up the good work

Jazz_UK - AKA "SantaClawa" Currently 3rd in league