Info and forum posts by 'Boomshanka'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 23rd February 2005, 12:33, Last used: Monday, 26th July 2010, 15:39

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Hi my name is boomshanka, but most people call me wmoob[at]...akna I have no friends and was bullied at school... the Headmaster said it was my own fault for being such a naughty boy, and he would punish me (but im not allowed to tell you what he did cos its our little secret). Do you want to be my friend?

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

A must!!

Vibrio fischeri belongs to the Vibrionaceae, a large family of marine -proteobacteria that includes several dozen species known to engage in a diversity of beneficial or pathogenic interactions with animal tissue. Among the small number of pathogenic Vibrio species that cause human diseases are Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus, the only members of the Vibrionaceae that have had their genome sequences reported. Nonpathogenic members of the genus Vibrio, including a number of beneficial symbionts, make up the majority of the Vibrionaceae, but none of these species has been similarly examined. Here we report the genome sequence of V. fischeri ES114, which enters into a mutualistic symbiosis in the light organ of the bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes. Analysis of this sequence has revealed surprising parallels with V. cholerae and other pathogens.

RE: Привет!! о чём реч

Your russian translation device is rubbish.. you wont pull the wool over my eyes either king lionel!!

This is me!!

Here is a link to my personal and private homepage.... egg in your face all you people who think im a bit strange..

the jokes on you. For I have a life...


RE: Jealousy indeed

well i dont believe any of you are really out there...

RE: Lol ever had a fight like this?

have you ever had a fight like this

Boomshanka gets his donger out and whops it on Late555`s head
(Damage 999999999)

Boomshanka wins by loads o` points

RE: name and shame.

I wasn`t refused, and i never even challenged him/her...

RE: Im goin 2 get my gremlins speed its main attribute is that a good idea? plz reply

Yes, have its main attributes as strength, stamina and speed and you cant go wronge..

RE: Challenge me please!!!

I will challenge thee, however it wont be untill im released from this cell... I had an unfortunate event in the post office yesterday where i was telling the old ladies about this site. They then asked to see my gremlin to which i obliged... I am now due in court for indecent exposure.. however that wont put me off cos i love playing with my gremlin...

These gremlins remind me of my school!!

These gremlins remind me of my school... Thats because they are very very naughty.. I used to get "punished" at school by the head master and he said its my own fault as im a very naughty boy.. Im not allowed to tell you what he did because he said its our little secret, and made me lock the thought up in my head and blow away the key!! after my "punishment" he would give me the spanking of my life... "Take that you naughty little Gremlin .." he would say.. "you deserve it! Now send in the history teacher"

RE: Still skewed

Yes this is true, except between the hours of 3 and 4 in the morning.. If you dont believe me, try it.

RE: Ummm, somethings not right

hmm. I blame them aliens and their illegal moon rock trade... Dam martians...

RE: sorting by age.

I was just reading through the forums, and i have no idea as i dont work for this web site. Or have the time to reply to this message.