Info and forum posts by 'Pertwee'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 18:36, Last used: Wednesday, 26th October 2005, 07:23

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Reviewer for What DVD.

This user has posted a total of 34 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

Nope, I got it for £15.84 and I still consider that vastly overpriced considering the paltry extras. Yes, it`s nice to have a film with decent picture and sound, but compare the Potter disc set with the similarly priced `Star Wars: Episode One` - okay the former may be a better film, but the latter wins hands down when it comes to extras.

And speaking of magic, I recently bought `The Wizard of Oz` for £6.99 and the range of extras available on that disc puts `Harry Potter` to shame, especially considering the fact that `The Wizard of Oz` is over 60 years older. AND it`s got flying monkeys in it!

RE: Harry Potter R2 deleted scenes

You need the two outside test tubes for boils: Snake`s bollocks and Porcupine bottoms or something...

By the way, the left-hand book in the library contains a series of designs for Quidditch uniforms, brooms, etc.

RE: Harry Potter DVD - Very disappointing?

I love the film, but the DVD is a total rip-off. Seven deleted scenes, two trailers and a 15 minute compilation of interviews do not make a two-disc set. It is outrageous that Warners are asking so much for so little. My advice is DON`T BUY IT!

Warners are rumoured to be releasing a new two-disc set at Christmas, so perhaps then we`ll get a decent making of and commentary. In the meantime, I`m going to take my disc back and get a refund on the grounds that the extras are crap.

RE: Gawd bless `er - Queen Mum dies

With regard to the cynically prefabricated `tributes`, I regret to announce that the BBC is understood to have three days` worth of Queen Mum programming, whilst ITV has already made a whopping week`s worth of retrospectives, tributes, interviews with corgis, etc.

Still, I suppose the nostalgia generated by the Queen Mum`s demise (added to the sadness over Princess Margaret`s recent departure) should certainly boost interest in the Jubilee. How`s that for cynicism?

Egg: Alien

This Easter Egg applies to the Region 2 of Alien

For those who haven`t already, try highlighting the `Pool of Acid` on the `Alien` special features menu...

Egg: Gladiator

This Easter Egg applies to the Region 2 of Gladiator

I`m assuming everyone knows about the Easter Egg on Gladiator (R2), but in case they don`t: go to the storyboards for the deleted `Rhino Fight` fight sequence and select it; when you see the rhino charging at you, go `up` and hit enter.

RE: Cheap Criterions......Esp Brazil and Robocop.

You`re right - silly me! I hadn`t checked their site for a few weeks and didn`t know they`d gone down the tube. Can`t say I`m altogether surprised. By way of an apology for my stupidity here are the Brazil prices I`ve come up with:

1. DVDME - £41.99

2. DVD Box Office - £43.10

3. Future Entertainment - £44.99

4. Play 247 - £49.99

Let me know if you see it cheaper elsewhere.

RE: Cheap Criterions......Esp Brazil and Robocop.

Depends how you feel about stardvd - they`ve got `Brazil` listed for £34.99.

RE: Nikita - R2?

Have you tried They claim to have it in stock.

This takes you straight to the Nikita page.

Bonne chance!

RE: Laurel and Hardy Dvds

At the moment you`re probably better off sticking to the VHS pre-recorded videos. The picture quality of the DVDs is reportedly good, but they are woefully lacking in extras and contain far fewer films per disc than the VHS tapes.

I`d wait a little bit longer until they bring out compilation discs (instead of just a B&W and colour version of the same film on one crappy disc).

RE: Nikita - R2?

Mmm. I suspect much of that is due to negligence on the part of the fellow who updates the website. They are an excellent site, however, and deliver very quickly (and cheaply).

And isn`t `Nikita` just brilliant?

RE: The Prisoner boxed set - disc 5

I had to change my disc 4 because the disc was buggered up at the edge and wouldn`t effect a layer transition. My disc 5 is okay, however. If in doubt, change the disc and try again.

RE: Adult Entertainment.

Ahem. Not that I know anything about these things, but...

Why don`t you read the disc ratings and reviews on sites such as BEFORE you pay out £25 for an unknown film? And try ordering them from - they`ve got free worldwide shipping and 100s of titles for under £20.

Also, a good way to start is to select a tried-and-tested old favourite from your video collection and see if it`s available on dvd. At least that way, you`ll know what you`re getting.

RE: Omen Trilogy prices

Me, too! Mine arrived today.

Thanks Samantha, you`re a star!

RE: The Wicker Man

"I read that it was buried by a motorway somewhere."

The original film cans were sold for in-fill to the Department of Transport, who used them to extend the M40.

"It`s disgusting!"

RE: cheap criterions

Erm. I`ve just read the threads on StarDVD in the General forum. I shall be deleting it from my browser favourites forthwith.

Run away!

RE: cheap criterions

D`you know, I`ve never ordered anything from StarDVDs: are they tossers then?

DVDME I can recommend, however, especially as its owner Vic DuPreez writes postings on this site! I recently tried to get hold of the Region 1 `I, Claudius` and sent Vic an email: he quoted me the cheapest UK price and ordered it from the States for me. If you want something that`s not on his website, just email him with a request.

Similarly, will do the same. I got the stunning region 1 versions of `Dracula (1931)` and `Frankenstein (1931)` from them for only £17.99 each (including P&P).

If in doubt email the pair of them and compare prices.

Hope this is of help.

RE: The Wicker Man

Of course it`s not Britt Ekland`s body (that was a model) and it`s not Britt Ekland`s voice (that was a singer and, separately, a voice over actress), but nevertheless it is an extremely erotic scene.

With regard to the DVD release, an announcement was made last year regarding a fuller edit than had previously been seen making it onto the shiny disc. The source of this near-as-dammit complete version was Martin Scorsese`s film library catalogue and, unfortunately, when they came to look on the shelves they found the same old TV edit.

The film has such a cult following, however, that I`m sure it`s only a matter of time before we see a DVD release. The longer edit certainly exists (I`ve got it on video) and now that they`ve remastered the sound for that brilliant CD release, it`s halfway there. It`s Christopher Lee`s favourite of all his films, so there should be no problem getting him to do an audio commentary. And Channel 4 did a brilliant `Wicker Man` documentary not so long ago.

There we are, put all that on and it`ll sell like hot cakes!


They`re all 18 certificates (i.e. pretty mild and stocked in WHSmith and similar high street stores). If you want something stronger, you ought to try finding R18 certificates. These are perfectly legal in the UK, but can only be sold via specialist retailers. There are loads of threads about this on this site, so I`d read them before you browse.
No one deserves to watch Channel 5.


Look I realize this is deeply tragic, but does anyone know whether the recent DVD release of this endearing piece of children`s programming is any cop?
Have they got all five episodes from season one? What`s the quality like (picture and sound obviously, not script, direction and acting - they`re crap, we all know that)?
I would be most grateful for further illumination.

Some Like It Hot (Special Edition)

I understand they`ve reissued `Some Like It Hot` on DVD with 5.1 sound, two featurettes and a `3D Hall of Memories`, whatever the arse that is. The region one issue is out now, but we too were promised this little piece of digital joy. Anyone know when it`s due out and where I can order it from?
My lack of firm information regarding the release date is driving me mildly insane.
Well, nobody`s perfect...

RE: Father Ted on Region 1 did that happen!!!

`Father Ted - The Complete First Series` is due out for release in this country (on Region 2, that is) on 20th August, priced £14.99 (
It has the same dearth of extras as Region One, I`m afraid, but at least it`s mercifully free of Region Coding Enhancement.

RE: cheap criterions

Hmm. I think you`ll get better prices from or - the excellent `Peeping Tom` is only £20.99 at DVDME and `Spartacus` is cheaper at StarDVD.

With regard to `Robocop`, I believe there was a staight-from-the-VHS-master US release. However this was apparently pretty crap, so Criterion spent a great deal of money and effort cleaning up the print and sound, and in tracking down all those extras. Hence the elevated price.

Find out more at the Criterion web site:

RE: Britannia DVD

I used to be a member of the Britannia Music club, which offers a similar deal. The initial `carrot` is great, but I found that all subsequent releases in their magazine were priced at Virgin high street prices and postage and packing was an additional £2.99 per item on top of that.
My advice would be to approach this sort of club with care: you`ll find a far wider choice and far better deals on the web.

RE: R1 cheap list updated @

They`ve also got the (far better) US editions of `Excalibur` (with director`s commentary) and `The (First) Great Train Robbery` (with director`s commentary) both at £9.99. And, joy of joys, John Waters`s superb `Serial Mom` with loads of extras - £9.99, too!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th June 2001, 20:12

RE: Omen Trilogy prices

Thanks Samantha!

I`ve just ordered it from Titan, too. No P&P to pay either - excellent. What are their delivery times like: a few days or a few weeks?

RE: Omen Trilogy prices

In the past I`ve ordered The South Park box sets and the Alien box set from play247, all of which are over £30, and never been charged extra for import duties. I should imagine they calculate for this in their prices.

The price you see on their web site is the price they deduct from your card and not a penny more.

RE: Omen Trilogy prices

Well, I`ve had a look around the usual suspects and it looks as though the cheapest UK supplier is our old friend They list it at £33.99 (inc. P&P). If you find it for less elsewhere let me know as I want to get it myself, even though the second film is a big comedown from the first, and the third film is unspeakable drivel...!

This item was edited on Monday, 4th June 2001, 22:23

RE: French DVDs

There`s a fab French web site which exports DVDs to the UK called - their prices, including delivery, work out at around £15 per DVD. So if Mammouth fails you, try them when you get back!

Blackadder on Region 1

Does anyone know anything about the forthcoming region 1 releases of Blackadder? Each of the five discs are listed on play247 as comprising out-takes, interviews and, in the case of Back and Forth, a documentary.

Having forked out for the disappointing region two releases, I just want to know exactly how severe my killing spree at BBC enterprises is going to have to be...