Info and forum posts by 'Mintguy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 4th June 2001, 13:12, Last used: Thursday, 15th September 2005, 06:37

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Me

This user has posted a total of 196 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.16 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD recorders with DivX playback?

Hi Choagy - thanks for that info.

I`ve had a look at the Lite-On website and I can`t find any mention of DivX. Any chance you could give me the url?

Also - do you know whrther the DivX capability applies to the 5045 aswell?



Ok I`ve just found which refers to DivX playback. It`s not entirely clear whether this applies to all their players or not. There is a link on the page which links to a file for LVD2001.

This item was edited on Saturday, 18th December 2004, 02:33

DVD recorders with DivX playback?

Does anybody know of any DVD recorders with DivX playback?

The only thing I can find resembling this is the Kiss machine and they can only record onto the HD and don`t record onto discs AFAIK.

RE: Dixons 128 Mb SD card. £29.99. 4 days only.

I just bought a 512Mb card from eBay for £88!!

Apparently 1Gb cards are jus around the corner.

RE: How do I burn a avi file?

Have you checked that you player can play VCDs and SVCDs. My player for example didn`t by default. It had to be remote hacked to play VCDs and doesn`t play SVCDs at all.

RE: Movie game

I won`t spoil anyone`s fun, by telling the answers I`ve got but I`ve now got...

1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, (9 I didn`t know till you said), 12, 14 and 15

Haven`t got 3, 5, 10, 11 and 13

BTW 4 is NOT The Rock

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 22:56

RE: How do I burn a avi file?

What exactly are you trying to burn?

An avi file is a data file so you can burn it as data just like any other file.

If you want to burn something to watch on your standalone DVD player then you need to burn as a VCD or SVCD. I stopped using "Easy CD creator" a long time (`cos it`s rubbish, although it might be better now), if you want to burn VCDs or SVCDs better to use something like "Nero Burning Rom".

There are a whole host of websites that can tell you how to do what you want better than any explanation in this forum. like for example

RE: is My Little Eye worth watchin?

I thought it was a bag`o`s***e.

Movie game

Take a look at comp at How many can you get? I`ve got 5 I think.

RE: A bit Info needed from you boys north of the border

I think the point is that phoning a Scottish Safeways isn`t going to confirm that is is ONLY sold in Scotland is it?

RE: Panasonic RV41 - stopped working - any ideas?

This may sound daft. But ---

My player started playing up in just the way you described. I figured it was probably dust on the lens or something and tried blowing through the slot. It didn`t seem to make much difference. Yesterday it packed up completely.

I unplugged everything, picked it up and gave it a good shake in all directions turning it sideways and upside-down. I plugged it back in and it is now working fine!

RE: How many costers have you made by accedent???

There`s better explanations that this elsewhere but, briefly...

When you burn a CD the laser must work continuously therefore it must have access to the data you wish to write to disk all the time.
Information about to be stored on a disk is stored in a buffer which is filled by the CD burning software from whereever it is actually being stored (i.e. another CD, your harddisk or somewhere on the network). The buffer isn`t big enough to hold all of a CDs worth of information, only a few seconds. If for some reason, the buffer is being emptied (i.e. burned onto the disk) FASTER than it can be read from the original source, the amount of data left in the buffer gets smaller and smaller until at some point it runs out. That is buffer under-run. The laser doesn`t know what information to burn to the disk, so you get an error and you make a coaster. Burnproof technology basically overcomes this problem with various techniques.

This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd May 2003, 15:12

RE: Buying blank CD Rs, I need some help

You can get 90 minute blank disks now. I got mine from 92 minute capacity with overburning.

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th April 2003, 11:39


I`ve been waiting for this too. I nearly bought the R1.

RE: Major Fraud, Cough! Cough!

If you forget about the coughing for a moment, and just look at the Major`s performance in the hot seat. It just isn`t on, that he would have won the £1m without any assistance. The way he went round the houses and changed his mind is just so inconsistent with how anybody would behave in the position. He didn`t once think, hm... right I`ll take the money. On the million pound question, he should have been bricking himself, anybody would be, and especially him if you look how he was shaking on the earlier questions. He`s a definite cheat.

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

Yeah, I`d used the search many times, but it never came up with this film,I thought it was made in the 70s and I probably restricted it to search after this period.

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

WRabbit - you are a Star! I`ve been wondering about that film for bloody years and years and years.

RE: Can you name either of these movies?

Actually forget the first one, it was earlier than I thought and it`s "Kaleidoscope"

Would still like to know the second one though.

This item was edited on Friday, 18th April 2003, 22:57

Can you name either of these movies?

Ok, dunno if anyone can help me on this, they may have been TV movies that never got a second outing, but I`ve got a vague memory of seeing both of these films sometime in the mid 1970s.

The first one, I thought starred Warren Beatty, but looking on IMDB I can`t find a certain match (although it might be $ - ). It involved him (or someone else) breaking into a factory where they make playing cards, he then doctored the dies that printed the back of the cards, so that he could read the cards when he played blackjack at a casino.

The second film, which I`ve been searching for for ages and because I`ve been unable to find it, I think was very probably a TV movie, involved two G.I.s in WW2 who had been taken prisoner by and old German bloke. The German kept the two G.I.s in his cellar and pretended that the war was still going on long after it had actually ended. In the end they found out that the war had ended because the German gave them a tin of something (SPAM probably) that had "Made in USA" on it. They then escaped and ran into a bunch of guys in WW2 German uniforms, who turned out to be actors making a film.

Any help much appreciated.

RE: Name that film?

The film is a decent enough western but it`s got an apalling soundtrack that makes me cringe.

RE: They made me laugh.

This would be a great story, if only it was real. But as it appears on this page, I`m doubtful.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th April 2003, 10:29

RE: Looking for advice re diallers & high bills?

If you find it difficult to explain to here what to do over the phone you could get her (and yourself) to download VNC, which is bit like PCAnywhere but free and then remotely look at the settings of her computer yourself.

RE: Name that film?

"Mackenna`s Gold" perhaps?

A western, where Gregory Peck find a map to some old treasure, and Omar Sharif is the baddie. I seem to remember a scene similar to what you`re describing.

DECT phone thing with line out? does it exist?

Does anyone know if it is possible to buy a DECT phone terminal with a line out, so that you can plug an ordinary phone or your internet connection into it?

RE: Looks like the yanks have shot one of their own down now!

Er... you got a link for this story? I can`t find any reference to it on the BBC or Google news.

RE: Remake Movies- Better the second time around?

I think the remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" was pretty good, not sure whether you would rate it above the original though.

RE: How long has Sarson`s vinegar had a flip top lid?

Hey. I got caught out on my chips a few weeks ago too!! Then my g/f got caught out when putting vineger in the water for poached eggs one morning and I did the same thing 2 days ago. Bastards.